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Kids Mobile Timing Increasing Due To In-laws And Husband Pampering

Discussion in 'Schoolgoers & Teens' started by HakunaMatata, Dec 21, 2023.

  1. HakunaMatata

    HakunaMatata Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Mommies,

    My son is 7 years old and studying 1st std. His mobile timing is increased to nearly 4 hours everyday because either my mil gives her mobile or my husband give his mobile so he would not disturb him after he comes home.

    I tried to tell both, to stop giving him, but both are not listening to me.. I just fed up with saying this again and again to them.

    If I try to correct my son, both my mil and husband says I'm controlling too much, and he is in young age only.

    Whenever I am free, I will engage him in playing with him or we do crafts, but the problem comes when I'm doing cooking or household work which I could not postpone.

    He is not playing or doing crafts or do homework alone, he needs me to accompany him when he does any of these things. so, I couldn't do both my cooking or housework and engage with him.

    Please if anyone have any idea, please help me..


  2. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    It’s hard to do this on your own if others don’t share your views. I would also be unhappy with so much screen time. Can you put your son in some class or activity after school, so his time gets occupied till you are free to sit with him?
    HakunaMatata likes this.
  3. hrastro

    hrastro Platinum IL'ite

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    1) Arrange and plan your household work when he is not at home so that when he is there, you should only get up to switch on/off or start stop and work should be done! - Limit your household work to a max of 1 hour when he is home and alert and will engage with you.

    2) Make place for him to sit with you wherever you are dancing to the tunes of household work!

    3) Let him do art, craft, homework, worksheets, mobile time (1 hour max) when your main focus is on household work - but you are able to give some attention to his work too

    4) Reward him with his favourite activity and your complete attention when he limits his mobile time to 1 hour.

    5) Follow a routine everyday - kids are always creatures of habit - if they know what to do, they will do it without complaining ... but if they are allowed escape routes on one day, they will push boundaries

    6) So, if DH, in-laws cannot support you, please clearly tell them not to at least interfere or contradict your permissions, rules, discipline

    7) Arrange a physical class - dance, karate, yoga or play time with a friend - to channelise his energy positively - complete your housework during this time.
    HakunaMatata likes this.
  4. HakunaMatata

    HakunaMatata Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks for the reply @MalStrom, We are in small town, here we dont have any extra classes available here. But recently, I got a solution for it. I have installed google family link in my MIL mobile, which he uses uncontrollably. Now I could totally control his mobile time:smilingimp:
  5. HakunaMatata

    HakunaMatata Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks for the reply @hastro. I am fan of yours.. especially your time management skills.

    As we are in small town, we dont have extra curricular classes available here. so I have already included him kids magazine, craft and art kits.. now i have installed google family link in my mil mobile, so i could control his gaming and youtube time..
  6. hrastro

    hrastro Platinum IL'ite

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    In a small town, you might have parks and some friends of your kid close by -

    You could set up play dates at parks or have other parents supervise a safe activity - you could all take turns - the play dates dont always have to be play - you can plan mock exams also together! Kids usually enjoy writing an exam at home along with their friends! Especially if the exam paper is created by them for each other !! Try it out!
    It could be dancing or drama or debate - each of your moms can suggest what is comfortable and take turns and eventually - the kids themselves will get into a groove!

    I used to usually call the kids for icecream and chocolate making or pizza or sandwiches! - they would all participate, help me make it, then would also help clean up and then eat it all with gusto!
    Anytime kids used to come home, they knew they had to write 1 exam - they would prefer to complete it as soon as they all arrive!
    Then cooking and eating time! Then clean up and independent play time (usually board games which slowly graduated to sitting around and talking and their own dumbcharades and quizzes etc)
    In later years, I used to give popcorn or other snacks during the games too (you know how teenagers can eat!)

    Once you make it a routine and give some space, they will develop!

    Also, consider getting help for household work - it is easier in small towns - get someone to come home and take care of some aspect of play time with your kid, OR you take the play time and get someone to chop vegetables or fold clothes (or any other household duties)!
    The key is to find all possible times that your kid is available and keep him busy with people and activities so that he finds other things more exciting ("stimulating" is the buzzword) than the mobile phone!

    This is the age to develop more social skills than gadget skills
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2024

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