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It is simply a passage through portals

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by jaijui0, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. jaijui0

    jaijui0 Senior IL'ite

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    Kamal realized that it was happening more frequently several times a week .
    She was well past 80 ,had her wits about her ,could recall all the events of her childhood as if they had occurred yesterday .

    Kamal or Dr. Kamlabai as the entire township called her had led an exemplary life . Having lost her parents during her medical internship , she had to bring up and educate 8 younger siblings who now had successful careers , marriages and children
    Poor Kamal never married , never had time for herself..but only for others.
    Her parents had brought her up as a spiritual person Once free of her duties , she spent most of her time contemplating the meaning of life and death .
    Of death she had no fear.It comes to all anyway .She had read and reread every book on every religion, ..the Bhagwad Gita ,the Bible , Dhammapada , the Torah .
    Being a Hindu ,, the multiple reincarnations one must go through was the closest explanation her logical mind would consider.
    But she admitted to herself that she really didn't know where she came from or where she was going after this life .
    During spare weekends , she would often take a trip to the hot springs of Vajreshwari, where her parents had taken her as a child.
    This time around it was on Mahashivratri, when the moon was at its brightest that she visited again . After supper she went alone for a walk with reflections of her childhood on her mind .. so when she recovered from her thoughts , she found she was hopelessly lost .
    She looked left and right and noticed a strange phenomenon.All around her was shrubbery but on her right was a hillock illuminated by the light of the moon .
    She seemed drawn to it , climbed up and up till she reached the top which was a slab of rock at least 10 by 10 meters.
    The moonbeams seemed to cascade onto the rock like a heavenly waterfall flattened to a sheet so much so that she couldn't see through or beyond it .
    Kamal had never feared anything in her life. She wasn't afraid now , only fascinated . She felt something sacred and a feeling of peace surge through her as she walked into the moonbeam portal.
    Her spirit looked down to see her physical body resting on the stone , then the spirit gazed onto a different scenario .
    Although it was the same world ,it appeared unreal. She was weightless , appeared to glide like a mist.
    She willed herself back into town and found that she was able to see and hear the usual squabbles and discourse of the folks, the clatter of the kitchen pans. Life was going on as usual but no one could see her .
    She then realized she was in a different dimension.
    Is this what happens after death, she wondered ? Was she dead or in transition?
    She willed herself to Mumbai, saw the members of her family sleeping peacefully, all except her 6 year old nephew who had sneaked onto the sofa to cuddle with his new puppy.:)
    After a while she felt a tug back to the rock . She woke up at dawn in her own physical human body and earthly surroundings.
    The following week she brought her archeologist friend , Katy Dalal to inspect the place . In bright daylight Katy went over the rock again and again for a long time .
    " I don't know Kamala., this is beyond me , " said Katy. See these faded serrations, in perfect depth and symmetry? They were not formed by nature. They are ancient symbols.But who made them ?If they were prehistoric, I would recognize them . These were made long before the existence of any civilization or the beginning of mankind .
    I think it is a linking ground like Mount Kailash is between heaven and eearth . Let it stay that way ,don't publicize it .. a secret between us till we die "
    Kamal's health had begun to fail very rapidly but her mind was clear. She knew what she had to do .
    January had passed and it would be full moon again.
    She gathered all her relatives for a family get together She had her will legally done and instructions written out in a sealed envelope.She handed it over to her brother to be opened the day after Mahashivratri
    She had arranged a trip to Vajreshwariagain When the the moon came up, the portal slowly reappeared as she had fervently hoped for . .She was already tired, exhausted from the long lonely walk and climb.
    Hobbling on aching legs, she slowly passed through the shimmering portal.
    This time she found herself in another world , a totally different dimension. She was in an enormous hall so huge that the walls in the distance were barely visible . The ceiling appeared higher than any cloud in the sky she had ever seen on earth.
    She was not alone. There appeared to be lots and lots of beings around her . It was neither day or night , instead there prevailed a gentle light pink to golden atmosphere .
    All she felt was peace , peace within and all around her , no pains , no aches no hunger , no desire , no worries .
    Kamal wondered if she was in a sort of waiitng room at a railway station like Victoria Terminus , waiting till her train came by.
    She felt a familiar presence and turned around to see her parents coming towards her . Her joy knew no bounds .There was no speech but communication was easy, like mental telepathy speaking to each others' minds.
    " Where is my favourite uncle, your brother Keshav?" Kamal asked.
    " Unfortunately , his life was not clean and exemplary. " was the reply. " You did not know that as a child. It will be a while before he reaches this station. It is likely he is back on earth hopefully not in a lower form. But we hoped u would be here today where time does not exist ."
    " Surely this cannot be heaven," declared Kamala.
    " We don't know what heaven is supposed to be like ," said her mother. " we go through several portals , always progressing upwards, perhaps into different worlds and dimensions.
    At a higher level are the angels or celestial human beings . We will be beckoned through several portals before we deserve that privilege.
    All I have learnt is that beyond these walls lies the sacred ocean , the ocean of mercy or Daya sagar.
    Now let us go meet many fine souls , who are eager to meet you ,some of whom u will recognize."

    Mahashivrari had passed and Kamla's brother opened the sealed envelope. Through his tears he read it all , as Kamal had kept no secrets.. It took just two hours for him and several family members to reach the hillock in Vajreshwari. They found Kamala's corpse on the middle of the rock.
    Sticking out of her purse was a piece of paper which said. " Life is simply a passage through portals "

  2. Mindian

    Mindian IL Hall of Fame

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    hi JJ,

    though a bit too serious and philosophical for my first read in the morning,it was different and i liked it...
    yes it is true that in life we do go thru different portals but i liked the idea that it is so in heaven too..:)
    u write very well...

  3. jaijui0

    jaijui0 Senior IL'ite

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    Hi Mindi,
    thank u for being my ist commentator ..i appreciate wat u have written . I hope i didnt scare u with the philsophy ..a serene post like this should set the tone for the day
    thanks again :)
  4. swathi14

    swathi14 IL Hall of Fame

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    Jaijui, Excellent writing. The life of Kamal is a lesson.

    I liked ur writing.

  5. Lalitha Shivaguru

    Lalitha Shivaguru Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear JJ,

    It really gave me goose bumps while reading this.... Can't explain my feelings.

    The above sentence is too good and very true.

    Keep writing more.
  6. jaijui0

    jaijui0 Senior IL'ite

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    hello swathi,
    thank u very much ..its a bit deep , even for me i kind of knew a lady like Kamal :)
  7. jaijui0

    jaijui0 Senior IL'ite

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    hi lalitha,
    thank u ..sorry for the goose bumps :) i often ponder about death and dying .. a lady in real life , like our Kamal has helped me to find a few answers
  8. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    Life is definitely transitions through portals, the time duration of stay, is dependent on the circumstances and the way we see it.
  9. dhivya rangarajan

    dhivya rangarajan Bronze IL'ite

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    It was a remarkable experience, reading ur blog.. your explanation seems more convincing than karma and rebirth! Beautifully written!!
  10. Jpatma

    Jpatma Silver IL'ite

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    This is one of the best posts that i have read. I enjoyed the narration, above all the concept. To astral travel and remote viewing are some of my pet subjects to discuss. Generally i don't discuss this topic much because you will be called nuts.
    The concept of moving from portal to portal sounds rational.
    May God blessyou.

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