Basically I don't like to differenciate between man and woman. Iam of the opinion that one should strive for quality then ask for his/her rights. Asking for favours- I mean the 33 1/3 ./. reservation shows we have no faith in us. Men do recognise the merits a lady worker has. It is only the mean person who would not like to acknowledge the quality in other person. This can happen from a lady boss too! Don't like to agree? But this is anotherbreality! Coming to the point, I find the new generation women versatile in many jobs.The great number of them in software technology, web designing makes me feel great. Iam told some of the good content developers are womenthough I wouldn,t like to compare and establish their superiority over men. That will definitely lower our digniy. I feel the problem lies here. The steadfastness with which we women try to prove our ability throwing into air someone's self esteem is the devastating factor. Aren't we digging our own grave? What we need is not reservation but discreetion to behave in a graceful manner. Pl. do comment. kanaka
Yes ma'am Hi I entirely agree that it is demeaning to ask for 33.3% reservation. In a democratic world, women have equal opportunities to prove their worth and many women are breaking " barriers " regularly and are being accepted too, though a few people may indulge in backbiting. Even in politics, many women from Vijayalakshmi Pandit decades ago, have held good positions, got elected without the crutch of reservation. In recent times, women like Jayalalitha , Mayawathi etc. dint need reservation to get to all powerful positions. Hard work, achieving goals and quest for success are human endeavours that have nothing to do with gender. ----------- V.S
i agree hi, i do agree with Kanaka. Girls now a days outsmart men in many fields. I am sure even without reservations they can achieve greater heights. Hard work will help them achieve st goals. Regards, Meenu
Three Cheers!!! Absolutely!!! When some one talks of feminism I only laugh..its not exercising our rights merely to dress like a "man" and have night outs...but it is the attitude and functional differenciation that is needed and a quota or reservation will not help us in any way. The basic divide in the mind - for the man to think a woman cannot and for the woman to think if she can that must be addressed. And that is beyond any class room training.
Although I understand all your views I think there is a need for reservation. Its not for women who have the oppurtunity to grow & shine. But this reservation helps women who would not otherwise have an oppurtunity to get ahead. If there wasn't any reservation then it certain parts of the country & the world we will definitely become under-represented minorities. I can understand your feelings about great achievers including the first woman head of a country Srimao Bandarnaike. But thats the paradox... we seem to have both ends of the spectrum in this world. Until there's a time & age where women from any class/creed/color are accepted or better still need no acceptance from any group to lead their lives to their content, I feel that reservation serves the purpose for the really less fortunate among us.