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LOVE ALL - Episode 3

Discussion in 'Saturdays with Varalotti' started by varalotti, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. chocolate

    chocolate Platinum IL'ite

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    The strength of women- Can it ever be underestimated. What an inspiration a woman can be to another. Only few can be this and they are worth being applauded.Yamini is one of them.
  2. corallux

    corallux Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear BF,

    Every episode is an "eye opener" for us. When Yamini tells us to "move on", it is so apt.

    We come across people in our lives who have hurt/betrayed us. They go along their merry way & we keep thinking of their hurtful ways. The end result is that we end up with worry & depression thanks to someone who do not care for us.

    Your knowledge of cookery is getting better day by day BF. But it hurts NRIs like me. Why?

    It is cold & wet in Melb today. Your list of yummy edibles make my mouth water. Specially when Smt. Varalottiji mentioned how she is making potato bhajjis.

    Say hi to her on my behalf BF.

    Have an extra helping of the yummy Bhajjis on my behalf BF! Enjoy!


    Your GF
  3. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Meenakshi,
    thanks. As Corallux has mentioned most of us are like Kripas. When somebody hurts us we become immobilized whilst the person who has hurt us is happily going ahead with her life. And we have friends and relatives who mourn with us. But a real friend would be like Yamini to give us a jolt with her words and wake us up with her strong words.
    I am already done with the recipe forum. I will have to now focus on ther forums of www.com — the web starts here.
    Parts 13 and 14 were outbursts of pentup thoughts and feelings.
    Thanks once again Meenakshi for being very regular and prompt in writing a fb. It means a lot to me.

  4. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    My Dear DD,

    Hats off to your grandpa. He should have had a lot of courage in breaking away from the convention.

    I got married in 1984 and I could not break it; Indhu got the traditional "arakku" kooraipudavai.

    And it's nice to hear that in your case the bride was allowed to choose her combo. Normally Kooraipudavai is the prerogative of the bridegrooms' family. So if they let you chose it..... well hats off to them as well.
    Your SriPa
  5. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Divya,
    I have been missing you for the first two episodes and am happy to see you here. Most welcome.
    You are right about the strength of women. Apart from helping us run this world, the strength of women has been an endless source of inspiration to Varalotti's stories. If that is removed from all my writings.. well nothing worthwhile would remain.
    But yes, unfortunately only a few women are an inspiration to other women. And yes my heroine is surely one of them.
    thanks for coming in.
  6. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear GF,

    thanks for those great words.

    Generally people of this world - whether men or women - are of two types. The soft and the hard. The hard people if they hurt the soft ones - well they won't even know they have hurt and in some cases such hurting gives them orgasmic happiness - and they move on with their lives happier than what they were before.

    The soft guys are frozen. They repeatedly mull over what happened and cry over their friends shoulders. In some cases they even take some masochistic pleasure in being hurt. And the only antidote for them is a "hard" person with a "soft" heart who whips them to move on. That's what Yamini did to Kripa this week.

    My knowledge of cookery!.... that's a big joke. It's just the effect of some simple writer's research and valuable inputs from Smt. Varalottiji. As to cooking I am a perfect zero.

    Yesterday when I posted this episode it was very cold and continuously raining here in Madurai as well. So my mother and wife decided to make bajjis for evening snacks. But Indhu got stuck up with the third episode that my bajjis got delayed by more than half an hour. But tell me GF, can I complain?

    Even without your saying I had so much of extra helping of the yummy bajjis yesterday that I had to walk about four and a half miles to atone the sin of gluttony.

    thanks for the nice fb, GF.
    Your BF
  7. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sridhar

    Good to know that u were inspired by my PM. They say na Give to the world the best u have and the best will come back to u.

    Yamini has got all the good qualities. Just as Jey and Malathi are helping us because of this site she will be also helping others by her site.

    A son need not thank his mother. She only expects love and affection.Your feedback is itself a boon to me. I am honoured that I am playing a dual role of a mother.

    Part 1 of Episode 3 shows how much patience Yamini has which every girl should have. In the second Part you have shown the love andaffection of a mother through Yamini.In Part 3 you have nicely shown how Yamini brought about change in Kripa's mind about how not to lose hope because of the behaviour of her husband and the change in her mind you have brought about by her change of dress and looking presentable.

    In Part 4, 5 and 6 you have nicely brought out the hospitality shown by Kripa to Yamini and the way she gave her a saree to show her love and affection for Yamini who changed her mind so much and taught to fight for right. This is our culture. By writing this you have brought about our Hindu Culture that how a women treats when Lakshmi comes to her house.Finally you have shown where there is a will there is a way and Patience and persevarance can overcome mountains.

    Sridhar sorry for boring u . Whatever I feltfrom the episode I have written but I do not know whether I have written properly.I think you will understand what I have tried tomention.

    Once again thanks to you for the nice feedback and all thebest. May Goddess Meenakshi bless u all the time.

    with love and blessings
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2008
  8. Jenz

    Jenz Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear Varlotti Sir

    When I read the episode 2, i felt a rush inside....to do something worthy like yams!
    Now with episode 3, blood starts to boil. :)

    Quite a positive character is yams. Starting to like. Kripa....the beautiful, so many people like her.....wasting their potential for some weird reasons!

    I only wish there are no gaps between episodes ;-)

  9. Arunarc

    Arunarc Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Big LaughBig LaughNow you forgot the EG of Daniel Goldman and remembering EQ of Egypt.........hahahaha that is a real compliment.
    If not for bajjis but sure to come and meet you and Indhu that is for sure.
    Thank you so much for the invitation.

  10. Lalitha Shivaguru

    Lalitha Shivaguru Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Boost,

    Sorry to butt in not with the fb but with ladies prerogative..... the koorapudavai discussion. My saree was also selected by myself. Actually I had fallen in love with my mother Kp saree.... a kind of leaf green with dark maroon colour. I took my mom's saree to the shop and told them to get me the same. You know in Bangalore we do not get much of kp's at all... but this shop person seeing my love for the same got it ordered for me. So Iam a proud owner of leaf green with maroon border rich pallu saree.

    BTW: another Kp here...did you notice but the meanings are different he he he.

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