Internet usage by Indian women

Discussion in 'Education & Personal Growth' started by adapasujana, Mar 8, 2007.

  1. adapasujana

    adapasujana New IL'ite

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    Dear Indusladies,

    Hello everybody. This is sujana and currently am a PhD student with an Australian University. I am working in Marketing discipline and am intending to collect data on Indian women and internet usage in Asia-Pacific countries. This data is purely for my research purpose. Would you be interested in helping me. Once I hear from you I can post the questionnaire. The questionnaire contains no right or wrong answers and it hardly takes ten minutes to fill the entire questionnaire and u can fill online itself. I am proud to be an indus lady. Thank you every body.:wave

  2. VijayaSeshadri

    VijayaSeshadri New IL'ite

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    Hi Sujana,

    I am interested in helping you. You can post the questionaire.

    Vijaya Seshadri
  3. adapasujana

    adapasujana New IL'ite

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    Internet marketing Questionnaire

    Dear Madam

    Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening. I am doing research in Marketing Discipline and am currently working on “Perceptions of Indian Women about Internet Marketing”. The data obtained by you all is purely for the research purpose and there are no right or wrong answers. Please do fill all the questions. Please forward the completed questionnaire by private message. All the support given by you would be properly acknowledged and a heartfelt thanks in advance for all the participants. Thank you once again.
    1. Name: ……………………..
    2. Age: ………………..
    3. Educational Qualification: …………………………
    4. Family Household Income: ……………………………
    *less than 10000 Rs *10000 to 20000 Rs
    *20000 to 30000Rs * more than 30000 Rs
    5. Present name of the country in which you are residing: ………………………….
    6. How much time do you spend every day on internet: ………………..
    *less than 1 hour * 1 to 2 hours
    *2 to 3 hours *more than 3 hours
    7. Have you purchased any product on internet: ………….
    *Yes *No
    8. In future do you intend to purchase any product or service on internet: …………..
    *Yes *No
    9. If you had not or not intending to purchase on internet what might be the reason for that ………….
    *Risk * Quality
    *Price *Trust
    10. In general I browse internet for products: ………….
    *Home appliances *Books *Software/Hardware
    *CD’s or Cassettes *Skincare *Clothing
    *Grocery *Jewels * Cosmetics
    *Snack foods *Automobiles *Mobile phones
    11. I purchased………………………from above products on internet (your answers can be more than one).
    12. I intend to purchase………………………from the above products in near future (can include more than one product category).
    13. In general I browse internet for services: …………….
    *Online banking *Online payment of bills * Checking emails
    *Tickets to travel *Cinema tickets * Education purpose
    *Ordering food * Sending gifts
    14. Since how long have you been using the internet: ………….
    *Less than 6 months *6-12 months
    *1-3 years *3-5 years
    *More than 5 years
    15. To what extent do you use internet for the search of specific information that is useful
    for you: ……………
    Please indicate the rating: 1= most of the time, 2= sometimes, 3= seldom, 4= never
    16. To what extent do you use the internet for the purpose of fun or pleasure: ………..
    Please indicate the rating: 1= most of the time, 2= sometimes, 3= seldom, 4= never
    17. Please indicate the rating on a 5 point scale on the following statements and provide the rating number in the space provided:
    1= strongly agree, 2= agree, 3= neutral, 4= disagree, 5= strongly disagree
    The internet service provided in India is excellent ………….
    The internet service provided in the country presently I am residing is excellent ………..
    In general I am satisfied with the services of the internet ………..
    I rate the overall quality of internet marketing as ………..
    How do you rate the overall customer service offered by internet ………..
    In general I feel internet marketing is risky …………
    I feel internet marketing is fast ………
    I feel internet marketing is efficient ………..
    I would recommend internet marketing to my friends ……………..
    I feel internet marketing is advantageous than ordinary mall shopping ………….
    I feel internet marketing is secure ………..
    I respond to any promotional offers on internet ………..
    I feel products are optimally priced over the internet ………
    I trust internet marketing ………
    18. Do you respond to online surveys or freelance work? ………….
    *Yes * No
    This is an ongoing research and indusladies would be acknowledged properly for all your help. Thank you for supporting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2007
  4. Induslady

    Induslady Administrator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Members,

    If you want to provide your inputs to the above questionnaire, please provide it at your well and wish.

    IndusLadies will not be responsible for the privacy of any information provided to the above questionnaire.

    Thank you.
  5. adapasujana

    adapasujana New IL'ite

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    Dear Indus Ladies Team, the questionnaire posted is purely for the research purpose regarding how Indian ladies perceive internet marketing. I want to find whether country of origin and country of residence have an impact on Indian ladies adopting internet marketing or not. And as such the answers provided by you will not be disclosed to any others and answers are required only for statistical analysis. As I came to know through Indus Ladies website about so many Indian women residing in other countries i thought this particular site provides a good source. Once I receive substantial results I will post the results on the site and if the research paper is accepted to be presented in any conference or published in any journal I will cite and properly acknowledge Indus Ladies as it is a matter of International reputation. Please dont hesitate to fill the questionnaire. And I assure you all that it does not pose any degradation to the site and atmost enhances your reputation. Thank you all again. Cheers, SUJANA
  6. harika

    harika New IL'ite

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    Hi Sujana,

    I am interested in helping you. You can post the questionaire.
  7. Abha

    Abha Bronze IL'ite

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    hi sujana

    send me the questionnaire, i can contribute as well...
  8. ramyau

    ramyau New IL'ite

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    Re: Internet marketing Questionnaire

    i am ramya & new to this site, i hardly use internet, so what ever i know i have filled.

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