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Intellect Vs Cleverness

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Viswamitra, Mar 4, 2017.

  1. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Viswa,
    Wonderful explanation.A reference to GPS is appreciable.Even after reading all these things it is very difficult to 'see inwards',what Ramana teaches.While we are at it, some other struggles peep in and our entire life is spent in solving those problems.perhaps we may be branded 'irresponsible' and'misfits' also ,if we move in the right direction.
    Jayasala 42
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  2. girvani

    girvani Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Viswa uncle
    Yesterday I spent time reading your article and the simplified version you gave just clicked on me. Thank you so much for doing that. I am understanding the need for the formation of Maha sakthi to erase the history I came to this world and get rid of the baggages I am collecting as my current life progress on. I am understanding that to achieve that I need to follow shraddha, truth and yoga. Uncle can you please guide me how can I do that in my day to day life. I guess, when I pray everyday I ask god to get rid of my bad qualities and I always respect the truthness. How do I do mind control. I know meditation helps and I am trying but I am only making tiny steps in that area. Today I read the following reflecting this topic by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ,
    When mind overcome inertia and reposed in the self- that is the real source of all joy,the. It is a sign of being established in shiv tattva.
    Once again thanks uncle.
    Viswamitra likes this.
  3. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Vani,

    I am not qualified to advice anyone but I can share some of my thoughts informally. Did I master all of the following? The answer is no but every time, I slip and fall, I get up and try them again.

    1) I do two prayers one in the morning when I get out of bed and one in the night before going to bed as I don't recite anything like my wife. I feel affirmations create deep commitment in the subconscious mind.

    The morning prayer is

    "O Lord! I awake now from sleep
    I am determined to carry out all my work this day as offerings to Thee,
    with Thee ever present before my mind's eye.
    Make my thoughts, words, and deeds sacred and pure.
    Let me hurt no one and let no one hurt me.
    Direct and guide me this day, Dear Lord."

    The night prayer is

    "O Lord! The day's actions, which I offered to you this morning, are over. It was You who made me think, talk, walk, and act. I therefore place at Your feet all my thoughts, all my words, all my deeds. Receive me, O Lord! I am coming home to Thee."

    2) Review everything I said, did, thought through every evening. Particularly, the root cause of bad thoughts and try to avoid the circumstances that created such bad thoughts. How my character raised or dropped and how compassionate I was throughout the day. Check where I lacked love and apologize wherever necessary.

    3) Watch whether I eat Satwic food throughout the day

    4) Check the intensity of my desires and attachments and see whether I can put a ceiling on how many desires and attachments I should have. Try moderation slowly but steadily

    5) Check whether my actions are conducted skillfully to my heart's content, selflessly and lovingly without any expectations. Even if I talk to a child or a puppy, I should focus my full attention to showing my love. I suggest talking to small children by sitting on the knees and hold their hands to keep eye contact at 180 degrees and establish that we love them dearly.

    6) Watch how I celebrate success and sulk when I face failure. Also, see how happy I am when someone appreciates me and how sad I am when someone criticizes me. Can I stop that pendulum swinging constantly and remain calm in such situations?

    7) Did I speak lovingly to everyone? Even if I need to be firm, did I do it obligingly? Did I speak ill of others especially in their absence?

    8) Am I in good company most of the time? If so, what can I do to change my lifestyle?

    9) Do I practice living in the present moment? How much fear I have about the future and how much of sad emotions (anger) I have about the past? How do I eliminate them?

    10) Develop the habit of giving away things and watch the sense of fulfillment I derive from such actions.

    I had a chance to interact with someone who conducts Human Value classes for the children for nearly 40 years from the age of 18. She is a doctoral degree holder in Psychology and she spoke in our spiritual center last Sunday. She explained her interactions with the children and how she physically visited children to save them from suicidal thoughts and helped those who was suffering from terminal illness to overcome fear of death. I was carefully watching her demeanor and body language when she interacted with people. I felt enormous amount of love oozing from her. It is a blessing to meet such people and learn from them.

    girvani likes this.
  4. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Smt. Jayasala:

    I couldn't agree more that when one faces crisis at home, if he or she is focused on self-development, others could view it as irresponsible and misfit for the family. Duty to the family is very important to perform to develop character and duty to oneself for contributing time for self-development is equally important as well. I draw inspirations from the epics when such situations arise. Even the best of Raja Yogis faced criticism for practicing austerity for self development as it appeared lacking in worldly duties. It is worth brushing aside such criticism as long as we balance the time between our duties and self-development.

  5. girvani

    girvani Platinum IL'ite

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    Dearest Viswa uncle. Heart felt thanks for making time to pin down the steps. Thank you so much. I will do my best to follow that and I am so happy that these are simplified and easy to understand so much so I have started telling my boys (5&7) and we three are going to implement this. Every little improvement is way forward to reach the almighty. Thank you so much again Viswa uncle
    Viswamitra likes this.

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