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LOVE ALL - Episode 3

Discussion in 'Saturdays with Varalotti' started by varalotti, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. Arunarc

    Arunarc Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Varalotti
    It was an interesting episode.
    Yamini going into so many trial before accepting her project.
    You really need a treat from Indhu no wonder she is preparing bajji's today

    Hello For your eyes only
    I am also with Viji in the quene to get the bajji's[​IMG][​IMG]
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2008
  2. Oviya

    Oviya Silver IL'ite

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    My Dear SriPa,

    First, let me thank and appreciate you for the efforts in presenting yet another grand episode.

    Looks like you have missioned on hitting centuries in single balls. I didn't mention it in the second episode thinking that a repetition. But, can't resist myself in this one. Bear with me.

    I really have no idea how to start my reply about this episode. Beware, SriPa, this episode is sure going to create lots of expectations about the story's development. You need to have lots in store.

    The whole episode was very very crisp and sharp to the edges starting from Yamini's idea to meet with Kripa to the end.

    Kripa is a lovely character. You have brought out her feelings very well with her enthusiam from dressing herself up to working towards the project. I loved reading her overflowing gratitude and affection by giving her used saree. I can relate to that. I feel like doing that but not doing all the times.

    To top this scene, my 'Koorai pudavai' is of the same combination, too.

    Mathangi is a lovable name. The moderator is ready for 'home decor' forum.

    Shobana's being the most important part to show Yamini's mettle it comsumed a good amount in this episode. But, I never felt that it was running long. So interesting.

    You carved the maid's character too, very lovely.

    Reminding you, SriPa, I'm expecting more from you. Not my fault but this episode's...

    Your Dear DD.
  3. Oviya

    Oviya Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Vashini,

    Your poem is a wonderful choice.

    Thanking you for treating us with sweet ones.

    SriPa has honoured your efforts in posting it alongwith the episode.
  4. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Viji,

    thanks a ton. Yes you are the first. I still remember your kindness in sending me a pm minutes before posting the episode. I read your pm, replied it and then only started posting the episode. That pm reflected the great confidence you have in me and sure was an inspiration.

    Yamini is bold and beautiful. At the same time she's soft and loving. She was a lioness when she roared to Eric Sanders about our country's values. She was a loving mother when she brought back Kripa from her forced hibernation.

    Actually the poem was not written by Vashini, it's a poem chosen by her. The poetess' name is there in that post. Since she had been posting a poem for each of the episodes, I got the poem from her in advance and posted it along with the story.

    I don't think I can adequately thank you for your wishes and blessings.
  5. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Viji,
    You are right. You were the first mother to hold the child in your arms and bless her.
    And you play a dual role. That of my child's mother and and it's father's mother. Thanks for your blessings in both the capacities.
  6. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Indhu,
    thanks a ton for those kind words. I know about the change in the plan. Not only your feedback dear, but also the crispy bajjies (all of them - brinjal, potato, onion and plantain) were worth waiting for. In fact I had so much of bajjies that I decided to walk more than 8 kms today. As you know I walked up to the Vinayakar Temple and walked down the distance as well. The only luxury I allowed myself was a cup of filter coffee at Visalam when I came back.
    Thanks and looking forward to your next visit.
  7. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi EQ,

    thanks. Formerly when I heard the word EQ I used to think of Emotional Quotient and the masterpiece of a book by Daniel Goldman. But now EQ reminds me of you. ha ha ha.

    Yes, you are right. The bajjis were a real treat. And I overate. Something I ought not to have done.

    And to compensate for the sin of gluttony I walked up to Vinayaka Temple which is 4kms from the house and walked back the distance. Still I feel heavy.

    There is no need for you and Viji to stand in the queue. When you are here we'll make you both sit at the head of the table and Indhu and I will serve bajjies personally.
    Looking forward to meet you and Viji.
  8. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    My Dear DD,

    I feel relieved and refreshed seeing your fb. Yes this time it was a little hard. I started working from last Monday onwards. From Monday till Wednesday when I got the first full draft ready, it was a sort of pain. And then on till 330 pm today (Sunday the 23rd Nov) was another sort of pain.
    I compared the pain to the labour pain because it's a pain I love. Like the women love the labour pain because it is an essential step to motherhood.

    Because I was editing the script several times, I had the opportunity of trimming the edges and making it crisp. When so many people are showering so much love on me, this is the least I could do. And this helps me because when it is later made in to a book the process of editing will be quite easy.

    Well, you have sent jitters through my heart talking about expectations. I don't have much in store. But I am confident of building the story up as we go along. So long as my daughter prays for me and wishes me, that should not be a problem.

    Kripa's meeting was the tough scene for me in this episode. I didn't want her to change her mind just like that, it wont be credible. At the same time I did not want that scene to be longer than necessary.

    I loved writing the video conferencing scene. I have been having those thoughts for years and LA gave me an opportunity to vent them all on you guys.

    Yes, Mathangi is ready as a moderator for Home Decor Forum. We have mods for cookery, Arts and Crafts ready now. I am wondering about starting the Good to Read/Write Forum. Any help in that area? ha ha ha

    Thrilled to know that your Kooraipudavai is of the same colour combination. But I have heard that Koorais should always be of brick red colour (அரக்கு) Why did they deviate and chose biege?
    In fact I did not even consult Indhu about the colours. I consulted her on the make-up things, of which she is the expert. I had noted down to ask her about the saree colour combination. But I totally forgot. Now I am thrilled to know that I have accidentally chosen my daughter's kooraipudavai combination.

    Thanks for the nice fb, DD.
    Your SriPa
  9. meenakshirajan

    meenakshirajan Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Sridhar,
    Again a great episode from you Sridhar. I feel Kripa’s reaction is very much natural.
    I thought you are going to come out with one more recipe.
    Your description about the saree is really good.
    Part 13 and 14 are ultimate. We can learn a lot from your stories. Real inspiration.
    Vashini thanks for giving us a nice poem.
  10. Oviya

    Oviya Silver IL'ite

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    My Dear SriPa,

    Assuring my prayers and wishes.

    My Thatha (paternal grandfather) was a great fan of pink. So, he was let to choose a red bordered pink saree for my Patti. Their marriage was way back in 1934.

    He chose red bordered blue sarees for my Athais.

    I followed suit and chose my favourite combo.

    Your Dear DD.

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