Less aminiotic fluid

Discussion in 'Pregnancy & Labor' started by AnshuSinha, May 13, 2009.

  1. AnshuSinha

    AnshuSinha Senior IL'ite

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    Baby has grown small for date and amniotic fluid is also less for this date

    Hi all,

    I went for my scan yesterday and doc told that baby's growth is showing for 17 weeks 2 days where as I am 18 weeks 6 days yesterday. At this stage its not that normal to have such big discrepancy in date and size..

    Also the amniotic fluid is less.

    Does anyone know of such situation and advice?

    I have been advised rest and extra fluids...

  2. mridusudha

    mridusudha Silver IL'ite

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    Re: Baby has grown small for date and amniotic fluid is also less for this date

    My doc said a difference of one week (plus or minus) is normal and most babies will catch up with growth as they grow.
    Regarding amniotic fluid - Drink lots of water and take rest. Try to drink alteast 2-3 litres of water everyday. Water doesn't hurt do drink as much as you can.

    Don't worry everything is going to be fine.
  3. ramya_psk

    ramya_psk Senior IL'ite

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    Re: Baby has grown small for date and amniotic fluid is also less for this date

    Hi Anshu,
    Ur at least in ur 18 weeks,when i was in my 8th month my doc said the baby's growth is less and feel the weight is only 1.5 kgs.Think of my situation:spin.I got really shocked when my doc told like that,she asked me to take extra food.By gods grace my daughter was born with 2.7kgs .It is all normal,u still have lots of time to make it up.Drink mothers horlicks thrice a day and water.You will see the results soon.Dont get stresses out ,i can understand the feel .Becoz i was longing for a kid and when in the final stage if the doc says like this ...shakehead
    Be happy and enjoy ur pregnancy.God is there!!!

  4. AnshuSinha

    AnshuSinha Senior IL'ite

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    Re: Baby has grown small for date and amniotic fluid is also less for this date

    Thank you Ramya and Mridusudha...

    I am continuing with the rest and taking as much fluids as possible..waiting for Monday to see everything fine...
  5. pushiv

    pushiv New IL'ite

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    Re: Baby has grown small for date and amniotic fluid is also less for this date

    hi anshu
    relax.i too had this report given to me thruout my pregnancy...both times.i now hav 2 healthy kids.a 7 yr old and a 3 year old.it happens somtimes but my doc would just reassure me sayin "just take rest".and all i did was that.i slept and slept and slept! u cant do all the work and go sleep.u really shouldnt do anything.every ounce of ur energy shud go to ur baby.drink a lot of fluids like juices with sugar and tender cocnut water.jaggery and peanuts will also give u loads of energy.once ur baby comes out into this world u can give her/him all your love and feed him/her healthy stuff.so dont worry at all.its very important to be happy and calm during this period.i wish u all the best.
  6. anoop2007

    anoop2007 New IL'ite

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    Hi Friends,

    I am 12 weeks pregnant now.Doctors say that there is less aminiotic fluid around the baby and asked me to go for a termination.But I don't want to do it.Is there any treatment for this.Any suggestions please.

  7. sandiya

    sandiya Senior IL'ite

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    Hello dear,

    Even i had the same problem in my first pregnancy, my doctor gave me a grace period of 2 weeks and said drink lots of water, juices etc and to take ample rest and then they will check it again , i was around 8 weeks pregnant at that time, i was not able to take bed rest however i drank lot of water and juices but anyways when i went for the 10th week check up the baby's growth was not proper and later the heart beat also stopped and i lost my dear one.

    If the aminotic fluid is less the baby cannot have proper growth, in second trimster there might be problem with the kidney of the baby. If this problem has occured in 3rd trimster then you need not terminate it and the doc's could deliver your baby, however in earlier stages it might effect the baby's growth.

    I would suggest that if your not willing to terminate then try drinking lots of water and juices and have liquid foods, take ample rest and see. When you go for you next visit if everything is getting normal then continue with ur pregnancy. Anyways do not take haste decisions take time and decide, if required consult with other gynec experts as well.

    Take care, my prayers are with you.
  8. cyberfunky

    cyberfunky New IL'ite

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    Hi Anoop2007,

    Even I had the same problem with my first pregnancy...I have a few suggestion for you ..From your post it looks like they have not found the cause, as to why the fluid is less...

    You should go to very experienced person who specializes in Trimester Screening. With the help of 3d ultrasound they might be able to find the cause of the obstruction in baby.( They found that my baby had a bladder obstruction )

    Then you can meet a perinatologist , ( usually in childrens hospital) who can guide you on the successive steps that can be done ( In our case, we could perform a fetal surgery and then when the baby is born go for a correction )

    Please take 2 or 3 advises from the specialites before deciding on anything..

    If you need any other information ..Please let me know..All the best and My prayers are with you..
  9. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Anoop2007,
    I also had oligohydroamniosis(low fluid levels) during my pregnancy. I had multiple issues along with the low fluids but still managed to hold on and deliver a healthy happy baby @ 33 weeks. She is now a bubbling eight year old. From personal experience, I'd suggest, please try and sustain.
    My first issue with the pregnancy was a bleeding of unknown origin at 6 weeks. I thought I almost lost the baby but somehow miraculously they found a HB and the U/S showed proper growth.
    I was first diagnosed with low fluid levels right after my first trimester. The 3D U/S with a fetal specialist showed nothing wrong with the baby but then fluids were really low. After fluid consumption and bed-res it resolved on it's own in a few days. I again had low fluid levels at around 19 weeks. This time, I had to be hospitalized and put on IV. It took a week but the fluid was restored to low normal levels. The 3D U/S found nothing wrong with the baby's bladder or placenta. My body was just not making enough of fluids and I had none of the risk factors(High BP, blood sugar etc). All the tests came back normal.
    I was sent home after this but had to have weekly U/S taken. At about 29 weeks, the doc found that the fluid levels were really low. They admitted me, tried to bring it up. It never reached optimum level but they kept me in the hospital and monitored me and the baby. Finally @ 33 weeks, I was induced and delivered her. Even after delivery the placenta was sent for testing but there was nothing wrong with it. Nothing wrong with my baby's bladder either. They did suspect a blockage but she was out and peeing normally. I urge you to see a fetal specialist and go from there. Sometimes, no reason can be found for low fluid levels but then it can be brought back to normal levels with bed-rest or IV or a combination of both.

    Wish you good luck with the pregnancy.

  10. Pavarun

    Pavarun Silver IL'ite

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    I had low amniotic fluid with my first pregnancy but only in late third trimester, 36.5 weeks. It was diagnosed when I went in for an ultrasound to check fetal weight. Since I was near full term they induced me right away. Thankfully baby was healthy.

    For my second we were very scared that the same thing may happen and I was closely monitored via weekly non stress tests starting 30 weeks but thankfully my fluid levels were fine.

    Since low fluid level can cause issues with baby's growth see a fetal specialist and they can try and assess baby's growth against what it should be given the gestational age.

    Get a second opinion, both ob-gyn and also see a fetal specialist. Hope things resolve soon. My prayers are with you.

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