Indus Ladies Observations

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by SinghManisha, Sep 20, 2019.

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  1. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Why the epic argument between Mandana Mistake and Adi Sankara comes to my mind now?
    Thyagarajan and sokanasanah like this.
  2. Sunshine04

    Sunshine04 Platinum IL'ite

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    again its not a common practice. some follow it
  3. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    These superstitions, Black magic etc have different connotations in different cultures..
    Those who want to believe will believe.maybe some have been at receiving end of BM like @SGBV..many others don't believe and think it's nonsense..
    In my family circle and in my culture itself there are so many superstitions..some, are baseless and some have indirect scientific reason behind it..which elders would have made as strict superstition from older days so we can follow it..we do follow so as to not offend many other beliefs like, not stepping inside Pooja room or temple during Periods...I don't think a woman becomes impure during this time as now so many female hygienic products are there...but still I follow this..and also take head bath after bleeding stop...then only go to temple ...its got something to do with negative energy etc...even if I don't believe in this, I have made peace with this practice and follow avoid doing any wrong unknowingly and out of respect for my family elders and religious beliefs too..just an example..
    My point is...either we believe in something or we don't...but we can chose how to take it...
    Someone vents here because they have a problem...we can sympathise with them and advice if we have knowledge of that superstition, remedies etc...or else just ignore that forum..
    If we don't like some thread we can ignore it..we don't know what someone is going through and wouldn't want to be in their shoes..
    Or else request OPs to put thread alerts from now on in beginning of post itself if the thread is going to be about controversial topic..
    Being judgemental of anyone's threads would make them shut themselves out and hesitate to share their issues...
    Someone being a target of evil intentions by their in laws, husband being careless about job even being qualified, being separated from kids due to career, own brother and sister in law suspecting to putting curse on their niece..too much for anyone to handle Even a strong woman like SGBV,.
    There can be separate threads to have discussion about rationality behind certain beliefs but not to be mixed with thread in relationship forums..
    Manisha Singh, you're a very good poster..pls continue posting in IL..but pls try to be a little more sensitive about others feeling pls..
    sbonigala, Thyagarajan and shravs3 like this.
  4. armummy

    armummy Platinum IL'ite

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    Keeping yantrams or Feng Shui items out of own violation is different then accusing some one of BM

    If one does not like keeping yantrams or fenshui items , those can be thrown away....

    But accusations of BM on some one can lead to death of the accused. If the word spreads and people believe that a person does BM , there are instances even now on India that those people are hunted down and killed ....this is the end result of encouraging such rumors ....

    As a society we should not encourage spreading rumors of BM and believing in BM...
    Mistt likes this.
  5. nemesis

    nemesis Platinum IL'ite

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    Seems Manishaji hadn't made any posts after that.

    Black magic takes another toll. sigh.
    Sunshine04 likes this.
  6. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks for the link.

    So, the topic in question periodically resurfaces in IL and is discussed.
  7. SunPa

    SunPa Platinum IL'ite

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  8. SinghManisha

    SinghManisha Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi all, I am alive , no one stuck a needle through the voodoo dolls heart( yet) .
    Thank you again to everyone that responded. Sorry I cannot respond to each one of your responses, but I read all of them.
    @SGBV women on this forum look up to you. So what you put up might influence someone that is going through a vulnerable time in their life. The idea that in-laws would try BM on their son’s family is preposterous and might cause someone to believe that their in laws also indulge in the same. This forum gets its share of “my in laws are pure evil” posts as it is, Let’s help women navigate through their complex in-laws relationships in a practical and rational manner , not through priests or pastors. Sorry if I offend you. I have enjoyed reading your Rwanda post :)

    Thanks again, everyone .
  9. Sunshine04

    Sunshine04 Platinum IL'ite

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  10. meVaidehi

    meVaidehi Platinum IL'ite

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    I am sorry in advance because this is likely to offend you.
    I don't know for certain if there is black magic or if it happens or works. Hence I don't believe in it. But I like many others in my personal life have told me, believe in positive and negative energy. It does have significant impact on ones life. As you can see in my signature I truly believe that if you put your heart and mind into something even if it seems impossible, you could turn the tides so to speak. It has happened to me lots of times that if I discuss my plans with anyone, even sure things fall out. And if I keep it to myself even difficult ones happen. Does that sound logical? No. But I have tried to rationalize, find possible reasons and failed. There are certain things in this world which are beyond our understanding. Maybe we haven't reached our brain's full potential yet to decode them. It's a well known fact some people after brain trauma wake up and start speaking totally different language they haven't heard in their life. I am not attaching all of this to BM because as I said, I don't know if that exists.
    This one happened to me personally. My in laws hate me and first few years would still dream of scenarios where they could throw me out of his life like me having an affair, not having kids etc. This one time before I had kids, I woke up to some sound very early morning. In laws were busy gossiping in adjacent room. I heard them say "even lord krishna destroyed his whole clan when they became arrogant and drunk. Why should these (me and dh) have kids. FIL said to MIL put it in her tea. I didn't believe in any such thing as BM but I did fear they wanted to give me something which will result in me not having kids. Every day, after I wake up I had to wait for DH to wake up and only then I was allowed to make tea only once for both of us. And that day as I finished brushing, mil was pouring the tea for me and sil. I started to pick up one cup near to me she said no no that's for sil you take this. And they all were around me waiting for me to drink it up. I took a sip and pretending it was touched with dirty hands, poured in the sink. You should have seen their faces. DH was surprised to see I had tea in my hand when he woke up. To this day we have never discussed this they have no idea I knew. But this was something weird. So don't blame someone for saying in laws tried to do something to them. There are plenty who actually do. Otherwise we wouldn't have had so many women killed burned. It's not a preposterous idea.
    shravs3 and Thyagarajan like this.
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