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Lazy Summer Days!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Srama, Jul 31, 2017.

  1. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    As I bring myself up from the couch to get a glass of water, I notice the sun light falling through the window. As I sip water from the tap, I hear crickets…..mid morning reminding me of the long lazy summer days, bringing a smile to my face. Oh how I love lazing around. Just sitting around here and there – the hammock, the swing, on the grass!

    As I look around the house, I see things that I need to put away and clear up. But I know all of that will take less than an hour. For now, I am content basking in the glory of the day. I push away from my mind the somewhat messy look of the kitchen just like I had pushed away the thought of impending fall and winter listening to those crickets. When I think of fall, all that flashes in front of my eyes are the beautiful trees in their vibrant colors, the snowy back yard and the warm breaths of people in hats jackets with a warm mug of coffee – the crickets want me to hear them now instead of longing for those sounds in winter as I stare out the window then wondering about the summer that will come eventually!

    I am angry, I don’t know about what or why. I go in to the yard and pull the weeds out with vigour. DH watches from inside. He knows I am working out something. He waits patiently and after a couple of hours I walk in like nothing has happened and all is well. I look at around the yard later in the evening at the piles of pulled weeds and smile picking them all up into a bag to be disposed off. I am reminded of a quote by a friend’s friend on where else, facebook – “At some point you have to stop believing everything you think...sit with that for a second…..”. The piles of weeds remind me the same!

    It is late in the night, the guests have finally left. Doggy has been cooped up upstairs. I decide to take him for a walk. The best act for the entire day I feel. No not the cooking, not the entertaining, not the wonderful talk about everything on earth but walking with my dog was the best thing I did for the day. The half-moon, the croaking frogs, the gentle breeze, the twinkling stars; why do they all make me this alive? Eyes go heavenwards wanting to see a shooting star, knowing well there may not be one yet thinking of “Give it a try” whispered the heart!

    I wake up to a beautiful morning, summer mornings are just those – beautiful and pleasant. I step onto the grass turn on the hose, drag it to the vegetable patch and water, watching the water dancing in the morning sunlight, filling the bird bath, looking skywards again, seeing the feather shaped clouds wondering as to why they appear so often. As I finish watering, I look up again and see that the clouds have disintegrated reminding me of “Illusions”.

    The patio door is open, the doggy is laying down right by the door on a little blanket that DD lays out for him, DS wants to know as to why he likes to lay just by the door while DD wants to know what bird is that that is tweeting. We are getting better at identifying them, thanks to the little pond with ever flowing water, we almost now can predict the time at which each bird comes for a drink and a bath. Toby is watching the birds with disinterest; I tell DS that it is his nature; he assumes he is guarding; I tell DD to walk quietly to see the blue jay that has landed, she steps with a thud on to the patio and the bird flies away! But we know, there will be blue jays and cardinals and robins – only as long as we want to see them!

  2. Anisu

    Anisu Platinum IL'ite

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    Nice write up . For a mintue when i read "cricket", i thought our galli cricket. Later i realized its not!! I could visualise every line of this one. Enjoyed reading it.
    Srama likes this.
  3. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you for your feedback. It's been ages since I have thought of cricket, forget galli cricket. Growing up mostly it was lagori for me.

    Thank you for your words.
  4. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    What a lovely, vivid picture of summer days! It put a smile on my face. Your stories of summer are oh so familiar. : ) These days I'll take any excuse to stay outdoors. One my favorite things to do is to lie in the hammock, sit my DD in my lap and read with her. We are trying to get her reading. As we read 'Pete the Cat', she confidently spells out C...A...T -- "Pete!!" :D The little monkey is much more interested in watching the birds gather at the bird bath than her phonetic alphabet. Lying in the gentle breeze with the little one by my side, as the yard resonates with the sound of the wind chimes -- summer is a magical time indeed!
  5. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    When I saw the heading, thought it will be about lazy, lazy summer days. After reading the post, I was convinced that it is not possible to lazy or cosy around on any summer day. Sitting in the living room, watching TV and waiting for the orders food to arrive. But here lot is waiting in the wings. The guests (on a summer day), weeds in the garden, doggy sulking , and so one. But then where is the leisure of celebrating a lazy summer day in today's hectic life.
    Good piece.
    Srama likes this.
  6. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Sabita,
    Enjoy your summer. I know how people look forward and enjoy in USA...especially cold places. You look forward to summer. Of course you enjoy all seasons. But summer everyone there enjoys. More outdoor life, a lot of greenery, birds....world looks different !
    In London any day on which sun appears is a festival......everyone outside the house. Parks are full.
    In Hyderabad.....complete contrast. Closed inside with the comfort of A/C....drinking loads of cool water, dreading to go out of the house!!!!
    Srama likes this.
  7. girvani

    girvani Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Srama,

    what a beautiful way to express the beauty lies across in front of you. You see, not everyone will enjoy this nor everyone can express as you do. You made me smile all the way through. We are back from much deserved two weeks break and i felt that my life was paused during that period. This is the first time i was able to mindfully enjoy the break without thinking about what to catch up when i am back.
    i am totally with you , The half-moon, the croaking frogs, the gentle breeze, the twinkling stars; why do they all make me this alive? Eyes go heavenwards wanting to see a shooting star, knowing well there may not be one yet thinking of “Give it a try” whispered the heart!

    Your post made my day beautiful and thank you for that.

    Srama likes this.
  8. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear, dear, dear Srama
    You are here again to torment a Madrasi! Actually by a strange coincidence, when I logged in to read this post of yours, I was listening to my favourite singer Nat King Cole singing
    "Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer
    Those days of soda and pretzels and beer
    Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer
    You'll wish that summer could always be here"

    There is a quote from Rig Veda which says that God sends people to places that they deserve by their Karma. It's so true, isn't it? Chennai, as the famous radio commentator Anand Rao would often say, has two seasons, hot and hotter. The Sun now has commenced its 'Dakshinayan' trip and we are getting ready for a second summer. But I don't have to tell you that Summer here is not the same as you enjoy there!

    "Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels
    Doorbells and sleigh bells
    And schnitzel with noodles
    Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings" can all be my favourite things too if the Sun here turns as benevolent as it is there!

    Next time you visit India, bring me no gifts. Just a little bit of your cool and colourful summer would suffice!
    satchitananda, Srama and kkrish like this.
  9. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    Reading your snippet made my day so much more beautiful Sabs!
    I really wished those scientists came up with transporters, because I wanted to jump into your lazy summer days and enjoy all that you did - bird watching, dog walking, and hammock swinging.

    I would get an added bonus of some lovely food from your kitchen too. Mee coming to your place soon.

    Thanks for the tip on anger management - weed pulling. Boy, the rate at which I get angry I could make my entire yard threadbare, because I would yank the grass along with the weeds :)

    Beautiful, beautiful write up.
    Thanks for making my summer beautiful.
    satchitananda and Srama like this.
  10. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    What a pleasant surprise to hear from you! You are so enjoying your summer with your little one, I can tell. So happy for you. Tell me when there is so much wonder around, who needs phonetic learning? So it is C...A...T -- "Pete!!" for now!! How very cute that is. Oh I miss those days. Let me hasten to add, continue what you are doing and soon your little one will be on that very tree where you are laying under in your hammock, climbing it up with a book and it will take you awhile to bring her down!

    These memories Gauri makes it all worthwhile. Enjoy the birds, birdbaths and the wind chimes. Thank you for your feedback.
    kaniths, Gauri03 and satchitananda like this.

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