hey does anybody watch this show, of my favorites only Amit Paul and Ankita r left, hope either of them win the contest. who is ur favourites??? regds Rajjo
Hey Rajjo, Did you read my thread Reality shows.. if you are watching Indian Idol, you may find the thread interesting. Regarding voters choice, voters have voted all Anu maliks favourites. he praises and Voters vote them out. Its a revenge of Malik. Now he is sitting like a mouse. He has no words. He would harass Dipali saying she should concentrate on her voice and forget chang. Voters voted both of them out. he shouted at Abhishek, voters voted him out. He accused parleen of a weak performance. Voters voted him out. Whenever Anu malik tries to polish a singer, voters vote them out. They are trying to teach him a lesson. Indirectly telling him, Shut up, we are going to choose, not you. Amit stands a good chance and Emon too... Ankita will go. Only luck has brought her till here. About Prashant i feel his clan is voting for him, else he is not a good singer.... my view.. what say..........
Hey Mals, read ur article, i completely agree with u said. But i also completely agree with wht Anu malik comments on the contestants.maybe he earns some perks or whtever. but it has happened so many times tht whtever i feel as a public thts wht he says to the contestant. i feel he thinks frm the public point of view and then comments the contestants. becoz when he commented tht Emon has become over confident actually even i felt that and was discussing with my friends reg tht and after the gala he commented tht to Emon. Even i feel Prashanth is not a very good singer, i feel tht he gives a lot of stress to his throat while singing. his voice is not having the flow like the other contestants. I like Amit Paul for his amazing voice feel like listening to him on and on , and like Ankitha for the confidence she has while performing. she is a natural performer. Emon is a great singer, but still i feel something missing in him. regds Rajjo.
hi rajjo amd mals, i too watch this prog regularly,i agree with you anu malik does overacting or rather over-reacting. i like Amit paul's voice and wish he wins.prashant isn't a trained singer and we can make out it,Ankita's singing is also not good when compared to Amit and Emon. let's see who win's.
Hi rajjo, mals and sandhya, My vote is for Amit! I liked Pooja's voice- it was different,but sad that she was voted out. Love Meena