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Labor pains

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by iniyamalar, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. iniyamalar

    iniyamalar Gold IL'ite

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    [​IMG]It all started on a fine Monday morning when we anxiously watched that little strip to turn color.

    “Oh my god..oh my god..oh my god…” we both jumped up and down knowing that we are soon going to be Mom and Dad.

    Ah..Do I have to tell you that feeling? the bliss that would make you feel on top of the world?

    We giggled all morning and decided to have breakfast in Saravana Bhavan where we ordered that ghee dripping Rava Kesari.

    I was elated. Totally…feeling the heavens, is the closest description I can give to the feeling I had right then.

    It was time for office (we both worked in the same place) but I said I will take a detour and come back in an hour. I left for the nearby bookshop.

    God what all they have for us ‘to be mom and dads’ in the stores?

    Starting from ‘what to expect when you are expecting’ there were quite a number of titles there for sale. We both are orphans and so we never had a soul to help us in anything whatsoever except for our beloved friends.

    But this is going to be huge. We needed all the help we can get in making it a perfect parenthood and why not get the advice from the experts?

    I glanced through all the titles there and went to the cash counter with almost nine to ten books in hand.

    The lady in the counter took one look raised an eyebrow at me and seeing me blush said
    beaming ”Congratulations”

    “Thank you” I smiled away shyly.

    It had become a habit for me for months now.

    People would take one look and smile which is synonymous to “congrats and take care”.

    First trimester was the worst. Everything looked new. We had so many arguments too. Nausea and light headedness dominated most part of the days.

    Second trimester:
    Notable changes in me. Friends took one look at me and said “Damn you are losing weightand look anemic, which is not good at this stage you idiot. Take extra care”

    Third trimester:
    Worst yet. I was worried all day and night. All the books talked about emotional turbulence but nothing warned me to this stage. It was like sitting on top of the fuming
    I was getting angry at everything
    and wanted to cry for everything.

    Last month:

    I was getting anxious. Paranoid may be. Heart beat had become abnormal these days. Medic adviced me to be cool and that at this stage this is normal.

    It was those days when I had to change the whole of my life pattern. I had to stop eating all those things I am very fond of. I was told not to sleep in my most favorite position. I was told several other things which looked totally impossible for me until that moment.

    But I had to do it. Do it for that little thing which is going to paint our lives in rainbow colors.


    Last few days…

    I just couldn’t do any work. I was sweating all the time. I was scared to death but couldn’t show it to the outside world. I smiled my most happy smile all the while I had this windmill in full speed inside my heart.

    We had made a routine to take slow walking around the temple pond near our house. Every evening after work we would go straight to the pond and start walking around it.

    We would chat about our first meeting, our love, Proposal everything and used to wind up the time together happily.

    I stuck to my better half like a sticky note on the counter because I was a little scared to spend my time alone in the house anymore. More paranoid thoughts had started to taunt me every day. everynight I woke up with a worst nightmare to tell. It was horrible those last few weeks physically and mentally.


    It was a sunny Friday morning when we got ready to go to office. When I tried to go intothe car the pain started.

    It was… Oh I don’t even want to describe it. It was scary crazy for me. I wanted someone beside me. Anyone..just any damn human being to hold me tight and say it’s ok everything is going to be fine.

    God knows how we reached the hospital which itself was a miracle. The pain had come a clear one week before the due date and I was pretty sure that it must be the false pain. But how naïve could I be? No it was not.

    It was THE pain.

    Well I’ll be damned.

    I don’t remember the part where we went to the labor room and all that. All I heard was the doc's “push..push” sound.

    For every contraction my heart skipped beating and seat swelled on my face.

    Pain…pain too much pain… why do women have to endure this pain why can’t men share it a little? After all they are the life partners and better halves. Then why the hell can’t men share half of the physical pain?”

    I can’t bear this anylonger dear lord, why do you have to make this birthing process this hard and painful in the first place?

    To see how far we can go? What kind of sadistic God are you to make it like this. My fury had turned totally towards that little Murugan photo that hung on the wall.

    I got a cold slap from my doctor for crying. Oh how the hell am I supposed to smile calmly while my soul is ripped apart in such pain and agony? The yowls and cries could have reached the heaven I am sure. But God was on leave I suppose. It looked like he didn’t hear the screams. The doc looked me in the eyes and said.

    “No use…we need to go in for a surgery.”

    “Surgery?” I couldn’t see her face clearly beneath the beads of sweat that clouded my eyes.

    “did you just say surgery?”

    “Yes ..it has become compl..”That was all I heard. After that I had fainted. Someone slapped me again and again to get me into conscious. I was awake but still was hanging somewhere above.

    “sister..get the theatre ready..pull her softly..” I could hear voices floating around me but I couldn’t really put my mind towards it. I was too tired and fatigue.

    Local anesthesia was given. I couldn’t see anything but could hear it vaguely.

    After my lifetime’s longest fifteen minutes had passed, I heard the sound.

    A wail..a tiny wail..My world was turned topsy turvy in an instant. Tears welled up in my eyes and my heart was jumping out of its position. That little sound had the magic to make my world a walking heaven.

    Suddenly the purpose of my life looked all clear. I felt wholesome. I felt full. I was too happy to be alive.

    The doc came near me. I saw her and my heart raced further.

    She came to me and said in a whisper. “It’s a girl”

    “A girl?..my fairy princess…My thevathai..my little goddess..my little devil..my pink pearl..my heavenly daughter”

    My heart was still racing and I steered it towards the doc. I had something else important to ask her.

    “Is SHE alright?”

    “ Perfect.”she smiled and told the nearby nurse “report..mother and baby healthy..baby weight…..”

    I didn’t hear anymore. I had heard what i wanted to hear. I wanted to see my love right then. I wanted to sharethe happy news and wanted to know how it felt right then.

    Someone just touched my arms. I turned to see a sister standing near me. She held the most precious thing of our lives in her hand.

    I was looking at the tiny bundle that was coming near me. It came closer. It was gently put in my hand.

    The prize given by god for our love.( I thanked God just then.)

    A gift of love wrapped up in magical beauty.

    The atom bomb of love..

    I cried again.

    I cried looking at the tiny baby yawning away its nine months sleep. I cried and smiled at the same time.

    My friend came near me and shook my shoulders.



    P.S: This is Labor pains- from a dad's point of view.


  2. anjali10

    anjali10 New IL'ite

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    Hi IniyaMalar,

    You reminded me of mine.
    A mother goes through so much pain, sacrifice and struggle to bring the little one into he world. It cannot be explained, it can has to be experienced.

  3. Malar2301

    Malar2301 Gold IL'ite

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    Dear IniyaMalar...

    I'm running short of words to explain my feeling (the same you shared here except my little one is a boy!!!) as you showcased it like a mirror!! I always love your way of writing and this one is not an exception too!!!

    Keep rocking dear!!! :kiss
  4. maalti

    maalti Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Iniya, it reminded me of my labor pains. I suffered the pain for two whole days and as the baby was not forthcoming, doctors decided to do an emergency CS for me. Nicely brought out
  5. iniyamalar

    iniyamalar Gold IL'ite

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    Thank you for your kind words.
    But I am a little doubtful whether you read the last line of the post.

    today morning when i woke up i got one arm sprained. I couldn't move it. So my hubbie took charge of bathing and feeding my son. As i sat watching him do all the stuff with such love i couldn't rewind back and remember how he suffered through my labor pains. I saw him cry too then.He looked in pain himself. I had to pacify him before going into the theatre.

    So this is basically from his heart though the words are mine.

    It is Labor pains in a dad's point of view.
  6. Malar2301

    Malar2301 Gold IL'ite

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    Malar :cheers...initially when i read for the first even I got confused. Girls call Matchi amongst us...but somthing was priking me "you have become a dad now...". You wont be believe i have read two more times and I myself came to a conclusion that it should be feeling of your DH as you said....

    Happy that I was able to make it up...:)
  7. iswaryadevi

    iswaryadevi Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Malar,

    An awesome blog dear. You have narrated it so well :thumbsup

    But I am afraid I did not understand the last line. Can you clarify please :hide:

    OK. I read the blog again, and now I understood. Very nice blog dear. Keep rocking!! :thumbsup
  8. iniyamalar

    iniyamalar Gold IL'ite

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    Thank you so much.
    Today after seeing my hubbie working with my kids i remembered his pain and how he cried during my pregnancy. So I wanted to portray his feelings in words. Thats it. It is all from his mind(which he used to say all the time) just the words are mine.
  9. iniyamalar

    iniyamalar Gold IL'ite

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    Thank you so much dear. I am happy that you got it right. I often used to think that as women we have the physical pain and we show it to the world blah..blah..blah.
    But about the equal amount of mental pressure the men also suffer during the pregnancies and I saw that right before me through my hubbie. So i wanted to show it to the world.

    Happy you liked it.
  10. AkilaMani

    AkilaMani Local Champion Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    The agony that a man undergoes during his wife's pregnancy is not a thing that many even give a second thought to.... but they too do undergo a lot of trauma.

    You have beautifully captured their feelings. It is a tribute to all the men who actively participate in their better half's pregnancy and the upbringing of the child.

    Kalakitega pa... supera kadaisi nimisham varikum oru penn yezhudinamathiriye yezhudhi irukega. But i think that is what captures the total essence of it... men also undergo the same ups and downs that we undergo during pregnancy.... the same feelings....

    i loved the place where he agonizes and fights with the god about the partiality towards women who have to suffer the labor pain. but i think he already is experiencing the pain... it is a mental agony for him.

    Super da....


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