Many times people often tend to skip breakfast.There is saying that have breakfast like a king because the gap between dinner and brekfast is more that one has to have a sumptous breakfast. As the name suggests, it's breaking the fast from dusk to dawn. By having breakfast one can avoid strokes, heart attack and sudden death. Students are especially told not to skip breakfast even a study conducted showed good concentration power among those who had breakfast than those who do not. Most of the frequency of heart attack, sudden death, and stroke happen between morning 6 and noon, with the highest incidence between morning 8 and 10 Doctors saty,'' Platelet, tiny elements in the blood that keep us from bleeding to Death if we get a cut, can clump together inside our arteries due to Cholesterol or plaque buildup in the artery lining.'' Since in the morning hours that platelets are the most active and tend to form these internal blood clots at the greatest frequency. It's high time you changed your habit of skipping breakfast. Have something good of your choice so that you can prevent from major ailments.
Dear Mathangi mam, You are doing a good job. I have seen so many postings of urs and all are informative. Very useful information once again. Thanks a lot for sharing. Regards, Lavanya
Dear Mam, You have given a very useful information. I agree with you that breakfast plays a important role. Those who skips breakfast should change their habits. Thanks for sharing. Shanti :cheers
Hi Mathangi ma, Ur posts have always been thought provoking and informative..this is also one of the kind as always.. We[my hubby and myself] had the habit of skipping breakfast but only some time back we've decided not to do so owing to the insitence of our family folks... Hope many ppl like us wud understand the truth behind it and be back on track to a healthy living... Thanks for this wonderful msg conveyed... - Rekha
Hi Mathangikkumar, Thanks for sharing this useful information and its true that most of the working people now a days skip breakfast... Though i dont skip my breakfast,i insist on all those who skip their breakfast not to do so... Uma