Largest Covid Vaccine Study Shows Heart And Brain Damage

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Thoughtful, Feb 24, 2024.

  1. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    Last edited: Feb 24, 2024

  2. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    People were forced to take the covid vaccine by the government of various countries including by the Joe Biden and his team in USA.

    • Coerced into taking it by organizations as forced by the government.
    • People fired when they did not take the vaccine.
    • Social media including Youtube censoring, deleting and disabling accounts of people who questioned the rationale behind forced to take it when they did not want to.
    • Peoples bank accounts frozen in some countries when they contributed to movement that opposed the push of vaccination.

    The big pharma funding this Democratic Party ( thank you Obama and his Obama care where he bought into the big pharama as a donor and support for his personal glory ).

    Lot of people already dead due to the covid vaccine. Others battling life long issues due to blood clots in brain and spinal cord. The big pharma made its money, the puppets in the government got their fare share.

    Now it is the time for those affected by it to suffer life long with no support.
  3. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    When RFK Jr challenged that vaccines need to have better testing, he was called as someone who is extremely irresponsible and peddling on misinformation.

    When people challenged it, they were shamed and labelled as antivaxxers.

    You already have taken sides on this issue and are unbothered by this study if there is no one close to you who is affected.

    However, this is a lesson of the overreach of the government and the rich people who fund them ( thank you bill gates and his like ). They already mandate so many more vaccines than necessary for babies. ( Hey, who doesn't like regular income and big pharma wouldn't be an exception ).

    Just like fluoride finds way into your bodies because the sugar industry wants it in, vaccines will find ways to get into your body whether you want it or not, if you ignore and move on.

    You do have a choice to voice early. Else it will be too late and it will only seem like you are making the choices but in reality, someone else already has.

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