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Little Traffic Violations And Morality?

Discussion in 'General Discussions - USA & Canada' started by Naari, Dec 17, 2017.

  1. Naari

    Naari Platinum IL'ite

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    Hello People,

    There is too much talk & discussion on the forum right now about doing the right thing & high morals & general integrity. A friend of mine miss A, while I consider her a person with high morals generally, she does not think twice while getting away with little traffic violations like

    -entering freeway always through HOV lane when she is the only one driving with no passengers in the car;
    -setting the Freeway ‘good to go pass’ on HOV so she doesn’t pay toll ocassionally when the tolls reach a 10-12$ due to accidents etc even though she is alone ;
    -speeding frequently

    I must caveat this by saying that she is a very good driver & has had no tickets so far. But question is she doesn’t feel an iota of moral dilemma or confusion while doing this & she thinks it doesn’t impact her overall value system . Questions are:

    Do you guys occasionally or frequently commit traffic violations (reason being anything, to get home to family soon , to office etc) ?
    What’s your take on this issue?should this kind of violation shake up her value system?
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2017

  2. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    The HOV lanes in my area are religiously patrolled by police who hand out fines of $250+ to the lucky and serious points to the unlucky. And I see cars pulled over each and every single day. That keeps all but the dimmest or wealthiest drivers honest. And thanks to speed cameras on every residential street that can also become a very expensive habit.
    But to answer your question, I would not do this personally. It's wrong and unfair, and it's not worth the consequences if you get caught.
    Vale, Sunburst and Naari like this.
  3. Archanaanchan

    Archanaanchan IL Hall of Fame

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    Personally i would never dare to violate any traffic rules at any point of time unless it happens without my consent.
    When you know violating something is wrong, Why would you even think of doing it, be it small or big?!

    When you violate principles, you place on yourself the same burden as an immoral act.
    Being a good driver, not having any tickets taking lenience to commit traffic violation is no good.

    Taking this in IL's perspective, If someone can take a little authority to break the traffic rules in-spite of tickets is not agreeable.
    Vale, Naari and Sunburst like this.
  4. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    HOV violations are fine, in my book. I don't do them myself, but when I see others cheating in HOV lane anywhere I don't mutter that I hope a cop catches them. Many people say that the risk of getting caught and the minimum fine is worth the time they save daily. Doesn't increase insurance either. Not a supporter of HOV really, I kind of agree with their argument. OTOH, rash driving, clueless drivers, overly slow drivers who are going way slower than flow of traffic, teenagers in a hurry, motorcyclists who split lanes with cars dangerously, those who cut into exit-only lane at last minute ... these bigger violations that put others at danger, make me view HOV violations benevolently. I know this is not very logical.

    This is a slightly grey area. No one drives strictly following the speed limit. I have read it from authoritative sources that if a car is going at the speed limit but holding back more than five cars behind it, driver can get a ticket. So, if the speeding is done carefully and safely, it falls under 'everyone does it.' I have seen drivers who drive at speed limit but are a danger to others due to being distracted etc. AGain, I know this is not logical.

    Not moving violations.. jaan bahut pyaari hai for that : ) love my life too much. But, I park in disabled parking outside library etc when waiting to pick up kid if lot is full. I am in the car at all times, and there is always at least one other disabled spot empty, and if I see a car with placard drive up, I move. And overall I spend less than 4 minutes in the spot, with engine running.

    If it endangers others, not nice. If it means she pays less toll $$ etc, chalta hai.. it is like people used to rent bollywood dvd's from Indian stores while movie was still new ... What can people do if there are no theaters screening it nearby or there are theaters but full of babies crying in strollers that block the aisle and two people reserving entire row with jackets and shawls 30 mins before movie start... and mom happily walking back and forth with the baby while movie is playing, loudly shushing the babies when it makes sounds. We didn't watch movie in theater for years when kids were small.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2017
    Naari likes this.
  5. Nylaa

    Nylaa Silver IL'ite

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    I agree with this. While I don't do this myself, I don't think HOV violations are that serious and don't negatively judge people who regularly commit them. My logic is that HOV violations don't endanger anyone while rash driving, motorcyclists weaving through traffic, and cutting into the exit-only lane at the last minute do and could certainly cause an accident.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2017
    Naari likes this.
  6. Sunburst

    Sunburst Platinum IL'ite

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    Hello @Naari. We live in a free country and with freedom comes responsibility. Any law and order is created so there is proper distribution of resources and people can co-exist mutually. In order to maintain an equlibrium, one has to follow certain rules especially when we are in a social setting like office, schools, temples, social gatherings or using shared resources like roads. The HOV lanes are created in order to avoid peak hour traffic congestion thereby reducing commute time. Many commuters buy electric or zero emission cars or buy the green carpool stickers to use the carpool lane. In the recent years, the demand for carpool stickers have exceeded it supply. If someone who is making all the efforts both in terms of time and money and following the system to the T, then why should others get a free pass? The whole purpose of having a carpool lane and its benefits are defeated then. Assuming there are no cops around and if one single occupant car enters the HOV lane, doesn't it get more tempting for others to follow suit? How does that solve the traffic congestion then?

    People who break rules will always rationalize saying "I want to get home early" ( lack of patience), some have absolute no fear of law, some assume that since they have never been caught, they can continue to do "man maani".

    It's not for you and me to decide whether traffic rules have to be followed or not . It has to be followed at all times. Period. Another form of traffic violation is running the traffic lights. A Red light or a stop sign means stop so whether it's day time, night time, no cops around, holidays, rushing to get home early, it means stop at ALL times. Or let's say school zones generally have low speed limit. Would you drive at the speed of 70 mph just because the kids are in the school and the streets are empty? I have seen people running through traffic lights at late nights on empty streets .People who want to break law will always break rules. Such people are always in a hurry no matter what and to me they are plain selfish and have absolute no regards for their fellow citizens. Forgot about insurance and traffic citation tickets that one has to pay for in case of a violation. Those are all secondary things. What is more important is that people do not realize is that although their violation of a traffic law may seem minor, it pales in comparison to the results of a deadly collision possibly resulting from their violation which may affect the innocent lives on the road too.

    Lastly, what we do is what our kids absorb. If the kid in the back seat is used to seeing his parents running through lights or violating traffic rules and taking pride in never being caught, then they are just setting up a wrong foundation for them!
    Naari likes this.
  7. Naari

    Naari Platinum IL'ite

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    Archu, agree, but problem is no kind of burden is felt by her. And that’s the puzzle! She feels it’s ok..
    Archanaanchan likes this.
  8. Naari

    Naari Platinum IL'ite

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    Thank you ! She thinks the same. I am hoping God thinks just like Rihana & there is no special place in heaven or hell for small violators!;):worship2:

    She thinks exactly the same. That $250 fine is totally worth it when you save $10 tolls 10 times, save half hour -45 mins everyday & related frustration, which is invaluable in her mind.. so exactly the same thought!
    I totally see the logic, rash drivers & slow drivers are the worst & cause for most accidents.. others in between are totally fine.

    Thanks again! My friend’s Totally on the same page..
  9. Naari

    Naari Platinum IL'ite

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    But then most people are Sunnys’ isn’t it? So they are not tempted because they have high principles, isn’t it? Because of all the sunny’s in the world , the darkies (just a term I made up inspired by Star Wars , do you want to go on the dark side? ) can do what they do.. and the % of darkies is super low..

    She never runs traffic lights. She is a safe driver otherwise.

    I agree, but she doesn’t go around boasting about her traffic violations since she doesn’t think it’s wrong or something to be proud about.. neither..
  10. Sunburst

    Sunburst Platinum IL'ite

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    I do not know much about high principles either so can’t really comment there :). Traffic rules is something I follow that’s all I know .

    Regarding traffic lights violation , I was just giving an example in general sense and not really talking about your friend .

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