Off late I have been addicted to Korean dramas and obviously can’t stop admiring their flawless looking skin. I have been looking for their products from long time but really not sure which one to choose. Has anyone tried any Korean skincare products and fell in love with any of their products or brands?
Tell me about it ... Even mothers of 30+ year olds have smooth, wrinkle free skin and thick, glossy hair. : ) I doubt that kind of skin can be achieved by simply using products, getting enough sleep and proper food and water. It must be something that is mostly in the genes. Yes, a few years ago, a local desi beauty expert used to sell some Korean products. They were good but not something so special as to pay the expensive price. They sat mostly unused and I threw them after 2-3 years. Now, I will pro'lly get to use them only if a Captain Ri buys them for me from a roadside vendor in Pyongyang selling South Korean contraband.
Go to the beauty counter at one of the larger Korean grocery stores and ask them advice. I will say that all the Korean women I know are fanatical about sun protection. They will put on layers and layers of sunblock and wear wide brimmed hats whenever they can. They are also not shy about visiting the cosmetic dermatologist from an early age. So there is an element of nature but also a lot of nurture.
Haha definitely genes are the major contributor for skin and complexion. When I was a kid when we got our new Samsung TV my parents were discussing about Korea. Back then I dint know they are even famous for skin care products This is the best
Good idea During the initial lockdown days I was so much addicted to Kdramas that I was craving for some Korean ramen. Almost every episode had scenes related to food especially Ramen or Kimchi. Had to get it through instacart