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Lonely Life

Discussion in 'Parents & Siblings' started by Meghaa, Jan 30, 2017.

  1. Meghaa

    Meghaa Silver IL'ite

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    Just feeling a little melancholy today. So where else can I find a whole group of supportive friends :)
    I want to start with what I am grateful for in life :
    1. A good husband and a happy marriage
    2. A decent job. No major financial stress.
    3. In laws who never bother me and are nice to me
    4. Parents who love both me and DH
    5. I do have a handful of close friends
    6. I get along well with DH's extended family
    And now the things I am struggling to deal with :

    1. I cut off my brother after years of trying to give and give with no appreciation in return. He has a son . I might never get to know my nephew
    2. DH has a brother. They like him but they dont want to accept me. They dont share pics of the kids. She dint even talk to me properly when I went to see them last time. So after 4 years , I decided to stop trying.
    3. I have also distanced myself from the extended family on my mother's side - because of different reasons. The essence being that I could not handle the negativity and talking behind my back.
    4. The mother of all - infertility . We wanted to have 3 kids :(

    I love having a huge extended family. I always made few close friends rather than a huge group. . And here I am , I could count on my fingers the number of people I can exchange calls/visits with. I have even started believing in astrology - I am a vrishchika rasi and apparently this is my sade sati. Will it get better ? will it pass? I cant imagine how - all the damaged relationships , can be maybe( IF AT ALL) repaired but never restored...

    It is not like I took those steps of keeping distances from people lightly. It was after reaching the end of my patience and border of self respect. I know some people are more patient than I , but I did what I could.

    Life just feels so empty today. I keep toying with the idea of returning to India. DH is not ready for it. Besides, I am not even sure it will help. We are both independent people and like people to be straight and not poke their nose in our business and that might actually make our short list of relationships even shorter . lol.
    skalluri and pooaps like this.

  2. Meghaa

    Meghaa Silver IL'ite

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    I have started to look outside to what I can do to help. I donate to a children's home in India. We are going to start mentoring a couple of kids there. Will talk to them on skype next weekend. Looking forward to it.
    Another cause I feel strongly about is gender equality. I want to do something to bring a positive change even if it is to one person , hopefully a handful of young people. I want to fill my life / time with purpose instead of moping around about what isnt. But I am not sure where/how to start
  3. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Meghaa - You tried with your brother. It didn't work. You let him go. It's going to hurt but each time it hurts you can reassure yourself and tell yourself that you did indeed try your best. Your best effort didn't yield the desired results. What more could you have done? Nothing.

    Don't fret over things that you don't have control over. I worry a lot too. These days it's quadrupled but I'm trying to reign it in by doing things to help alleviate that feeling of helplessness. I've often noticed that when I have plan A/B in place then I'm less stressed. It's only when I don't know what I'll do in the event that option A doesn't work out is when I'm more stressed. Being in the dark and not knowing what next is what troubles me the most.

    Regarding the Saturn's evil effect, if it is any solace, Saturn just transited into Dhanu(Sagittarius) a few days ago. Since you are Vrischika Rasi and Saturn is transited into the next rasi, the next two and a half years should be better and it's the last part of your Sade sathi. Hope that makes some stress go away for you.
  4. dc24

    dc24 Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Meghaa
    Life shows it's colors and unfolds in strange ways. Nice to know about your loving relations with your DH n parents.
    Regarding infertility...all i can say is that...please continue with your treatment (if u are taking any) and keep praying to God. Faith n prayers can move mountains.
    As a remedy for your sadesati of Saturn...you may recite Hanuman Chalisa on saturdays. Since you're living abroad..it may not be possible...but watering peepal tree on Saturday morning and lighting diya of mustard oil helps a lot in alleviating afflictions.

    Good Luck
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2017
    momsky and Meghaa like this.
  5. Nonya

    Nonya Platinum IL'ite

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    Returning to India ? In which country are you now ? Amreeka/Canada/UK/Europe/Dubai ? You are better off wherever you are, in terms of having no nose poked into your bizness by relatives.
    Sometimes, we have to see the brightside in things. A silverlining in a cloud. Imagine people who use birthcontrol and restrict themselves to good behavior etc... You can do it anytime, any day, any which way. If you go the most sinful kinky way, you would draw the attentions of such gods who object to such behavior, and punish you with a triplet. I say that this would be a good prescription for you. Subscribe to a few **** channels and watch them together; order out samosas....enjoy your life. Count the positives.
    Sunshine04, Madhumagie and momsky like this.
  6. Meghaa

    Meghaa Silver IL'ite

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    Thank you Laks and dc24.
    Nonya - I think our problem is we are good at not letting people poke nose into our business - which is what is leading to this isolation. But yea, we might just piss more people off if we are in India. But I think we can be close to parents and in-laws. We have been married for 5 years now - private time isnt a premium when you live abroad and I am craving family.

    lol - kinky , maybe I should try that. Esp with the treatments looming over my head all the time , it maybe a good way to be distracted ;)
    My entertainment is romance novels- maybe I will get DH to read them :smilingimp: ( no pressure at all to be like the heroes)
  7. Meghaa

    Meghaa Silver IL'ite

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    Yes , I did my best both with my Brother and DH's brother's family. I genuinely believe I could not have done anything more / different. Yet the fact remains that we have no cordial relationships with either. Siblings just leave a whole - which cant be filled. So what option do I have but to accept it.

    Same thing with infertility - I am on IVFs . Whats next - surrogacy -> Adoption. They all come with the same share of emotional and financial strain and heart ache. Not exactly comforting plan Bs.

    Just seems like - the more mature/patient I grow , the harder problems life seems to throw at me. Sometimes I wonder if the so called God actually blesses those who are petty , irresponsible or inconsiderate to others feelings?
  8. Meghaa

    Meghaa Silver IL'ite

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    I went to bed and couldn't stop thinking. I think I want to go back to India because I am afraid parents and in laws are all the family we have/ ever going to have. I want to be with them while I still can. Because these days when I imagine the distant future , I only see the 2 of us.
  9. Nonya

    Nonya Platinum IL'ite

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    Some of the most cruel things that happen to people is to have their wishes come true.
    Reading ? Try one weekend at home without clothes on. Learn the art of depilation and grooming. Snack on high carbohydrate munchies, and take intermissions. etc.. No Reading instructions. Try and see what works. I was so totally amused at the way the automatic censor deletes some preset words. Hahaha...

    Bite. Don't Bark.
    Madhumagie likes this.
  10. dc24

    dc24 Gold IL'ite

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    Don't know whether u have tried ayurveda or not. But many TTC ladies have been benefited from the following...
    Shivalingi 2mg
    Putraheevak 2 mg
    Phala Ghrit half-tablespoon
    To be taken in the morning empty stomach.
    In addition...practising Kapalbhati pranayama.
    CoolPie, Madhumagie and Meghaa like this.

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