JULY 2011 Mommies

Discussion in 'Due Date Clubs' started by indusshailu, Nov 16, 2010.

  1. chotabheem

    chotabheem Gold IL'ite

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    Hi All,
    it took quite sometime for me to digest the news.. :)
    Lucky caramel.. next is AVM's turn :thumbsup

    Hi AVM,
    From what I have heard from my friends.. not everybody's water will break prior to labour, my friends water broke at home and it was continuous and you will not get confused with urine it seems..Leaking urine is quite common now..so dont worry you can make out the diff between water breaking and urine leaking.
    Also, my friend keeps telling me to wear/keep a pad during 9th month if you are going to office or outside to be on safer side.
    Dont worry so much dear.. you will know when you are in labour:)

    Thx kadamabari for the details ..what we follow is different from what you have mentioned.. few are totally opposite:hide:
  2. AVM

    AVM Bronze IL'ite

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    Today early morning (not very early..today i got up at 8..so 9 is still early morning ;)...) i checked forum and was stunned to see carmel's post. Just posted quickly and went. But was thinking abt the same all this time. There was no pwr from 10-3 now.

    Yes, mine is next turn. Carmel was telling i might go early than her.

    Thanks Chotobheem, i hope i can make out the water break.

    From yday night this menstrual cramps are more. Yesterday night around 12 , i got 5 times cramps with sharp pain in the interval not more than 3 minutes. I was almost thinking am i gng into labor. I was worried it shudn't start seriously atleast till 4 Am as eclipse outside. But then it stopped after that and slept. Even from today morning cramps are more with leg pain. But movements also thr. One of my friend told movements will stop before labor that also one indication. But for my cousin she had this pain for nearly 2-3 weeks. So cannot expect anything.

    But just in case if i go to labor, i cannot post immeditaely like Carmel. If you dont see any posts more than 2 days u can assume i delivered. I am feeling so personally emotionally touched after carmel delivered. Though we dont even know our names we become so close sharing so much. Definetely I am so shy tye i dont share so much with anyone not even to my DH or mom/sis no one else. So thought i will share all my feelings today.:) . I may still be here for another 3 weeks so don't bid farewell for me:hide:

    I thought if you are comfortable will share our names and reason to keep this user names. My name is Vaishnavi. Dad's name is Mohan. So in office always termed as VM. Thought this is very short so joined husband's name Ajeesh also. So AVM:)

    Is carmel the first one in our group? Or the missing gals Vsharma/Vinjoshi/Praga/Savithri.....May be any of them had delivered.

    Congrats again. Enjoy ur motherhood. Our heartfull wishes to Aanya. So party time???

  3. chotabheem

    chotabheem Gold IL'ite

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    Hi AVM,
    Even I was stunned and later had tears of joy in my eyes when i came to know she delivered.. And she was very quick to post the good news.. not even a day late.. infact when i was reading your post abt water break, the below post from caramel i thght would be a reply to your question! Even I was thinking abt the same all the while and completely forgot what i had in my mind to post!
    I guess if she had delayed in posting, we would have guessed!
    Its so nice of her to remember us all so immediately and inform us :)

    Ok so if 2 days no post from you, we will assume you have delivered :thumbsup.. and I dont think anyone of us can be as quick as her to post the news.. minimum 3 days is reqd..:bonk

    May be vsharma might have delivered as her EDD was very close to Caramel.. or mom2011 might have delivered as she was carrying twins..
    I guess the others had in mid or end of July...
  4. ramyaramani

    ramyaramani Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    @caramel Congratulations! Enjoy motherhood. That was quite a quick update. Impressive.
  5. rmynair

    rmynair Bronze IL'ite

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    Seriously girls even i was thinking the same.Soon afta delivery she posted it here with help or without .i love her for dat:)We really are close to each other as AVM said since we share everythng here.hope we all can get back in time to get in touch wid each other if our LO s r not soooo cranky:hide:

    And the name part
    Mine is simple people call me Rmy .I m ramya:) And Nair ofcourse my sir name.
    Hope everyone shares this as well.
  6. AVM

    AVM Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi chotabheem
    can u put that excel sheet of our EDD if u hv???
    i was searching 4 dat.
    weekends sometime i might miss to post any. so keep 3 days:)

    i thought ur name as ramya :)
  7. kadambari1985

    kadambari1985 Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi Chotabheem,

    True, thats what i was telling in the post...different people follow different customs and rules....after delivery in our family...they will make us to take bath in kasthuri manjal(turmeric)...loads of things are there..mom was telling me....

    right even for me it took some time to react to caramel's baby news.... i was chking from mobile....i read the same post couple of times to confirm that i am reading it properly or not...and i felt very happy for her.....:). and she gave importance to us and shared the news so soon ....cheers to caramel :cheers

    Caramel....if u find time post baby pic in ur display:)

    AVM...lot of things must be running in ur mind na, as ur close to due date....dont worry even u will give us surprise good news like caramel :thumbsup...will keep 3 days as grace period and if there is no post from u means..will assume u delivered the baby:)

    hey u know what my sis name is also Vaishnavi :)

    Hi All
    Regarding name...u all might be knowing Kadambari is my original name :bonk

    i have my doc appointment tomorrow...will let u know people...what did doc say...guessing that i might have a scan tomorrow to chk amniotic fluid level...

    Hi to Rmy and CL...

    TAke care all
  8. careerlife

    careerlife Senior IL'ite

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    Hi Ladies

    Even i am in the same situation...couldnt stop thinking abt Caramel today...all the best to her and Aanya:cheers
    but i have been having a bad time yesterday and today, so couldnt concentrate much on the posting bit...hubby in india till saturday and DD not well - tonsils and high fever, is on antibiotics :rant

    AVM - its a good idea to share the names...i know u must be in a well of emotions now that you could possibly be the next one...luv the name vaishnavi...my name is sindhu and the CL is cos before marriage, i was kind of against dometic life - like i didnt want to get married and be an enterprising career oriented single woman and all that nonsence, so had that nick for almost everything, like all email ids etc...so thought of continuing that (now that i am a full-time soon-to-be mom of 2....:))

    and pls if possible, do ask ur hubby to post atleast a one-liner after ur delivery...thats what i had done when i had my DD....got evrything set on his mobile before hand itself and told him to just type out a liner abt the news...so everybody do train ur hubbies to atleast share the news with us :coffee

    All - now that we all are so close to each other, lets pls ensure that we continue the same even after the LOs....and also post pics of the kiddos sometime

    Rmy - always thought u were ramya...interested in meeting sometime before/after delivery...
  9. careerlife

    careerlife Senior IL'ite

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    Kadambari's pathiya saappadu details are actually very practical and modern...that was almost what i followed earlier...and i personally feel its better than the traditional ones of having ghee and betel leaves and sundakkai and all that....cos ur body gets used to all that for a few months and once u start eating normal, u bloat like anything....thats what i have seen with my cousins and other relatives...so if you can keep it practical and simple, its the best
  10. VLR

    VLR Silver IL'ite

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    Congrats Caramel :cheers Enjoy time with your LO

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