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Is It Common For Ladies Who Valued Marriage To End Up In Live-in Relationships

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by SuiDhaaga, Jul 15, 2022.

  1. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    I shall try

    A bunch of young men are always together (very few females). They are in investment banking.

    Logistically it is quite different than what you expect.

    My eating schedule is different. I have heavy brunch in morning, then walk rounds during lunch. I don’t trust food from outside unless it is coffee or tea.

    These young men get lunch from nearby place within the development area and eat a bit further away where there are tables, chairs, benches.

    There are so many nice looking young men, like an ocean of them.

    I am guessing I am noticeable because I am continually walking. Perhaos they are discussing work (seems to finance works us quite competitive)

    When I get chance I will smile at one of them.
    Aarushi likes this.
  2. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Not just marriage, any relationship for that matter can be a trap for people who do not have the courage to leave.
    Building self confidence, and finding financial independence & a support system is the only way out.

    For some, abusive parents. For others abusive lovers/partners and for some others abusive spouses. Disrespectful employers, bad neighbors etc..etc... the list has no end as long as you allow yourself in this trap.

    Marriage is a commitment. It is about creating a family together and spending your rest of the life for that family you created. It is indeed a serious commitment.
    Not every one is ready for such a serious commitment. And it is not easy.
    Couples are expected to complement each other by giving their 100% to balance their life after marriage. When one or both partners aren't ready for it, divorce happens.

    There are many lovers who get separated after being together for years. Many live-in couples separate too.
    Like wise, the lovey dovey newly wedded couples too get separated after the initial marital bliss.
    It is all because they realize they can't be happy or comfortable with each other bearing the extra burden/commitment of marriage down the line.

    The point is.... The problem isn't about marriage, love affair or live-in set up. It is about the fact whether the partners are ready for a long time, full time serious commitment together? If not, the relationship fails.
    SuiDhaaga likes this.
  3. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    You bring up lot of great points.

    I guess I am considering live-in as a shield from the thorns of marriage.

    If person has courage, they can leave any bad relationship.

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