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I Lost ...

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by ILoveTulips, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. mimur9

    mimur9 IL Hall of Fame

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    ILT, :rotflsame thing happened to me some months back. I was without laptop for more than a week and DH never allowed me lay my hand on his laptop. I felt i was lost without it even a single day. the branded antivirus packs also stay dormant when it comes to major attack.

    I check my system every now and then with quick scan. But if i put a detailed scan it shows atleast two more threats. I wonder how they go unnoticed in a quick scan which scans all important file locations. When a quick scan shows some threats that means antivirus is not good enough to alert me about a simple attack (mine is a well known brand).:rant

    The way you have narrated is hillarious. You got a new one but unfortunately I am in India so I don't have a chance of getting new one as the software engineer did the needful and loaded the new anti virus pack & applications, handed back the perfectly functioning system to me but i lost few files. Moaning didn't work in my case. I think I have to tune in my brains for a new cunning method. ;-) Anyway I will keep reading snippets to gather ideas lol

    Wish you good luck.
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  2. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear ILT
    Tulips and tulip lovers never fail to gladden our hearts and you are no exception! This thread of yours resulted in a series of laughs and coughs that ended with an hour long hiccups! Pray tell me, do you have to be so funny?

    In telling us about this Anti-Virus of yours, you have voiced the opinion of 146305 members of IL at the time of writing this FB. Anti-Virus is like a Pomeranian. It creates a racket when a post man knocks at our door or when a friend who has come to repay the small hand loan he had taken when Kamal Hassan was singing as a tiny boy in a movie, ‘Ammavum neeye, appavum neeye, thathavum neeye etc’ in the 50’s. Hearing the noise of the pom, the borrower friend changes his mind and runs for life leaving you to curse your fate and the pom. But the same over-vigilant Pomeranian will tuck its tail between the legs and hide behind the sofa when a mean looking chap advances menacingly towards us demanding the keys to the Godrej cupboard!

    I always nurse a suspicion that these Anti-Virus makers have some clandestine understanding with the virus factories! It is like some puncture fixing shops having a business arrangement with the urchins of the locality to keep their area of operation strewn with sharp nails and other puncture causing viruses! They’ll thrive as long the world abounds in gullible guys like us.

    You are right about the TN policemen fighting for a space in the video. I once asked a Police friend of mind why the arrested thugs were partially undressed when posing for a photograph, he said that it was done to distinguish the thugs from the policemen! Anyway, all is well that ends well. You got yourself a new laptop and perhaps a new Pomeranian of an Anti-Virus to guard it. You can possibly expect your life with the new machine to be a bed of roses but still as a matter of abundant caution, I would recommend honing up your skill at moaning!
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  3. kelly1966

    kelly1966 Platinum IL'ite

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    this was such a superb read and after reading Cheeniya's FB I really can't think of writing anything more...
    so all the best with your new laptop and may the anti - virus programme protect it..
  4. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    My Dear Tulip Lover
    I missed you here ver much! I am so glad to see you here again. I should actually feel sorry for your loss but was only grinning at the hilarious way you made your husband get a new one.
    I agree with the shopping part...when it comes to electronic items the men folk really savour the experience of shopping. I always tell my hubby that if he is missing I know exactly where to look for him, in one of the electronic stores!
    From the feedbacks looks like everyone has lost their computer to the viruses one time or the other. Coffelover said it best. Some of the websites she mentioned have to be avoided at all costs.

    Now that you have your new lappy bought after so much trouble, I look forward to seeing more of you here.
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  5. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    I started laughing, listening to this the kids came running. After reading the whole post,laughing, they are now cooking up schemes to conk the pc so that i will be forced to get the laptop i avoid getting stating that the kids will take over the pc completely..(by kids i mean my two teens and FIL)..now i just went back to check if my anti-virus is updated better be safe, you never know...:coffee

    how do you draw parallels dear..the police??seriously.:rotfl

    Very few can achieve such feats on the virtue of moaning..a cup of coffee is something that i can understand,laptop..tussi great ho ilt...:thumbsup

    when i had my first magnum opus crash..i tried everything from rebooting, restoring and then dismantling the pc..and later undrestood, it needed a specialist rather than this outdated doctor..so this guy came and did the reformat from his harddisk. that was the day i understood i will not store anything important on my C drive.. the one where my programs and operating system resides..you see most virus first visit all the programs and related documents on C. and later follow the footprints to the other drives. if it comes to a complete overhaul, i am safe with my pictures, documents in d/e/f..rather than C:. because you need to format C alone.

    enjoy your laptop and churn out more ....
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  6. Sriniketan

    Sriniketan IL Hall of Fame

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    Enjoyed the humour throughout this article.

    As they say there is no treatment for the 'viral fevers', I am glad that there is something to fight against this virus fever, attacking our computers...for good. :)

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  7. omsrisai

    omsrisai IL Hall of Fame

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    Nice to see you back in snippets ILT...
    So you have got a new lappy and enjoying it...check that your anitivirus does its work properly and take care of your lappy.
    Come back with more snippets for us..
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  8. vjbunny

    vjbunny IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear ILT,
    How sad that these viruses kept u away from IL.....

    When i shifted place net was not connected no amount of moaning moved my dh to part with his laptop ...i had to use his black berry for just reading IL....Atlast when net got connected I breathed a sigh of relief.....

    Very hilarious post ILT look forward to more from ur end....
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  9. Megalife

    Megalife Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi Tulip
    Amazing lines, yup! sincerely yours, men hate sharing their laptops and car! I at times get "J" of all the attention both these mistresses receive!
    Cheers MEGA
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  10. ILoveTulips

    ILoveTulips IL Hall of Fame

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    Yes Mindi, typing with these modern products is really cumbersome. And losing the pictures is like losing most prized possessions. I lost my wedding pictures like that. Now all I have is the album... I save it more than my jewelleries..

    Hope you get new laptop soon. Thank you for your reply.. :)


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