Hi Chennaites, My friend is interested in running a Premium segment Working women's hostel at the heart of the city for the new age independant ladies. As chennai is a conservative city and there is a huge number of 21-30 age women earning very good salary are unable to take up a decent accomodation with all security issues concerned. This project would act as a milestone for the independant woman to lead a comfortable life as in her teens. For this project, she is in need of 5-6 grounds of Land for constructing the same. To realize this project of her dream, very good amount of finance is required. Is there any subsidies in getting land through Govt for this purpose? Any info/suggestions would be really appreciated. If any of you are interested in partially funding this project and share/earn the returns in future are welcome to send me a PM.
Ha! looking for land acquisition from state govts? best of luck lady...instead if you really wish to get on with the project pls form a consortium with good real estate developers that way your risk will be low and get quick returns..let us know how did you progress?