Let's Share Homemade Soup Recipes

Discussion in 'Recipe Central' started by Magee, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. Magee

    Magee Moderator Staff Member Platinum IL'ite

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    It's Winter time ...even our Chennai is having chilly weather!! How about having warm soups in this weather?

    Let's share our homemade soup recipes with picture. You can come up with Veg or Non Veg Soup recipes.

    Soup Recipes shared here will get featured as a collection in the Food Section of IL in your name.

    In case if you have already shared a soup recipe / picture in any other thread, you can re-share it here. Please try to post a super quality recipe picture.

    You can share similar recipes already shared by other members, because each of them may have different ingredients/proportions and cooking method. Always recipes with best pictures are appreciated.

    This Event's End Date is 30-Dec-14.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 17, 2014
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  2. Yashikushi

    Yashikushi Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Me..me...count me IN
    Gonna a have a busy week in prep. smiley_emoticons_teeschale.gif
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  3. radv

    radv Gold IL'ite

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    Already feeling warmed up in anticipation. Am sure will get many many versatile recipes with Yashikushi on board.
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  4. tuffyshri

    tuffyshri Gold IL'ite

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    Hi, here is my post. Unfortunately I dont have a picture, its been quite some time that I did this recipe!! :-( Will try to add them soon.

    So, here is my and my family's most favorite, high calorie, yet nutritious soup –

    Broccoli Cheese Soup (Serves 2)

    Ingredients -

    Broccoli – 250 gms

    Cheese – 2 slices – tear into few pieces (If you are not calorie conscious, can add more slices too.. no particular count! J; I generally use the Britannia/Amul cheese slices that come in pack of 10; Any cheese is fine, but cheddar tastes better)

    Butter – 1 Teaspoon

    Garlic cloves – 2 - cut into nice pieces or better crushed nicely

    Corn flour – 2 tablespoons

    Milk – 1 tablespoon

    Pepper corns – 5 to 8 – crush it fresh

    Oregano – 1 tspn (Optional - I used to save the left out oregano packets while buying pizzas which always comes handy when needed)

    Salt – as needed

    Onion – 1 small chopped nicely (Optional)

    Preparation -

    1) Chop the Broccoli into tiny florets. Wash thoroughly

    2) Take some water in a pan, add little salt. The water shall be very little to cover the broccoli only. Add the Broccoli florets to it and let boil for 3 to 5 mins.

    By doing this you will get nicely cooked Broccoli with pleasant odour. You may discard water if you don’t like the smell. But better to use it as veg. stock as it will have some nutrition.

    Since cheese will have more salt, adding salt here will add taste to the broccoli and no need of adding salt anywhere else.

    3) If you like Broccoli you can use it directly into the soup, or can grind it roughly in a mixer

    4) Take a wide pan. Add butter into it. When it melts, add the crushed garlic. Fry for 2 seconds till the aroma goes.

    5) If you want to use Onion, you may add the chopped onions now and fry till translucent.

    6) Simmer the flame to low. Sprinkle the corn flour slowly and keep frying it with a ladle.

    7) No need of the corn flour to turn red and all. Slowly add the milk and ensure that no lump is being formed. Keep stirring.

    8) When the milk starts boiling, add the cheese pieces. The soup will start becoming like a thick paste kind of. Ensure that the entire thing is not getting burnt. Keep stirring.

    9) Now add the boiled broccoli florets/grounded paste into the cheese. Mix well. Let boil for just 2 minutes. But keep stirring to avoid getting burnt.

    If you think the soup is too thick, you may add milk or very little water. You may add the saved stock here. If water, add it little by little otherwise the thickness of the soup will get spoiled. This soup is a very rich thick soup.

    If you think the soup is very watery, you may add cheese. Otherwise mix 2 teaspoons of corn flour with little water in a separate cup. Let the corn flour dissolve in the water. Add this to the soup to get thickness.

    10) Turn off. Sprinkle freshly ground pepper and oregano. You may sprinkle some grated cheese over as decoration.

    11) Serve hot!

    Goes very good with crackers, krack jack biscuit or onion pakodas being accompanied with!

    Kids do not love Broccoli but for sure they love cheese. So this one will be a lip smacking soup for them.

    Please be careful as this may fill up your stomach rather than being an appetizer!
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  5. tuffyshri

    tuffyshri Gold IL'ite

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    Wonderful event indeed! I have added my first recipe... hope you all will like it.

    @Magee - can we add more recipes or can submit only one? Please let me know
  6. deepv

    deepv Platinum IL'ite

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    thanks for sharing the yummy broccoli cheese soup. It is my favorite.
  7. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Platinum IL'ite

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    Following this thread:):) After buying Vitamix I made soup once and my kids hated what I made. Hence, I closed the soup stall.

    Let me see this will help me from saving the looks of my DH which says " She was to die with out Vitamix and now since its sleeping in our kitchen she is breathing again "
  8. Magee

    Magee Moderator Staff Member Platinum IL'ite

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    Yes you can add more than one recipe but picture is must in this event, without a picture we cannot feature this recipe in our food section home page.

    Waiting for your next recipe with a click.
  9. Yashikushi

    Yashikushi Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Its soup Season and my Healthy and Yummy soups in Q,the wholesome nourishing meal/starter,packed with flavors and high nutritive value.

    None of my recipe have fresh cream/cheese for Garnishing as it’s the healthiest version,but if wish please add up..Adjust the ingredient quantity as per.

    Tomato veggie soup
    Most of the Chennaites might have tasted this in T.Nagar and bessy area.Once I had and then started preparing at my own.
    Simple and healthy as theres no onions/garlic,oil,…..

    tomato soup (1).jpg

    Veggie pick is your choice,I have added only beans and carrots.

    Yield – 2 cups

    Tomatoes – 2
    Carrot,beans(chopped finely) – ¼ cup
    Corn flour – 1tbsp
    Red Chili and Pepper powder – 1 tsp each
    Salt – to taste
    Plain Cornflakes,Fresh Coriander – For Garnishing
    Fresh cream (optional)


    1. Blanch tomatoes. remove skin and seed.Give a rough blend in a mixie/food processor.
    2. In a pan boil 1½ cup of water.Sprinkle pinch of salt,add finely chopped veggies,cook for for few minutes with lid closed..No over cooking,need the crunchy texture.
    3. In another pan pour tomato pulp,on medium heat cook for few minutes adding chili powder and salt.Reduce the pulp to get away the raw smell.
    4. Now add veggies along with the stock.
    5. Simmer for 5-7 minutes.
    6. Stop with this if you love to have a scoop.
    7. Want some more thicker,add cornflour dissolved in water.The color turns pale white.
    8. Stir for few seconds till the soup turns dark and glossy.
    9. Over to serving bowl.
    10. Serve hot with a dash of pepper and chopped coriander and crushed cornflakes.

    tomato soup (3).jpg

    tomato soup (2).jpg
    Babyhope86, deepv, Magee and 2 others like this.
  10. Yashikushi

    Yashikushi Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    corn soup (1).JPG

    Sweet Corn soup
    Yield – 2 cups

    Sweet corn ear – 1/2
    Onion - 1
    Carrot(small) – 1
    Split Green chili - 2
    Cornflour - 1 tbsp
    Salt – to taste
    Spring onion and Roasted corn,chili flakes - for garnishing
    Fresh cream (optional)


    1. Cook corn and separate kernels.Make a coarse semisolid puree.
    2. Boil water in a pan adding,corn cob, onion, carrot.
    3. Simmer for half an hour.
    4. Either you can strain and use this stock alone
    5. OR
    6. Remove the cob and chili and give a mash and use as a base.I did so.
    7. Add the kernel paste,salt and simmer for few more minutes.
    8. Thicken with cornflour.
    9. Serve hot with roasted kernels,spring onion and a dash of chili flakes (fresh cream if you wish).

    corn soup (2).JPG
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