Is discussion about sex not allowed in IL?

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by Induslady, Jan 13, 2008.

  1. Induslady

    Induslady Administrator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    There is no blanket ban on discussing sex in our forums. We agree that sex is natural, nothing to be ashamed about etc. However, we do not encourage sexual conversations that do not have the right intent, tone or choice of words. We ask that you exercise great restraint and sensitivity while approaching discussions on this topic. As always, our moderators will remove/moderate content appropriately.

  2. ojaantrik

    ojaantrik IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear IL Team:

    I have been in correspondence with one of your members. She has convinced me that it is worth at least one more try at IL.

    I think I want to follow her advice. Towards this end, I will start posting a serialized long story which I have been posting on blogspot. I don't think it will be read there either. So no harm trying out a few parts at least at IL. If no one is interested, I can always stop midway.

    However, before I begin, I need to tell you that there will be a chapter which involves people talking sex. I have tried not to use crude sex words, but I did try to emphasize how vulgar people could get. It is intended to shock a sensitive person and clarify the distinction between civilized and uncivilized people.

    This is just to keep you informed in advance. If you need to edit the part of the story where this will show up, do please let me know before you proceed. I will inform you before I post the part in question. It could make your task easier.


    Dipankar Dasgupta
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2008
  3. jahangheer

    jahangheer Junior IL'ite

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    Dear Administrator I was looking for a recipe to make Kalakand and found it in your website and interested to be a part of this site. I admire your guidelines to discuss about sex, but I do not see any thread discussing sex. Whatever it may be discussed I do agree, the word should be content and should not hurt anybody. Is there any thread discussing about sex? when I was surfing the website, I found a thread about removing unwanted body hair. But I afraid to give suggestions I know to make it easier. Anyway thank you for the guidelines.

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