JULY 2011 Mommies

Discussion in 'Due Date Clubs' started by indusshailu, Nov 16, 2010.

  1. rmynair

    rmynair Bronze IL'ite

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    hi PETAL
    Nice to know About baby .i was just imagining abt the angel:)takecr of her n u as well.
    i m at my sisters house from last two days:)no movies:)will be back to my house today.
    hi kadambari ,AVM ,CL
    How r you all
    i Had nice weekend at my sis.she tkes care of me like my mother,wen i see her managing her 3 year old kid ,cooking,work .i m thinking of my future:)wish i can be also a super mom like her.:spin(atleast in dreams)cos i knw how bad m at cuking.:bonk
    luv to all
  2. chotabheem

    chotabheem Gold IL'ite

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    Hi vsharma,
    Welcome back.. dear, its high time u take leave... read in some other thread that stress and other external factors like too much of physical activity/strain also contributes to diminished AFI.
    Infact, one lady had posted that once she took leave and took rest and enough fluids at home, her AFI was back to normal..So i suggest you to start your leaves asap..already you have completed 38 weeks, still how many days do u wanna work.. better take some rest and store some energy for the D-day..As others have mentioned, have loads and loads of fluids and do not strain yourself too much..just for the sake of normal delivery...
    And dont worry abt baby's position as caramel said baby's can turn anytime.. Just relax and rest at home. :) Dont worry all wil lbe fine and you will have a healthy chubby baby and normal delivery..:thumbsup:bowdown

    Hi AVM,
    How are you? Hows the weekend? when is your next doc checkup??

    Hi Kadambari
    I bought the M&B magazine today.. thx for mentioning abt it.. ts really good... the new born survival guide:)
    My classes were good, it was basically fitness classes...taught us exercises which help in normal delivery.. with more emphasis on squatting and butterfly exercises.
    Will post in detail abt the exercises tomo...
    Glad to hear that everything is normal and AFI has increased...Best wishes for you to have a normal and easy delivery..:bowdown

    Hi cl,
    So how is your DD now.. Good to knw that your doc appointment went well.. so whn is your next checkup? As doc has mentioned, take enough rest, if possible go to your parents place and take enough rest... DD will be busy with grand dad and you can get enough rest...

    Hi rmy,
    Hows u? so pamperings at sis place..:) Enjoy maadi.. dont worry abt handlingbaby/cooking/home .. it will all come naturally to us.. God's gift to us :) in a few months even you will be a super MOM :thumbsup

    Hi Minnuz,
    Thats so sweet, u have a 5 year old daughter.. She must be of a great help to you now.. How is her reaction abt the sibling? Is she getting a bro or sister?

    Hi poone,
    How are you?

    Hi uma,
    travelling? baby moon? :) When was your last scan?

    Everybody got a scan/was prescribed a scan.. except me.. should i be worried? Should I check with my doc for scan?
  3. Minnuz

    Minnuz Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi Kadambari, Chotabheem & Rmy,

    My daughter is so caring... Ofcourse she is a great help for me. Always enquiring "mom, r u ok?" She is eagerly waiting for the little one... Before my pregnancy she told her teacher, frnds & others that "my mom has a baby inside her stomach":hide:. Soon after that we tried for the 2nd one:biglaugh. Whn my tummy started big, she told me itz a brother, i call him "Appu". Last scanning Dr. confirmed itz a baby boy. So things are going like that:rotfl.... My daughter's name is Aahana.

    I was working till last yr. My daughter doesn't like, me going for work, bcoz she don't want to go to babysitting. Now she is in KG2 (UKG) & her school timing is 7.30 - 11.30am. At 12 she wil be at hme. So the rest of the time she likes to be with me.

    Rmy, after some time u also can be a super mom. I was not at all a good cook, but nw for my daughter i tried so many receipes frm net. Be frank, itz bit difficult to manage house hold works along with baby & job. Someone can manage all without fault, itz a big task dear.

    Hi vshrama,

    Why u r afraid about ceserian? Now a days itz not complicated. Only problem is u need more rest (rest period) for recovery than normal delivery. Mine 1st was ceserean, tried for normal too. So i know both pains upto some extend. So don't get tensed. Pray to God, no need to get worry. Drink plenty of juice, water etc. We all are praying for u dear.

    Take care all....
    With luv & prayers,
  4. kadambari1985

    kadambari1985 Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi Vsharma,

    Dont worry!!! even i had less AFI...even my doc said the same thing and i was scared to hell bcoz she wanted to take the baby out prematurely....after taking enough rest and loads of liquids and by taking medicines correctly helped me to increase AFI... dont stress yourself out more..things will fall in place at the right time.. have trust..god's grace everything will be fine...

    Hi Ramya,

    Enjoying at sis place huh nice...nice...u will be a super MOM soon :thumbsup...and will be giving tips to other ladies abt baby sitting and cooking....Hey ur also completing full term dear...congrats

    Hi Chotabheem,

    Nice....enjoy reading M&B :thumbsup....i started reading that book from my 2nd month itself...every issue has loads of info in that..
    ya plz tell us abt the exercise...even my doc suggested butterfly exercises... i have started with the walking yet to start those exercises...how abt u??? u started following that???

    Hi Minuz,

    Congrats for Boy baby....complete family one boy and gal:).....Hey Aahana is a very nice name....Nice to hear that Aahana is already bonding with her little bro....and taking care of u also....so u have some one to take care of u.. like mom or mil???..or ur managing everything by urself????

    Hi AVM and Sindhu...:)
  5. AVM

    AVM Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi All:
    Howz sunday today?
    For me it was little eventfull. Will eloborate soon. Nothing related to labor:)

    Hi Vsharma,
    Welcome back. Dont worry abt c-section. As kadambari says follow everything even if it not works as Minnuz says there is nothing to worry about c-section except for longer rest period. Immediately when they tell, i know it will be somewat disappointing and we will cry. When u think about baby is more important and nothing matters how it comes.

    Hi Kadambari,
    Good ur scan results were fine. So continue the same :)

    Hi Rmynair,
    Even i wonder ppl having so much energy to manage all. I am not sure how i will be. Hope i dont keep complaining. Should learn so much from my MIL.
    She is super lady with super energy.:bowdown I am just opposite. I can never be her as it all depends how we brought up also. No one can do gymnastics without years of practise na. So learn something to manage basic needs at home:hide:

    Hi Chotabheem,
    My next appointment is on tuesday. My husband and MIL already checked the date and kept which they wish i shud deliver. 24-25th it seems. Hope their wish come true. My wish already gone half time. I wished for 19-20.

    Hi Minnuz,
    You have a such a loving daughter. So caring :). You are lucky. Not many have this chance of having daughter helping when we r pregnant. Enjoi

    Hi Cl,
    Are you taking rest now? Is ur hubby back???

    Ok. comeing to the event. Today we had small cobra snake in my house. Donno whr it came from and whr it went. I only saw first so close i was. Small baby snake but it has spread its hood fully and standing. my god. First time i ever saw snake directly with hood opened. seen cobra in cages in zoo. never outside.

    I was feeling that it is telling something and i might deliver today. I was feeling little crams also that time may be becos of the tension i saw.
    Actuall as i had two continuous MC, in my in laws place they checked all horoscope and made a small temple for snake in their land. When it was decided to build a temple i got concieved. And do u all remember i traveled in Feb for that temple pooja only. My DH says baby snake came so telling it is time for baby here. I was just kidding him that date long back doctor gave:rotfl. Ramya might know, we made sarpa Kaavu in our place.
    I am taking this as good sign.:)
  6. AVM

    AVM Bronze IL'ite

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    Dont worry. As we discussed earlier if thr was any concern they wud ask for scan. For me when i was completing 36th week she asked. I think ur doc is easily approachable. If u r concerned just ask her " do u think i need a scan?". Nothing costs. I wish she will say ...she is sure everything is normal and no need.
  7. careerlife

    careerlife Senior IL'ite

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    Vsharma - dont worry too much...all will be fine...do everything possible to increase the AFI..but if at all u need to go ahead with a c-section, then its not so bad...in fact there are many who prefer that over normal delivery here...just that u need to be a bit careful for the first couple of months and then u r back to normal...all the best

    Minnu - Welcome to the club...good to know u too from abudhabi..which hospital do you go to? good to know abt ur DD's enthusiasm...and also good to know that she is gonna have a kid bro soon..

    Rmy - enjoying with ur sis...at this time it makes a lot of difference to have achange from the normal routine...have fun...

    Chotabheem, AVM, Kadambari and others - hi to all

    Kadambari - thanks for the reassurance...hope the AFI increases soon..

    All - me having abit of a tough time otherwise...DD has got some sort of a ulceration in her throat (skin peeling off or something) so she cant eat or drink anything...tough time managing her as she is crying full time...is on medicines...so absolutely no time to even think abt the pregnancy...:drowninghubby is back though and thats a relief...:bowdown
  8. AVM

    AVM Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi All:
    In our place, nurse give enema when active labor starts. :(
    I was with my SIL during her labor. My god they gv enema when she suffering in pain. Actually my aunt asked the to gv little earlier when she just started with pain. Nurses told thr is a time for everything and they gv when she had real bad pain. In that pain she need to go for toilet also. I didn't hear in any birth stories here abt enema.Is that not followed anymore?? For my cousin who delivered in Australia , they didn't gv it seems.

    OH CL,
    I am feeling sad about ur condition. Take care of you and ur DD.

    FOr me still 13 days more. Carmel patel posted last when she was 11 days more. If im following her just 2 days to go :). But i know it will be more. As I am not feeling much pressure at down. She told her DD was very low. But tightness is frequent.
  9. poone

    poone Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi all,

    really sorry for the late reply , I did try to post a message here but lost it and was too tired to type back again :)

    Caramel :- wow ur lil princess surprised all of us :thumbsup, read your birth story ...very inspiring ....hope you are resting well .....isyour pink bundle seeping well at night ? .....

    CL : - When are you planning to go to RAK , i think its time you move ( also keeping in mind the journey from AUH to RAK) ....take rest dear ...while you are in AUH ...please dont hesitate if you need any help .

    Rmynair :- Im sure you will also be a super mom ..very soon ...as they say necessity is the mother of invention...i guess all of us are forced to adapt ...sometimes i get scared , imagining my DD and LO together ...for now just taking as it comes ... i do have to tell u I was up at 4 Am a few days back preparing biryani for my DD as she had wished for it ...:bonk ..

    Chotabheem :- Iam fine thanks ...did you pack your bag .

    AVM :- wow you saw a baby snake ....they do call it auspicious at our place ...so all the best :)

    Update my end ..just feeling heavy by the day ..not able to go out for walks these days ...just home ..work ..babysitting pick DD come home cook eat ..sleep ...my mom is coming this weekend so waiting eagerly for her ... sunday morning had very severe pain in my back ...called the doc she says your sleep disturbance is causing strain ...I have taken off for two days:hide: and relaxing at home ... Packed my bag for the hospital , DH thinks iam planning very early :crazy

    so who is next with the due date ? ...i know Cl and me are arnd 5th and 6h of Aug looks like Minnu is also the same .
  10. vsharma

    vsharma Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi All,

    Thanks for all the suggestions and advices. Now I dont mind even if its c-sec just that baby should be safe. Today i went for check up and was asked to put 2 bottles of glucose for continuous 3 days and take scan again to check AFI level. I have now increased my water in take as well.

    Hi Chotabheem,

    This week am on leave as am at mom place and cant go to work from here as its too far and 3 days have to go hospital for glucose. Just resting now.

    Hi AVM, CL, Minnuz & Kadambari,

    I will follow all your advices as i dont want take any risk in the last few days of delivery. Thanks for all your support. I dont mind going for c-sec just that suddenly when doc said i was not able to take it :-(

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