This article is from Discover magazine, Aug. 2007 edition. I am editing some points from it and am giving only the things which is of interest. 1.Mosquitoes don't bite, they suck. 2.Male mosquitoes are actually sensitive vegetariansm living on nectar and plant juices. Only females drink blood, for protein to make eggs. 3.Malaria alone claims some 1,000,000 lives a year in Africa. Other top killers include, yealow fever adn West Nile virus. 4.HIV- infectd humans actually have very few virus particles in their bloodstream and should a mosquito suck one up, it gets killed by the mosquito's digestive system. 5.It would take 1,200,000 mosqitoes, each sucking once, to completely drain the average human blood. 6. Once a feeding mosquito is full, a chemical signal shuts down the intake. When that signal is disables in the lab, mosquitoes suck until they explode. 7. There are more than 2,500 -3,000 varieties of mosquito whining from Arctic tundra to the trpical rain forests. 8. Road side attraction of a mosquito statue is made of steela dn has a wingspan of 15 feet. It is also a weather vane, swiveling in the wind. 9. Mosquitoes can mate in midair, often in as little as 15 seconds. Sriniketan
hi Sri, nice post. few days back only i was thinking about hiv and mosquito bite ie suck, doubt cleared. bye padma