Hello everyone of IL, I have some queries abt ABACUS. If anyone of you can tell me how this ABACUS is useful for our kids in their school. Last week one of my friend wanted to put her daughter for ABACUS classes since her daughter is confused with < or > in mathematics, that kid is in 1st std. but I told her that has no relevance with regular mathematics. I dont know whether I was correct or wrong by telling her that way. Can anyone tell me what is this ABACUS all about. I know its a chinese way of learning maths Padma
Hi Padma, Even i have been hearing about Abacus a lot.....From what I know, it helps the child do mental mathematics and large calculations fast.....I asked a lot of moms before enrolling my son in the abacus class.....everyone said it had helped their child in mathematics. my son completed three levels and then left.....it was not too difficult and he did pretty well.....and i am thinking of putting him in the classes again.(the good part about these classes is that one can leave at a pt and still continue after a gap) my son still uses the traditional method for calculations as he finds it easier but i think for bigger nos. abacus will definitely be handy. the only thing to keep in mind is that the child sh. practice it regularly so that it becomes a habit for him/her otherwise it is a bit difficult to switch to this method of calc. once they r used to the traditional way. then there is vedic mathematics also which i assume is also more or less the same but ancient indian . if somebody knows more about this , pl. share ur views here. regards sonalika
Hi padma, Abacus is good if started earlier than school. They teach the child to do the calculations faster and in a different way. That will be helpful really. My son went to 3 levels and then I had to stop because his school work was suffering ( he started a little later). But don't think that the child will have to spend time at that class only. At home too the child will need to practise. They will give home work and we will have to make sure that the child does that properly. This will take more time from the child and he will be deprived of leisure activity. So think twice before starting.
hi, Yes, Abacus is important for every child. apart of mental maths abacus improves all the subject with the help of abacus learning power gets increase. Basically abacus is a brain development programme. Abacus can be helpful in the development of one’s inner abilities like concentration, speed, memory, accuracy and learning ability. I want to suggest one Abacus center IIVA | Indian Institute of Vedic maths & Abacus is the best center provide abacus training. Online Abacus Training Course with Best & Experienced Trainers Available