Is Bhagavad Gita a way to understand Physics.

Discussion in 'Pujas Prayers & Slokas' started by zipzipzoomzoom, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. zipzipzoomzoom

    zipzipzoomzoom Gold IL'ite

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    Finest Blog - First Weekly Pick of July 2012

    Ok, I couldn't think of a more descriptive title.

    I have so many thoughts on how concepts of Bhagavad Gita, written over 5,000 years ago is now being "discovered" by modern Science.

    For instance, Lord Krishna is telling Arjun that no one is born, no one dies, we are all here.

    That's like physics, "Energy is neither created, nor destroyed".

    Aren't we energy, particles from the Universe that appear in Human form?

    And once we are truly in touch with our creator and feel peace, we Humans are converted into another form of energy.

    This is like ice being converted to water being converted to steam.

    I don't know what else to say.

    I've heard of the book "Tao of Physics", and saw few YouTUBE videos. Physicists such as Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, etc used Eastern religions to better understand modern science.

    It is because 5,000+ years ago, few learned people listened to thier souls, and truly observed what was around them to intuitively understand how our universe works.

    I mean, someone wrote the Bhagavad Gita ....

    So, coming back to modern Science where these "discoveries" were made 50+ years ago. This gave rise to Quantum Physics.

    Quautum Physics looks at the world at a smaller scale in an atomic, or subatomic level.

    But the thing that that tickles my brain is, atoms will act one way when they are observed, and atoms will act a different way when the are not observed.

    What does this have to do with the Bhagavad Gita?

    I'm really not sure.

    Only thing I can take from this is, gosh, I'm drawing a blank.

    Well, when we act and think blindly, things happen, and many times, we cannot understand why they happen.

    For a while, I was not getting along with anyone I met, I was getting poor matrimionial alliances, and I was within an inch of losing my job.

    But then, I started researching, including coming to these forums, and realized that one must OBSERVE how they act and how they think.

    If they think good things, good things will happen.

    Suddenly, the same people who wanted to fire you now want to help you, and give you more responsibility because they have faith in your work.

    Suddenly, you will get better responses for matrimonial alliance even though (especially if you are female), you are several years older.

    I even try telling my family, if we don't like, or don't want a matrimonial alliance, try to tell them kindly and wish them well.

    Ok, perhaps I was going on a tangent. Or, perhaps not.

    But we must remember to watch how we act and think, because it is so sensitive to the surrounding environment.

    When I see people, especially Indians who have succeeded, I am thinking perhaps it is because of their strong faith in God, and acting and thinking positive, along with their academic efforts that they are happy and successful. Perhaps they learned about Bhagavad Gita when they were kids, perhaps they learned by following their parents example.

    I really hope to teach my kids to appreciate these precious, and most valuable concepts. Unlike animals, Humans were given a brain, and God expects them to use thier brain to think, to act positive and responsibly to all other beings.

  2. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear ZZZZ,

    Very nice post. I am so happy that you compare Quantum Physics with Spirituality. Aren't they very close to each other? In fact, I believe theories in Quantum Physics one day make science converge with spirituality. You should kindly read my post Spirituality & Quantum Physics - Blogs - IndusLadies.

    My parallel to it is when our character conducted by our mind is observed by our consciousness, changes significantly and becomes compliant to the Implicit Order. Double-slit experiment conducted on electron proved that it appeared in the form of light when observed. This disapproved earlier theories that one can't be in two places at the same time.

    You talked about Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr and I feel you should read the following books to have a good comparison of many spiritual teachings including Bhagavad Gita with the science:

    1) Holographic Universe - Michale Talbot

    2) Biology of Belief - Bruce H. Lipton

    3) Einstein's Enigma - Jose Rodrigues dos Santos

    4) Nano Technology of Mind over Matter - Kabbalist Rav Berg


  3. zipzipzoomzoom

    zipzipzoomzoom Gold IL'ite

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    I am still trying to grasp the science behind this. Only thing I can think of is when Lord Krishna is with the Gopis and he creates several forms of himself to be with each and every Gopi.

    Your blog post is totally awesome!!!

    And, I hope to read these books really soon.
  4. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear ZZZZ,

    The science behind Bhagavad Gita is very simple. That is why I suggested you to read Nano Technology The Mind Over Matter. God when he created the milky way, He said, "Let there be light" as Jesus said. The big bang happened. He wanted to create life and He made the condition ideal for life to be created. He wanted to replicate Himself into many lives. So He created a vessel to receive His Grace. His exhalation created life. All life created by Him reflected His qualities of giving and refused to receive Grace. Therefore, He created another quality in the beings created to receive his Grace. Still there is resistance from the life and hence He created another quality of receiving grace for giving it back.

    In the above example, the one that reflects the Lord's quality is Proton (Sattwic quality), the one that receives Grace is Electron (Tamosic quality) and the one that receives to give is Neutron (Rajasic quality). Therefore, three parts in an atom that is in our cell has all three qualities the city of billion cells (our body mind complex) has.

    Lord Krishna tells in Bhagavad Gita that one who transcends all of the three qualities will reach Samadhi (Self Realization). In science, if these three functions of atom is transcended, the city of cells (body mind complex) will disintegrate.

  5. zipzipzoomzoom

    zipzipzoomzoom Gold IL'ite

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    That is mind-blowing!
  6. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear ZZZZ,

    Congratulations on winning the best blog of the Ist week of July 2012. Keep writing such wonderful blogs more and more and I personally look forward to reading them. Thank you.

  7. zipzipzoomzoom

    zipzipzoomzoom Gold IL'ite

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    Awwwwww ..... I feel honored and am really touched that this blog post was chosen.
  8. vasusri

    vasusri New IL'ite

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    "In the above example, the one that reflects the Lord's quality is Proton (Sattwic quality), the one that receives Grace is Electron (Tamosic quality) and the one that receives to give is Neutron (Rajasic quality). Therefore, three parts in an atom that is in our cell has all three qualities the city of billion cells (our body mind complex) has."

    This deserves to be the best comment...
  9. InnerBliss

    InnerBliss Gold IL'ite

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    Congratulations! Nice blog. Loved reading it.

    Keep writing and sharing your precious thoughts.

  10. IndianFunTube

    IndianFunTube New IL'ite

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    The Advaita Vedanta Philosophy in action among the Quantum Scientists and Philosophers of America -

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