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IL's in Phoenix-Ways to keep cool this summer

Discussion in 'Indians in Phoenix' started by sundarusha, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. sundarusha

    sundarusha Gold IL'ite

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    Hi ladies from Phx

    What are your favorite ways to keep cool in the summer?
    Every summer, towards end of July, when we get really weary with the heat, we try to take a week off and go some place cooler-which can be anywhere cooler.

    Please share your tips.

  2. nini82

    nini82 Senior IL'ite

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    My husband and me racently shifted to Phoenix. I don't know whether we can tolerate the summer's heat or not.
    I like your idea of taking break of 1 week go and enjoy some cooler places.We can go to Detroit.Our family friends are there we can meet and chill out.

    But we can share some more informaton about Phoenix like-
    1) Which is the most beautiful or scenic places in Phoenix?
    2)Which city of Phoenix has most vistas,desert,rocks,attracting downtowns.
    3)How can we enoy Phoenix in summer also?
    4)What are the different ways to control temerature at home?:idea
  3. sundarusha

    sundarusha Gold IL'ite

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    Hi nini82

    welcome to Phx! I have posted some exciting sight seeing places around Az in the thread Best Sight Seeing Places/Theme Parks

    In my opinion, Scottsdale/Paradise valley has the most vistas, rocks and attractive downtown.

    When we first moved here, we were also complaining about the heat like most people. Now I have learnt to manage it. Here some of my tips.
    SRP has time-of-use hours for summer and winter. I try to follow it most of the time. For eg, during summer, the on-peak hours are from 1-8 PM. If I do not do my cooking and laundry during that time, the house stays cool.
    Try planting shade trees around the west side of the house.
    We have fans running most of the time.
    We get a lot of lemons , so I freeze lemon sherbet in ice trays, and whenever needed , I just add them to a glass of water.
    I try to include salads and raitas into daily meals.
    We avoid going out from 2 pm to 5 pm , whenever possible that is when the heatrays are the maximum.
    Always apply sunblock when going out and keep water spray bottles, water bottles wet washcloths in ziploc bags when going out during daytime.

    Hope this helps
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