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Let Us Move Out Of Our Comfort Zone!

Discussion in 'Interesting Shares' started by Cheeniya, Sep 30, 2022.

  1. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Once there was a king who received a gift of two magnificent falcons.

    They were peregrine falcons, the most beautiful birds he had ever seen. He gave the precious birds to his head falconer to be trained.

    Months passed, and one day the head falconer informed the king that though one of the falcons was flying majestically, soaring high in the sky, the other bird had not moved from its branch since the day it had arrived.

    The king summoned healers and sorcerers from all over the land to tend to the falcon, but no one could make the bird fly.

    He presented the task to the member of his court, but the next day, the king saw through the palace window that the bird had still not moved from its perch.

    Having tried everything else, the king thought to himself, “May be I need someone more familiar with the countryside to understand the nature of this problem.” So he cried out to his court, “Go and get a farmer.”

    In the morning, the king was thrilled to see the falcon soaring high above the palace gardens.

    He said to his court, “Bring me the doer of this miracle.”

    The court quickly located the farmer, who came and stood before the king.
    The king asked him, “How did you make the falcon fly?”

    With his head bowed, the farmer said to the king, “It was very easy, your highness. I simply cut the branch where the bird was sitting.”

    We are all born to fly — to realize our incredible potential as human beings. But at times we sit on our branches, clinging to the things that are familiar to us.

    The possibilities are endless, but for most of us, they remain undiscovered. We conform to the familiar, the comfortable, and the mundane.
    So for the most part, our lives are mediocre instead of exciting, thrilling and fulfilling.

    Let us learn to destroy the branch of fear we cling to and free ourselves to the glory of flight.

    Let's move out of our comfort zone & Stay blessed forever!

  2. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello:Thank you sir for the rejuvenating story.
    A super story to whack persons filled with sloth & inertia.
    When home is filled with fear, a working person would find office - a comfort zone.

    Sedentary or Static persons generate more lactic acid that gets stored around muscles making it less flexible in due course. Exercise is a must. If wings are rested bird might forget the method to fly and eventually die perhaps. If they don’t fly they can’t get their prey.

    It is said early birds get their worms!
    joylokhi and Cheeniya like this.
  3. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I fully agree with you Thyagu. I find it difficult to move around without a Walker. Still I have never given up my 60 minute walk every day.
    joylokhi and Thyagarajan like this.
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello:At your age walking with a prop like a walker is quite reasonable. But what i wonder is you are able to maintain at a stretch ambling or strolling for over an hour. That is grate. In that case i must conclude that you have been doing it regularly over decades.

    A couple of days before my Son in law and daughter suggested rather insisted that i should give up morning first and next luxury coffee altogether and instead have pumpkin/beetroot I juice; i responded to them with an anecdote.

    Seeing every early morning an old man running stiff regularly about ten rounds around perimeter of an oval park opposite her home, She suggested to spouse -a retired government officer a decade ago - to keep fit go for practise run with that man. Her husband reacted
    “ the man running their is a retired army man and running since decades whereas for decades i was only used to sedentary style of spending the day and night as well. If i copy him now, my system would collapse. Same way if coffee denied in the morning, my body would revolt and react ....
    With this they totally stopped pressing me not only to give up coffee and but providing my evening munching.
    Thanks & Regards.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2022
    umaakumar likes this.
  5. svpriya

    svpriya Silver IL'ite

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    Thank you so much sir... Actually while reading this story i was in a confused mindset...this story somewhat cleared my mental block...thanks again for giving this story at the right time :blush:
    Thyagarajan and Cheeniya like this.

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