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I got new lease of life!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by PushpavalliSrinivasan, Jun 23, 2007.

  1. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    I got a new lease of life!

    On the early morning of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:date Month="10" Day="23" Year="1996">23<SUP>rd</SUP> October, 1996</st1:date>, I got chest pain. Around <st1:time Hour="4" Minute="30">4.30 a.m.</st1:time> I had the first massive attack. The pain was very severe and acute and I felt very bad. My hubby also got up, but I was not in a position even to explain to him. The pain decreased and with in seconds started again. I had 3 attacks within 20 minutes and the pain was so severe, worse than labour pain and I felt very weak After the third attack I had vomited. My hubby was not in a position to do anything at that unearthly hour. We didn’t even have a phone connection, even though we had registered for phone after we performed Gruhapravesham to our newly constructed house in the year 1991. But he prepared coffee and brought it. I was writhing with pain and so I just told him not to ask me anything. As I had already heart problem and hypertension, as for doctor’s advice, we kept Sorbitrate tablet and kept it in our medical kit. Then after some time I remembered it and I told him to bring Sorbitrate tablet. After taking the tablet the pain stopped. I drank a cup of coffee and then went back to bed. I felt as if all my strength had drained out. My hubby told me that he would take me to a doctor. I told him that I was too tired and wanted to lie down for some time. After 6 O’ clock I got up and took bath. Again he told me that he would bring an auto and would take me to Ganga Nursing Home as we did not know any other doctor and he was the family doctor for Malathi. The nursing home was also nearer to her house. I told him that I was feeling too tired and we could wait for a day or two. But he told that he wouldn’t take the risk and further our children also would get angry and tell that he should not have listened to me. He told that he would bring an auto. The roads were all in bad shape due to rain and so I told him I would rather prefer to go by his Luna. So he took me by luna and stopping every now and then, asked me how I was feeling. Thus we reached the Nursing home around seven fifteen or so. The doctor was not there, but his residence was just at the back and he was called. He came immediately and took the ECG. He admitted me as in patient and told that I had to be on bed rest until all the testes were conducted. My hubby rang up my daughter Malathi and gave her the information. She told that she would come around 8.45 with her husband and would bring lunch also.
    Malathi and my son in law came around <st1:time Hour="9" Minute="45">9.45 A.M.</st1:time> The doctor told them that he had requested a cardiologist to come and check. The cardiologist came and he confirmed it was heart attack only. The doctor advised that I should take complete bed rest and should remain in the hospital for a week. He advised for CT scan also. It was found that a single stone was obstructing the neck of gal bladder. Then the doctor told that I have to undergo surgery. Then my son and husband asked whether it could be done by laparoscope or open surgery.The doctor told tat he preferred open surgery. As deepavali was nearing, we told him, that we preferred it after that. So after deepavali I was admitted in the hospital and open surgery was performed. Even a day before the surgery Iwas lamenting to my hubby that I did not have any symptom for gal bladder stone and he should confirm with the doctor again. The doctor told me that he would show the stone to me after the operation. The operation took place on 23<SUP>rd</SUP> October. As the gal bladder was damaged, it was also removed. That evening when I regained consciousness, the doctor brought the stone and showed it to me and teased me,” Do you believe now?” I should say that the heart attack was a boon in disguise. I was advised to go for angio, but I refused. If any blocks were found I have to undergo another surgery. I would rather prefer to be on medication than going for surgery. My personal opinion is not to undergo surgery after crossing sixty. The decision shouldto be left to the person concerned. If any one wants to live longer and prefers to go for surgery, it is their wish. I believe longevity is not a boon. Yet I got a new lease of life after nearly meeting death at close quarters.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2007
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  2. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Friends,
    I had a similar experience in 2003.
    In Feb, I had a bad fall, fractured my leg & was in bed for 6 weeks with a cast. At that time I got a severe urinary infection & got treated simultaneously. I was asked to continue the medication for the latter for a month since the intensity was severe.
    On the day my cast was removed, my daughter said that I must have a mobile phone to contact my children in case of an emegency like the fall I had & I was going to buy the same. My car met with an accident & I returned home with severe body pain. I was not feeling upto mark at all; but attributed it to the shock of the accident.
    I lost my appetite gradually & started vomitting. I got severe back pain & high temperature. The entire development was so sudden & on Tamil New Years day, I had to be rushed to Malar in a semi-comatic condition. I lost consciousness for more than a day. Then I was told that my kidneys had suddenly failed & they could not proceed with the blood tests since my temperature was very high.
    So they had to put me on steroids when the temperature started coming down, They did all tests & diagnosed that I had become allergic to the urinary infection medicine I was taking for a month which caused the kidney failure & started treatment. They were hopeful that my kidneys would revert back to normal functioning.
    In the meanwhile, overnight internal haemorrhage started because I had had a silent ulcer which flared up when steroids were given. My haemoglobin started dropping below 6 & I could feel that I was slowly sliping off ! I was rushed to blood transfusion. After 10 days, things started settling down .
    I never imagined I will live back & took leave of my children. But strangely, now when I look back, I did not have any fear of death & was so sure that I would not survive. But after this incident, I strongly felt that if God had given me a fresh lease of life, I owed something more in my life to society as a service. I learnt to use computers "from scratch" on my own.
    Dont ask me if I L is a service from me; but that I am able to interact with so many of you makes me feel so fulfilled and I am living just for that mission in my life !
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2007
  3. Malathijagan

    Malathijagan Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Chithra,
    I can very well understand your situation at that time because though I was not near my mom when she got the heart ache, the description itself made me go through the experience!
    I owed something more in my life to society as a service. I learnt to use computers "from scratch" on my own.
    Dont ask me if I L is a service from me; but that I am able to interact with so many of you makes me feel so fulfled and I am living just for that mission in my life !
    Certainly God wanted you to be alive for our sake lest would we have got such a wonderful person to share her experiences with us and make us more enlightened?
    Chithra, I love you a lot even though we have never met. I see some divinity in you.
  4. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Malathy,
    Your post has made me emotional.
    Is it not unique to this forum that we all feel so close to eachother, without having ever met in person ?
    My only mission is to share the vast collection of recipes & shlokas, that I have collected as a hobby, over the years with the world at large.
    Since we live in the same town, God willing, we will definitely meet eachother, one of these days. Malathy.
    Thanks for such a warm reply !
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  5. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Chithra madam,
    God has given you a fresh lease of life to share your experience in spirutuvality and culinary art thro' IL and in return you are getting the love and affection of people from far and wide. I had also started learning computer from scratch at the age of sixty five. I was reluctant to buy the computer thinking that people would make fun for buying computer at this age. But Malathi and my sons encouraged me. She also gifted a cell phone when I had swooned once due to high BP. As you had mentioned, I also did not have any fear of death. But it is God's will that we have to live for some more years.
    With love and regards,
  6. Sriniketan

    Sriniketan IL Hall of Fame

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    After reading your posts, I believe that God had a mission in His mind and both of you guessed it right. We are all lucky to have you both back in Iladies.

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  7. raginiprakash

    raginiprakash Senior IL'ite

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    Dear Mrs. Pushpa & Mrs. Chithra,

    After reading your experiences, words fail me. It's incidents like these which prove the presence of god in our lives, he is always there, walking beside us & he has sent us into this world with a purpose. I believe that everything that happens in life is a part of a cosmic purpose.

    I've read in a book (hope i remember correctly) that, 'the purpose of our lives, is to make a life of purpose' & Chithra Ma'am you are the true embodiment of that. Thank God! for restoring your health & bringing you to us through IL, to share your vast knowledge selflessly. You are indeed a blessing!!

    God Bless you both (Mrs. Pushpa & Chithra ma'am) with a long full-filling life!!

    Last edited: Jun 27, 2007
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  8. sowminivibu

    sowminivibu Silver IL'ite

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    Hi Chithu

    well ur post was very touching..yes indeed u are our Virtual mom and thts the reason God has given u the gift of IL and us a treasure like you......am sure now there are so many daughters to u who wud pray for ur well being...am counting myself in for it..:-D

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  9. Lavanya

    Lavanya Bronze IL'ite

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    Its wonderful that both of you have been given another chance, for if not for that we wouldn't have had the pleasure of knowing you. I am a sincere believer of reason and I truly believe that you are amidst us for many many wonderful reasons. Mrs.C my life would not be this rich or nearly as complete, have I not encountered your esteemed friendship on IL.
    Wish you both a healthy and happy life.
  10. Gem

    Gem New IL'ite

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    Dear Chitra Madam and Mrs Pushpa,
    So glad that both of you are okay. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

    Chitra Madam, I am an ardent fan of yours and have learnt alot from IL and you. As Sowmi said you are our Virtual Mom. We need you and love you. I pray to God that He/She keeps you healthy for many, many, many more years to come.

    Dear Sunkan Madam, I heard that you too were not well lately. Praying that you are fine now.

    Thank you to all of you and all other Senior IL members for being my/our source of inspiration.

    Lots of love,

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