I got a private message solicitation!

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Feedback!' started by Induslady, Jun 26, 2007.

  1. Induslady

    Induslady Administrator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear IL'ites,

    A few months ago, we started our "http://www.indusladies.com/forums/announcements/1530-zero-tolerance-policy.html" in response to members receiving private messages soliciting friendship. I have reproduced the policy for reference..

    "If a member forwards us a private message received from a male member soliciting “friendship” or with any doubtful intentions, we will revoke the male member’s ID. No questions or enquiries. We will also block the male member’s IP address from accessing our site."

    While instituting this policy, I requested all our fellow IL'ites to expose such members by forwarding the PM solicitations to me. That way we can ban those members and protect other IL'ites from getting contacted by this member. If you ignore the PMs, these men go around spamming another set of IL'ites with the same message.

    With this thread, I want to renew the call...

    "Please don't ignore lewd private message solicitations. Forward them to me so we can ban the user".

    The thread is one more avenue for you to expose such members. If you don't know how to forward a private message, just update the member name here. We need to be very vigilant on this issue and I need all your help. Thank you.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2007

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