Is Something Sign From God Or Wishful Thinking

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by SuiDhaaga, Jul 4, 2023.

  1. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    In your life how do you know something is a Sign from God or Wishful Thinking (you want to believe something will happen but it is not likely)

    Did you ever get a Sign from God that came true, or did it turn out to be wishful thinking.

    There are many examples in my life that I thought was Sign of God but not only was it Wishful Thinking, but when my wishes seemed to be coming true, it made my life much worse (even after 10+ years there is still pain, but it is much less)

    There was a member on IL with J Jayalalithaa's Photo (I don't know her ID) who said she has seen paths open that either led to no where, or led to somewhere worse (if I'm not mistaken). She's the lady who ended up getting her jewelry from her SIL (with police help)

    any comments, can you share your experiences

    Can you also tell if you felt something was a Sign from God that actually came true and made your life better.

    Or perhaps when you get anything good in your life there is absolutely no sign from God, it just happens.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2023

  2. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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  3. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    ah yes of course @mangaii

    I look forward to her wisdom. She went through so much pain and hardship to finally get her jewels back.

    And I think she is still facing struggles. I look forward to her insights and her Bravery.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  4. vidhyalakshmid

    vidhyalakshmid IL Hall of Fame

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    Yes, I got a sign during my meditation. I had only realised after it came into reality. I believe that it is the reflection from the pure consciousness (Godliness). But it is too personal to share.
    SuiDhaaga and Thyagarajan like this.
  5. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    At least in three instances, i realised the presence of Almighty God - Through different medium rendered timely succour, guided & saved my life (and family).

    In the furst one* it (Rat) arrived several hours before the disaster.

    In second one ** it was a lady (by name Mary) - advocate - who waded through knee-deep water, pushed me aside from the path of raining bullets .
    In the third*** a fidgeting toddler in scooter cried me to move out & the spouse from a distance gesturing to leave the spot..

    For some good reasons, a cosmic force exists guiding in good time lending helping hand.

    My God, I believe in Thee
    I hope in Thee
    I love Thee above all things
    with all my soul,
    With all my heart
    and with all my strength ;
    I love Thee because thou are infinitely good
    and worthy of being loved;
    and because I love Thee,
    I repent with all my heart
    of having offended Thee;
    have mercy on me a sinner.

    *. Tight Schedule- Spouse, Rat & 'craft

    **Could It May Be Virgin Mother Mary

    *** Son , Spouse & Rage Of Diesel
    vidhyalakshmid and SuiDhaaga like this.
  6. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Today I had that experience. Here it is raining heavily.Since I wanted to pluck.fliwers near the temple for God I went to temple. The maid there helped me where there is water. Then I just walked to take pradarshan I was going to slip but Devi saved me.

    Earlier when I was in Mumbai after me hip bone fracture I used to get frightened to travel in the train as it is always crowded but when I used to get in a way is made and I was able to get in.

    There are other instances which I don't remember
  7. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    Wow i was thinking along the lines of love and marriage, and the responses go beyond that.

    It seems if something is a sign from God it will take us by surprise and we won't know it is a sign from God till afterwards, esp. @Thyagarajan story about being late for an airplane flight.

    If you want something to be a sign from God, chances are it is probably wishful thinking, i.e. it is something you are wishing for.

    But as they say Man proposes God disposes.
  8. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Every time my son accompanies me to a Temple anywhere in India, Nadaswaram used to play as though welcoming him into the Temple. I used to feel this is Almighty's Will to welcome him. Once I took my son to Shirdi from Pune and it was pouring rain. The rain stopped exactly when we reached the Temple. An old man dressed like Baba came out quickly and kissed my son and said something in Marati which I didn't understand. After that he dropped him down to the floor and asked my wife and I to make him walk inside the Temple. This I consider as the Will of the Lord to make him walk in the Temple.

    3 years ago, we were visiting Annapurani Temple in Karnataka. We were late as we lost the way despite many people telling us that the Temple will be closed at 2 p.m. By way of miracle and direction from an old lady, we reached at 1:50 p.m. to the Temple. We rushed inside and my wife was seated and chanting Lalitha Sahasranamam and asked me to pay for Annadhana in the Temple. Within a few minutes, a priest came and took us inside the Sanctum Sanctorum, gave Turmeric Rice in my hand and asked me to recite something. We just finished that ritual and the priest gave me a shalve which is normallhy given for the VIPs. Till today, I don't understand how these things happened. It seems no one should leave the Temple without eating and unfortunately, we didn't have time to eat as we were late. While leaving the Temple, a person from the dining hall came running and gave a Tumbler filled with Payasam and we drank it and left. The Temple closed immediately.

    We have a Guru that we meticulously follow and pray to regularly. When my son was doing his Masters degree, one night, he woke me up and asked would I mind if he takes a week's break and go to India and visit this Guru. I was pleasantly surprised and booked his ticket to go to India. My parents-in-law took him to the Guru. He gave a letter to this Guru which He gracefully received. My son returned home safely. Within 3 months, this Guru died. What a great blessing for my son!

    I have many instances to narrate and I am restricting it to you. I get signs all the time from either from the nature or from someone else.
  9. sociallifein30s

    sociallifein30s Gold IL'ite

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    for me that is always been wishful thinking. The men I liked and they said they liked me back but never materialized into anything concrete. leave alone culmination into marriage. There was one relationship especially where we were really close and I thought this is it and was longer term but nope ...
    After then there were a few whom I met as arranged marriage setup. again there was one person who was special. I had this thing where I be thinking about him but no calls or anything and think I should move on and then suddenly I see his name on a shop or someone yelling out that name behind me and I used to think it was a sign ! but nahhh...even though in that little moment, it did give me some hope and a sense of calm. Atleast that one day went by easier.

    The things that I really want never come easy.
    However, trivial things or things that are not THAT important in comparison with marriage and other things, seem to work out as a sign. Like an old friend calling back, some movie playing on tv, some dress being available again in the choice of color, getting a bus on time, getting that ticket, things like that work on intuition.
    SuiDhaaga likes this.
  10. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    I feel sad reading this

    I am starting to believe that the man should like the woman million times more than she likes him - only then there is a chance for relationship to form and work out.

    It seems men like women who are 20, 30 years their junior. Probably to show off, probably for a glorified caregiver. But there are women who are looking for this relationship. Simply for physical security (single women are vulnerable, not to crime but to con-artists), and maturity (lot of young guys act stupid and expect the woman to bring home the bacon and cook it)

    I stay away from Dating, Marriage sites. I refuse to go to Bars. Now I just keep myself busy helping my Dad or doing my office work.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2023
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