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IPC 498a.Is this law breaking our indian families?

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by MYLUV, Oct 14, 2013.

Is IPC 498a Breaking our families

Poll closed Oct 15, 2013.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. May be

  4. Do not know about this law itself

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  1. MYLUV

    MYLUV Senior IL'ite

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    Dear ladies...

    I would like to know how many of you know about the law IPC 498a? This law was made to protect women from dowary harrassmen and dowary death.but this same law made to protect the weaker women is used as a tool to spoil the indian families.Now a days if a DIL is not happy with her inlaws family or if she cant see her husband in good relationship with here parents so this tool comes as handy to teach them a lesson.Being a girl my self i feel ashamed to say that i a women.Where are we taking our next generation.what are we teaching them?

    May be my mother would have suffered from her mother in law all the ill teartment.But today the case is different most of the MILs are educated and all DIL are very well qualified.Where is the case is ill treatment happening?If a rell case is happening so do u think an well educated DIL will stand all those insult? NO i ma sure she has got the GUTS to SLAP on the face of her man....

    Then what are these 498a DIL ganing from this law? She and her family can enjoy with money the extract from the Groom and his family by 498a law (NON BAILABLE).

    Please share your own experince or some one who is into these case.
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  2. bhuvnidhi

    bhuvnidhi IL Hall of Fame

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    It is very hard to believe that a woman would misuse this law just for money and spoil her relationship with husband.Honestly do you think so?I have seen atleast 4 culprits crying the same as you have mentioned above.They do all sorts of atrocities and finally claim they are victim of this law.There was this lady whose MIL and FIL did not "allow" the DIL to be with her hubby.This hubby a spineless guy though he liked his wife could not go against his mom and dad.Things went so worse that they sent this lady out of the house in the middle of the night thinking she would be "that" typical bharathiya naari who would come running and fall at their feet.Instead she chose to come with police the very next day and took all the jewels(which were under her MIL's custody) and made sure everybody in the street know about the same.She did not want any other girl to suffer like her in that family.Yes, she files a 498a since the pain she went through was just unexplainable.But guess what , the MIL & FIL duo used to sit and cry in the temple claiming that they were innocent.

    I think not everyone can misuse 'this" law atleast in this Male chauvanistic society.And in a society where a lot of women go through hell just for the sake of their kids , do you think such things are prevalent?

    Where were you when women were burnt because of dowry and killed in the womb just because some !@#@$$ felt they cannot "afford" to have a female child?Be ashamed that you are born a woman who cannot understand the pain of others not because you are born woman.

    The biggest "ignorant" joke I have read in the recent days.If she had the guts to slap the man , a lot of "such" men would be shown their place.
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  3. bhuvnidhi

    bhuvnidhi IL Hall of Fame

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    Proof please.Hard to believe supreme court mocks at a law.

    I saw the document which you had posted in your previous post.I agree there should be a measure to protect innocent ones, but the document's tone is so atrocious and demeaning.It does not aim at protecting innocent men , the document is aimed at protecting men in general(clear chauvanistic views) , just the way the men group together protecting a rape culprit.If you see , even the police hesitates to file a rape case.
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  4. Coolchap

    Coolchap New IL'ite

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    In a case of Preeti Gupta v. State of Jharkhand, the Supreme Court observed that a serious relook of the provision is warranted by the Legislature. “It is a matter of common knowledge that exaggerated versions of the incidents are reflected in a large number of complaints. The tendency of over-implication is also reflected in a very large number of cases”. The Court took note of the common tendency to implicate husband and all his immediate relations. In an earlier case also - Sushil Kumar Sharma v. UOI (2005), the Supreme Court lamented that in many instances, complaints under s.498A were being filed with an oblique motive to wreck personal vendetta. “It may therefore become necessary for the Legislature to find out ways how the makers of frivolous complaints or allegations can be appropriately dealt with”, it was observed. It was also observed that “by misuse of the provision, a new legal terrorism can be unleashed”.

    Congress Govt passed 498a only for the sake of vote bank politics

    Last edited: Oct 14, 2013
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  5. shama146

    shama146 Gold IL'ite

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    Whenever we say anything we talk of the general population, we ignore the exceptional cases which are prevalent everywhere.
    And in this general population you will never find a woman who will break her marital life just for the sake of money. mind it here I am not talking of exceptions.
    It's very easy to frame an opinion when you yourself haven't been in that situation.Tell me which normal girl will want to break her loving family and get involved in those court cases. i don't think any normal girl will unless and until she has an ulterior motive. When she is unable to take anymore, she is forced to take this route of 498.
    Often men complain that matrimonial laws are biased towards women. Have you ever given a thought why? had this law being so irrelevant, it would have already being abolished by our male dominated system.
    Just go through any newspaper, crime shows, statistics, etc. You will find that 80% of the victims are woman.Why?
    Just because exceptional cases have misused this law, you can't generalize it.

    I totally agree with Bhuvnidhi. It is often those husbands who have wreaked havoc in their wives life, who complaint of this law and their being innocent. there is a proverb in hindi "chor ki dadhi me tinka". It means often it is the culprit who will make the most noise. :rant
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  6. shama146

    shama146 Gold IL'ite

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    Don't you think you have made a very strong statement based solely on your own personal views.
    Common at least here you can spare the Govt. if you want to blame someone, blame the ill wills in our society.
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  7. yellowmango

    yellowmango IL Hall of Fame

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    It's very easy to get rid of this law. Stop asking for dowry,stop torturing women for dowry, stop killing women for dowry. It is not so difficult to 'not kill' .

    The day the Indian families will stop considering their sons as a legitimate source of 'extorting' money from a girl's parents...this law will become obsolete.

    If the paranoid ,anti dowry law people work towards irradiating this 'crime' from the society instead of crying against the law .....it might actually result in removal of this law some day.
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  8. heron

    heron Platinum IL'ite

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    There are a LOT of suffering DILs here on IL. I am eager to see how you keep your stance with this post. I can smell a stereotype MIL / her son here..anyone else?
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  9. Priyas660

    Priyas660 Silver IL'ite

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    You spoke my mind. I can see a certain chap here trying to defend so called mama's boys on a women's forum.
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  10. Padmash

    Padmash Platinum IL'ite

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    Of course this law is breaking many houses. Indeed this law is made to safeguard women's life but unfortunately few strong women are misusing it. I know one such case in mumbai which got resolved after 8years of continuous battle against the battle and finally this man won the case which was long waited by all of us.. reason for his wife to do this first she was working in mumbai call centre and she had an affair. When family members opposed her and asked her to change the job "not quit" just change the job.. she didnt like.. after few days she told them she is resigning and she is going for an interview.. and she never came back.. her husband started searching her from 8pm till 10am next day then finally filed an FIR.. Noone can believe around 12noon he got a call from Agra police station that his wife has filed dowry harassment case on him... when she was asked to settle out of court she demanded one of their appartment in mumbai which was really her cheapness... this courtcase continued for 8years finally her husband collected some proof against her.. just for this case he changed his work place from mumbai to delhi. As she filed her case in Agra her native place where they got married... Really this women didnt get anything after this false case except for bad name.
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