Learning To Accept That I Can Be Kind And Courteous!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by nuss, Dec 9, 2021.

  1. nuss

    nuss Platinum IL'ite

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    I want to start by owning the fact that I have said things about others that I regret. I also have been hurt by others who have spoken harsh words about me. The truth is- to grow, we all need forgiveness and grace. I know I can be a bit insensitive (may not necessarily callous) sometimes and I am working on improving myself.

    @anika987 - I noticed that your recent post was locked (assuming just I am locked out of it). I was wondering if something I said hurt you in any way. If it did, please accept my apologies. I would never want to hurt someone intentionally but sometimes the way we say things might sound hurtful to the receiver.

    The same goes for other ILs, If I ever hurt your feelings on this platform, that has never been intentional.

    Have a wonderful day!
    Mistt, Gauri03, Metamorphic and 2 others like this.

  2. anika987

    anika987 Finest Post Winner

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    not at all. Your inputs were really good Nuss:)no worries.

    I just wanted to lock the thread coz sometimes the intentions could get misconstrued.Like in that thread..I was really concerned about that girl coz the mom was always behind status and money and she moved back to India coz she could not take the American life.Now she is sending her dd to US and the only reason she is giving is the guy is rich and kept talking only about money..was concerned she is not influencing her daughter as money is not the only thing to life.so that was my only concern.

    I was worried the thread could deviate in a different way when people might read it superficially and mistake the intention behind it.

    As you said, honestly there are many unknowns and wish that couple a happy life.
    Laks09 and nuss like this.
  3. anika987

    anika987 Finest Post Winner

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    you are a sensible and practical person which I always felt from your threads.All good!:thumbup:
    Laks09 and nuss like this.

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