Re: Investments Hi lakshmi, Do look into 529 plans for your daughter. We have enrolled in Utah and California state 529 plans for our sons. Both are very good and they give good returns. No taxes on the investments ou make . Also check into the fees for each state plan. Look for plans that coem with the stamp of TIACREFF( i think). Let me get back to the US and i can look up my statements and give you more info. Way back when we started our 529 plans, CA and UT had some of the best plans that were offered. Now it could be different not sure. Vandhana
Re: Investments Here is the link to the TIAA CREF website. Lot more info there: TIAA-CREF - Education Savings Vandhana
Re: Investments Hi Selvi, Can you let me know what kind of investments we can look for kids education? Thanks Birundha
Hi Lakshmi, You can also open an account in one of the brokerage firms and put 2000$ year as part of the kids educational IRA. You can manage them picking your own stocks. that’s what we do for both of our kids.. Tulasi
Hi Tulsi, Educational IRA? Sounds interesting...Can you eloborate on this....If possible can you give some links?
Hi Tulasi, Thanks for the link.But it sounds similar to 529 plan. Do you mind if asking abt the brokerage firms you have mentioned where one has a chance to pick our own stocks ?(The 401K plans have that choice I think...if I'm not wrong)
Hi ssautin, There is lot of difference between the two in how to invest and how to use the invested money. Only drawback in ESA is if you wish to invest more than 2000$ you cannot do it... Regarding brokerages there is lot of online as well as offices brokerages We use Scottrade...I am listing some of them which I know off Etrade TDameritrade Fidility Citibank Goldman Sachs Morgan stanley Merrill Lynch I would suggest you do your own research and pick the one best suits you... Tulasi