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Is It Okay To Miss First 2 Weeks Of Elem School

Discussion in 'Schoolgoers & Teens' started by sanjuruby3, Jul 25, 2022.

  1. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    I am planning india trip and will have to skip first 2 weeks of school.
    How much loss my kid will have to bear for 3rd grader. It is either now or around xmas which is middle of year. I am thinking its better now than dec since it will be middle of school programs.
    In the beginning, one week is usually introductions, and getting settled. Then labor day weekend comes.

  2. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    I am not a parent

    I can tell you as a struggling adult, the early years are the most impressionable.

    Please make sure your child doesn’t miss single day of school.

    I went to India in 2nd grade and I had tutor go over lessons.

    Will you explain to your child’s teacher the importance of going to India?

    Will your child’s teacher give you books for the child to study?

    Will you get tutor from India for your child to study from these books?

    Will your child be allowed time to study and learn and grow?

    Another option is homeschooling, then you have your own schedule. @laks may have some insights.

    If a child has loving Mother who emphasizes the beauty of life long study and learning, that child will flourish into a happy adult.

    Not just making straight As, but learning, making connections to things and places.

    But for now I’d say plz avoid pulling your child out of school unused you can get tutor in India who will follow (maybe exceed) the school curriculum.
    Rihana and Thyagarajan like this.
  3. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    If their school isn't going to make too much of a fuss, and/or you can manage the fuss, I'd say take the extra vacation.
    My kids are older now and I used to be dead set against them missing school for any reason. Looking back, I kinda wish I had taken those extra weeks of vacation instead. Time spent with grandparents, cousins or simply exploring the world is more precious than a couple of weeks of elementary education. In situations where the child is struggling academically or there is minimal parental support, extra school time would be valuable. But with parental support most kids can make up for a week or two of missed school. You can ask their teacher to give you any handouts or homework for the first two weeks and have your child do it over the trip. If you don't yet know who their teacher will be, as is common in public schools, don't sweat it. Let them have fun!
    SGBV, Srama, chanchitra and 1 other person like this.
  4. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Each state has its own rules and policies about absences in public schools, such as after how many absences a student. Further, each school district can have its rules about when a student is disenrolled from a school.

    This seems to be the rules for MA:
    Massachusetts defines Chronically Absent as missing at least 10% of days enrolled (e.g., 18 days absent if enrolled for 180) regardless of whether the absences are considered excused, unexcused and/or for disciplinary reasons.
    One reason schools discourage absences is that in some states, the school loses funding for the days the student is absent.

    Student getting disenrolled from a school and moved to another school due to absences is rare. This happens only if the school has a wait-list for that grade and parents on the wait-list are vigilant and keep checking with the school.

    If a student has a planned absence coming up, the teacher might be required or offer to prepare an "independent study package" that the student completes during the absence. Such package is a nightmare for the parent. It is not only a bunch of worksheets and assignments, it has lesson plans etc and at 3rd grade level, the parent has to work with the child. The parent does what the teacher would have done in class on the absence days. Getting a child to complete that package while in India, keeping that package safe and getting it back intact with all those suitcases is challenging, to put it mildly.

    Missing up to one week at start of school or December is fine. Doesn't matter if missing in August or December. Missing two weeks is a lot. It will become difficult to catch up. It depends on the teacher also. Some are cool with the absences and say "go meet family, that is the best education." Some will make life difficult for the parent and student and express displeasure at the extra work it means for teacher.

    I personally would choose this for India travel: keep the school absence to one week. Do it till third or fourth grade but not in fifth or higher. Instead of all going together, mom goes earlier with younger one, dad comes later with older one. All return together.

    And above all, if the child cribs about missing school, drop the idea. It is not nice or productive to make a child miss school against their wishes, no matter how young they are, and how expensive India tickets.
  5. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    So I spoke with few indian parents, many of them said they did it for 3 weeks ..child got unenrolled and then they enrolled back. 3 weeks are too much. Normally we desi parents usually assist kids with studies so that is not my worry but worry is about telling her school is important.
    However, missing early weeks of school vs mid-december is my concern.
    earning weeks - are easy for kids, i think in terms of everything, however, we are v busy here in US right now @home front. Also my kid is excited right now to go as all her friends are in India.
    In December, it will be just us.
  6. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    @sanjuruby3 ,

    I have heard of many school districts unenrolling and reenrolling - check with your district first, directly. That said, I wouldn't worry about missing two weeks of school. And I am with @Gauri03 on that - personally as a mom and a teacher I do love the experience over learning especially during that phase. But make sure you reach out to the classroom teacher and offer an explanation. Also, it is not a bad idea if you can get your child to share a few details about her/his trip after you get back with the classroom - pre approved by teacher by asking before the trip (like a couple of weeks before the start if you know the teacher). It need not be exhaustive but a few photographs with titles on a poster board - don't make it a huge project but do remember to save a few photos in a separate folder to print for later like time with grandparents etc . This will help your child ease back in to classroom and allows others to get to come forward to make friends with her by asking questions or offering compliments. Third grade is a transition grade, first quarter will work on skills form second and good age for friendships. Teachers are also busy the first two weeks helping students transition - so be aware of that and convey just what is necessary and assure your cooperation in helping your child transition. Request for any work done in the first two weeks and help your child catch up.
    Gauri03 likes this.
  7. DDream

    DDream Finest Post Winner

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    Ask your kid's home room teacher as rules can be different based on state or school. In our case we travelled to India for three weeks when my ds was in elementary school. They agreed to enroll my ds back after three weeks.In addition to that they provided print outs of all activity for those three weeks. So, we have utalised that too during our trip, so didnt miss any lessons. His teacher was very supportive.
    SuiDhaaga likes this.
  8. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    We do not know who her teacher is going to be.. They do not give that info till the end, when they send packet.
    this was my concern, now vs december.. thanks for relieving me of stress .. i know meeting cousins and grandparents is also an experience , they may not get always. And for us 1st gen indians, it is always going to be hard, with urge to meet parents + our own kids + jobs/budgets. Ultimately emotions take over..though many in india do not understand. they think we have lot of money to make frequent trips for 4.

    Ok so before meeting teacher, whom to call to enquire, school or school district.
  9. 1Sandhya

    1Sandhya Platinum IL'ite

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    Is it public school? From what I remember if it’s highly rated, in demand school they disenroll the kid if they don’t show up in the first week. It’s a headache to enroll them again. If waitlist then may not get the original school and get some other school which require bus new environment other headaches. Third grade is where they start getting serious about enforcing such policies. Ask parents whose kids were entering 3rd grade not same grade parents who maybe did this when the kid was younger.
  10. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    yes, I asked a mom whose kid is much older now. She has done it many times, and yes as i heard its pain to re-enroll again but they were able to get in. Some got the worksheets packages and they did in middle of year as well in dec. All this is making me so nervous.

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