Hi Friends, Last week we all cousins had gathered at my masi's place and chit-chatting we landed on the topic on the life that the current generation leads. We get to hear so much these days as to how good or bad the kids are and how irresponsible they are acting. I think it has a lot to do with their upbringing as well...even thou it may not be the case always. Here is an example of how irresponsible adults are in order to have fun in life they forget that they are setting wrong examples to their kids (I hope they know who is the father of their child) This incident had happened to my cousins BIL about 10-11 yrs ago in mumbai. He was invited to dinner by a friend of his. The trend in many of the friends groups is to gather on weekends have alcohol, non-veg talk all nonsense, crack non-veg jokes etc. and when it is time to call it a day is when the actual fun begins. All the male members throw their car keys in a bowl then close their eyes and pick one each. The lady of that car spends the night with whomsoever gets her car keys. Today in india we see lot of live-in relations even in graduating kids and those who are out of their hometown on pretext of working in a different state/city. People look down on prostitutes who are maybe forced in the profession or doing it out of necessity. But what do we call these so called high society people who indulge in such acts. Not that i am against it ...but are these the values that we want the next generation to imbibe?? Indians have aped the west but not inherited any of the good qualities of the west. Roopa. No offence meant to anyone.
Hey there Well yes it is a sophisticated way of prostitution... but on this level it cannot be called prostitution... cos for them this is just for fun, not for money... Swapping partners (this happens behind the closed doors of some very well to do homes), Rave parties (drug, booze and sex is free) are quite rampant in high societies these days... you know how we call them "Filthy Rich"... mor the rich more the filth... you are from Maharashtra... I'm basically from Delhi... there too these things happen everyday... what can we say, but i think theres still a long time before this hits the upper middle class or middle class... ~Abha
dear roopa, there is no west or east human are human every where and their taste of life and so on, in the north and south india many places there are these kind of couples who think,they will enjoy sex as they do not associate it with the mind, they think it is just a physical fun, like their variety of food, they also love variety in sex, all said and done, sometime the joke turns against, can u guess why, some couple who go together find the other man too good in bed and this takes a vicious turn, why after all u have a husband and why bother this is only a game. No sex is a thing like that, dont we say a good cook any day can credit and appease our soul, like wise some men appease ur body and it is the man who brings about this changes, as the lady in the beginning is always afraid what the people would say, but once exposed u cannot stop the thirst for more, so if u name this act as prostitution then it is so, but a lot of people in the upper limits, why even in slums enjoy this the world over, and some are happy with the one spouse that they have and world is bliss to them as there is not much of jealousy and the single companion any day is the greatest happening.If man does not go astray with his experimental, and not involve his wife, then dont blame her about the child being fair or dark and not accordance to him and so on... a very vast subject but have to stop it here, other wise i have to make a pdf file of this letter.. just exposure of the wrong kind, but yes i have seen woman too hungry for sex, so this is there among humans and i dont have a name for it dear...regards sunkan
Roopaji, Well this is unfortunatly true.What respect can the people who get involved in this have for each other, and their friends? Suppose th friend has gonme out of town, any of the males can think they can visit the female and have fun with her?just bcs they had before in the party ? So i agree with u, this can be termed consentual prostitution.And how can the partners respect each other, knowing what has happened. Regards.kamal
Roopa ji, forgot to add one more detail. In these times of webcams, and mobile phones, what if photos are taken with or without the knowledge of the partner.What if that person becomes very rich, and these can be used to blackmail.So much trouble for so little enyoyment.Regards.kamal