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I Don't Want To Go To School

Discussion in 'Schoolgoers & Teens' started by Janakinarne, Nov 8, 2023.

  1. Janakinarne

    Janakinarne Gold IL'ite

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    Hi momies gud evening everyone,plz take time to read and suggest me
    My girl was 4yrs (entering into 5th yr in a week) and now she was in lkg ,she didn't went to any preschool before and direct to school,she was happily went to school for first 2 months and later she was sick even at that time she wants to go to school,she caught cold and cough during the time she vomited while having lunch in school and some how the care taker talked with her rudely and my girl was afraid of the situation and from the time she doesn't want to go to school..
    I talked with her class teacher and teacher was taking care of her while having lunch,even though my girl don't want to go to school,it's happened 2 months before still she was rejecting to go to school and every day was like a war to me to send her to school,
    Without lunch she was happily going to school,she don't want to eat lunch(normally she was a fussy eater and try to skip meals as possible as she can),
    Even after ensuring her no one force u to eat or no one wil scold u if u vomit als she don't want to go,
    She was happily play in the school and there is no other issues with class teacher or classmates,i myself sits with her fends for 10mins everyday while picking her from school,they are happily mingle with others and teacher wil b in d class still a last child was picked by there parents..
    When I asked my child wats the reason for don't want to go to school she was saying no one was playing with her in the class(means during class hrs)and I told her because teacher wil give u punishment if u play it's a class time u should listen to ur teacher..but she don't want to listen..
    And her father was supporting her saying if u don't want to go to school it's k don't go which helped her to bunk school just by cries,so everyday she starts to cry her lungs out and bunk the school,if her father not at home she wil go because I tel her you should go to school everyday,
    Once when I left from school she plays and enjoy the class and happily waits for me to pick her up,
    I told my husband not to interfere if you can't handle the situation but he keep on saying the same thing to her if u don't want don't go,she picked it and now she was not even ready to come to me and directly go to her father and cry saying I don't want to go to school from today even tomorrow for ever...
    He said k don't go ..
    Wats the solution for this,how to handle the situation am feeling very stressed with situation and frustrated and crying myslef ..
    Literally every day was like I may die due to the stress wat am going through..
    Is anyone faced the situation and handled alone ..
    Plz share some suggestions..

  2. Asw

    Asw Silver IL'ite

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    She will pass through it. It might be a phase. Don’t worry and stress yourself much.
  3. beautifullife30

    beautifullife30 Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi OP,

    I faced a similar situation with my younger son. He hated going to school and he used to cry everyday. Every day from afternoon to evening, he will happily roam around saying i will go to school form tomorrow. Exactly at 8P every night, once his dad comes back form office, he used to go him and beg him to not send him to school. "Please daddy, i dont want school daddy". My H kept saying 'no baby of mine will go to school crying' :facepalm:

    Anyway, this continued for a week and i had had enough. I took an hour permission the next week and once my H stepped out of the house, i woke up my son for bathing and got him ready for school in time. Throughout the way, to stop him from crying, i told him we were going to buy a toy or an ice cream or a chocolate and for an entire week i treated him with all those days (any one per day) and by the end of the week, he understood that no matter what he would be sent to school. Just like your daughter, he had a problem going not staying. He would not come back from school once he goes.

    Anyway, about the care taker issue, my son's teacher refused to believe in my son when he had an issue. So i had to go to school and talk to the teacher personally and changed his section when i felt he was not comfortable. Luckily for me, he adored the new teacher so much that he told us as long as the teacher was there, he would go.

    So talk to school and see if you can change her section so a new scene might make her feel better.
    Janakinarne likes this.
  4. lavani

    lavani Platinum IL'ite

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    can your spouse not goto office and quit , if he just feels like giving up. no right.

    this is young age to instill values of things, where they will get boring and kids must learn to pursue and make them realize it will be alright.
    Janakinarne likes this.
  5. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    Some unrelated comic relief:

    Son: Ma, I don't want to go to school today.

    Mom: Why beta?

    Son: The kids hate me and the teachers hate me.

    Mom: You are 48 years old and you are the Principal.
    Janakinarne likes this.
  6. Janakinarne

    Janakinarne Gold IL'ite

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    Ya same situation,as long as my husband is not at home she gets ready and prepare her mind accordingly,but when is at home he won't let her wakeup and get ready for school how much I told him just leave her he won't listen,and finally I ended up drag her from the bed and take her to washroom and finish the cores,mean while some times she used to cry loud that she doesn't want to go and again he interfere with that and sometimes end up with leave ,I advised him not to interfere if u can't handle the situation smoothly but he felt he knows how to handle and make the whole day stressful
    Actually she likes the teacher and everything in the class was k ,if her teacher not in the class she don't want to go that day so there is no problem with the teacher,some times she says her frends disturb her whiyshe doesn't like ,I told her to tell them how she feels but she was not ready for that and asks me to convey the words with them,but after the school bell rang she enjoys with them in the ground...
    Mostly I won't give false assumption regarding her school,like there is no school tomorrow,no lunch like that ,so she prepares herself accordingly..but others t home wil give flase assumption just to pass the current situation..
    Hope she gets used to go as like before...
    Thanks for sharing...


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