Hello Members! Our main objective is to ensure that indusladies.com continues to be a great platform for Indian ladies to discuss anything of interest to them. Friendly - yet fierce - discussions and self-less sharing make our community irresistible. The friendships we build and the civility with which we engage make us a very special community. While most of the discussions are global in nature, we felt that people living in a particular city should have a separate space to flock together and discuss their local stuff. Today, we are starting few sub-forums for cities that have good density of our members. With these sub-forums, the range of topics that you can discuss has exponentially increased. You can now ask about a good gynecologist, a safe daycare facility, a job lead in a local company, a good guitar teacher, a new Italian restaurant, the right place to buy a rare item, the cheapest place to buy groceries etc etc. You will get knowledgeable and experience-based responses from your fellow members. You can also use these sub-forums to organize play-groups, plan get-togethers and even host visiting Ilites! The possibilities are endless! Please invite your local friends to join our community. The more the merrier! The value of a new member is enormous to the community! If your city doesn’t have a sub-forum and you would like us to create a sub-forum for it, please send me a pm and I would gladly create one. As always, please post your comments and feedback! One housekeeping thing...Can members please update the location in your profile to include city, state and country? Find out How?
Congratulations Induslady! Dear Induslady, When I opened the site this morning I saw sub-forums for almost every town and city in the world, from Bay Area to Bahrain, from Chicago to Chandigar. Congratulations! Great Job. You have given importance to all the countries and states. It is not only easy to seek or give information but easier still to identify friends, to know about our home town and above all, it will help forge the community bond better. Whosoever suggested this idea, Madam, Hats off to you. Now a small note of caution to all the ILites. I am not holding any position of authority to tell this (I am not sure whether I am even authorised to open a new thread here; if I am not authorised, Varloo, the moderator, please pardon me). Let us all talk high about our own places. For me Madurai is Heaven. So will it be for Chitra or Vijee or Mohana. And for Meena no place on earth can even hold a candle to Bangalore with its KPs and RPs. And like that there are people who are attached to particular cities. All these preferences are purely subjective. Every city is different from the other; and no one is better or worse than any other city in the world. So when the forums are divided on the lines of geographical boundaries, let us remember that all the 1700 plus of us ILites are united by a common bond of love and friendship. So when we write in the sub-forum for our town let's talk high about it but should not at any cost and on any account compare our town with another and say anything bad about it. Above all let us not use this Forum Subdivision to divide us into small sub-communities talking only about our place and town. The sub-forums should be used only for the conveniene of seeking and providing specific information and not for germinating a "us" against "them" tendency. After all our founder Induslady comes from a place, which, some 2000 years ago, while still being a small dot in the world map roared to the whole world, "The whole world is our place. And all the people are our friends and relatives." Yadhum Oore, Yavarum Kelir. And let's have one simple ground rule. Only those things that are exclusive to our town we'll post it there. Let all other good things find their way to the relevant general forum so that every one sees it. Let me repeat. The sub-division of the forums place-wise should serve to unite us as a single force, a single community connected not just by the Net, but by the net of love. Now let me say this with your permission I am not introducing myself in the Madurai forum. (It was I who first insisted on the Madurai sub-forum) for I want to be known not as a Madurai man but rather as an IL man. So my earlier intro in Who Am I will stay. I will use the subforum rather to introduce Madurai. Any one seeking any information on Madurai is welcome to post there in that forum. Wishing you all the best, regards, Varalotti
My Congrats too... Dear Induslady and co, I extend my congratulations too for this new endeavour from you. It was a great idea of Varalotti to start this thread as congrats are highly deserved by this efficient group. I find the thoughts, concerns and advise of Varalotti very timely and hope we will all follow them. L, Kamla
Thanks a lot, Induslady! Dear Induslady, I wanted to post a congratulatory message on this wonderful development. Naturally I chose to post it on What's new but then I realised that I could not post there. So it was only half-heartedly did I post the thread in General Discussions forum for India. And now I am happy to learn that you have dragged my post to the right place. Let me take this opportunity to repeat, that this place-wise sub-forum creation is a wonderful move. Best of luck, Varalotti
I completely agree! Thank you Varalotti for the kind response. You are exactly right about the objective of these local forums. It is not only for local information sharing, but also for finding members who live nearby and form friendships and bond together as a community. Your concern is very valid. When we thought of opening local forums, we were also wondering whether general discussions would get splintered into various local forums. Your ground rule is 150% accurate. Let me also repeat for the sake of everyone. Only things that are exclusive to the city should be posted in the local forums. Everything else should be discussed in the subject-specific forums so that ladies from everywhere can participate. Once again, thanks for such a great post. We look forward to the local forums being a run-away success.
Thoughful Initiative Dear Indusladies, This is a very good initative from your end..To start region-speific thread, by doing so, its easy to identify local IL's residing near us and as you rightly said, it opens doors for a rendezvous, It's more fun and joy to see a fellow ILmate in person, isn't it ?? I was wondering for long, how to identify my location based IL in the website, I guess now with the advent of these sub-forums my querry may get answered... Keep the good show going and with each and every day, IL outlook and charm is growing ! Hat's off the great minds behind these intiatives...! Love, Preethi
Thank you. Preeti, I am glad that you liked it! Please help keep you local-forum a hot spot! Thanks Preeti.