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I am Unhealthy but Still Happy

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Kamalji, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    I am Unhealthy but Still Happy

    These days , there is a new word for fatness.You don’t call a person fat, that is rude and so middle class. You call that person Healthy. Well my wife has been after my life, for the other day I made the mistake of telling her to stand in front of the weighing machine, while I stood over it, rather on it, for I cant read, first the glass has become dull, and secondly I have a healthy stomach, so I cant see down properly.

    And what she saw, she literally fainted. 103 kgs she said. I said so ? She said, I told u, u eat this and u eat that, I said u want me to starve, ok , I am going and sitting with Anna Hazare on a fast somewhere. I think she is jelous of me. She does not eat anything but good home food, and well, just like my eyes, my toungue too strays here and there, and like a kid, I have started to love toffees chocolates, cheeses, cakes, biscuits, anything unnecessary but tasty, and my tongue darts there. Sachin Tendulkar’s wife is happy when Sachin crosses the 100 mark, and here my wife is unhappy. What to say, friends.

    Well, today , I met someone more healthier than me, and I looked so skinny in front of him or her, whatever it was, here is the proof.


    This group of Sadhus come once or twice a year, they actually make the elephant beg. I took out a 100 buck note, and told my daughter to click my pics with the guy, I mean the elephant, and I fed it two potatoes, the guy seemed hungry, and he gobbled it up. And the Sadhu told me to give the note to Kaalu, that is what his name was, and Kaalu took it and gave it to the guy sitting on top of him.

    Seriously look at the two of us. Don’t I look a small kid in front of kallu ? I curiously asked the chap, what is his weight, and he said over a 1000 kgs, sir, he said, we have never found a scale that can weigh Kalu.Well I can understand his predictment.

    And I was so happy, that in front of the healthty Kalu, I looked unhealthy, meaning lean and mean, but I am happy now. There are more healthier people , sorry living beings, than me, so I am very happy, and I think that calls for aparty , I feel like having a nice McBurger. HAHA.

    And how many of u can boast of a Elephant coming to yr home, and shaking hands with u eh ! I must be someone special, eh !

    I just hope my wife does not nag me, for I still have a long way to go to become a 1000 kg guy, and I want her off my back, and now I want to make friends with 200 kg guys, so that I don’t get a complex and I feel nice about myself once again.

    I believe in the saying

    Better to be Fat and Fit
    Than to be Thin and Sick !!

    What say friends ? Do u agree ?
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  2. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Kamalji, the fat guy Kalu could not get his mahout off his back. Why? There was plenty of him for the mahout to sit on! So how do you expect to get your wife off your back if you want to be like Kalu?
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  3. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Satchi now u scare me, yes to get wiofe off my back i must slim down.




  4. tashidelek2002

    tashidelek2002 IL Hall of Fame

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    Well I am pretty healthy also. You know a couple years ago I had that executive health check up at Sir Ganga Ram in Delhi. They have a couple older doctors that work in that, both very nice and experienced. The one guy is a cardiologist who also has some yoga camp for heart patients. He is also one of those die hard vegetarians who believe that veg is the font of all health. Me, I look like the poster child for cholesterol. Well, they did all their tests, blood, xray, treadmill, etc and I went back for the results. He opens my folder, I guess with the anticipation of all bad news, and as it turned out all was normal and he even said I said my heart was like a 30 year old. He started to give me the lecture on veg eating but stopped himself, heaved a big sigh like a broken man and just said just continue eating as you have been...it's working. Ha! Back to bacon, butter, cheese for me!!
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  5. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Tashi,

    So happy to know i have someonelike u, who is somewhat like me, at least in food habits, and health too.HAHA

    Vegs, most of them look down on nonveg people . so u love bacon, so do i, but i dont get to eat it here. i sometimes get to eat in 5 stars breakfast, eggs and bacon, and i can go on eating. As also ham.

    So let us both celebrate, sorry i cant say cheers to u, for i have stopped drinking alcholol, and i cant say cheers with tea, but let us celebrate.HAHA

    Thanks a ton tashi and keep coming.'



    Well I am pretty healthy also. You know a couple years ago I had that executive health check up at Sir Ganga Ram in Delhi. They have a couple older doctors that work in that, both very nice and experienced. The one guy is a cardiologist who also has some yoga camp for heart patients. He is also one of those die hard vegetarians who believe that veg is the font of all health. Me, I look like the poster child for cholesterol. Well, they did all their tests, blood, xray, treadmill, etc and I went back for the results. He opens my folder, I guess with the anticipation of all bad news, and as it turned out all was normal and he even said I said my heart was like a 30 year old. He started to give me the lecture on veg eating but stopped himself, heaved a big sigh like a broken man and just said just continue eating as you have been...it's working. Ha! Back to bacon, butter, cheese for me!![/QUOTE]
  6. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Kamalji,

    When we visit doctors' offices in the US, the staff ask the patients to get on a scale. Invariably, these scales show 7 to 8 pounds higher than normal. Some doctors even admit it. I simply hate weighing scales. As long as nothing is alarmingly wrong, let us enjoy life to the full extent. I like your idea of comparing our weight with that of an elephant. After doing that, I am lot comfortable.

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  7. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Kamalji "Don't worry be a fatty" seems to be your life's motto.I think the right term for you will be horizontally challenged. Fat is healthy? Look tghe way language is changing!Once when you called a person gay it meant he was happy , cheerful type. 110 kg? My wife is concerned that I am not crossing 70, the good pl' me who once weighted 90p!!!!!!!! Once my weight touched 58 KG and the wife said I looked like a scarecrow and people started avoiding me fearing that I had some serious disease. In sheer desperation I gorged myself and brought my weight to the 70 range.

  8. kelly1966

    kelly1966 Platinum IL'ite

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    why are you comparing health with weight??? I know loads of people who have the correct weight - height ratio correct BMI and yet suffer from small small ailments all the while.. we maybe be on the other side of fat but as long as our general health is good why bother??..
  9. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Vishwa,

    Docs fudging weights ? when i weight myself at the airports , i am always more fatter, i mean moer weight is shown there. that is for their business, b ut even the docs eh !

    i like good food, Vishwa, and i have a tendency to put on, but i dont suffer any ailments as such.


  10. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Der Balaji,

    Horizontally challenged eh ! HAHA.

    Yes gay was happy, now it menas something else.You stick to 70, in fact 80 should be fine, otherise thin look s i dont know not too good. With wight u can throw yr weight around, only if u have put on weight.HAHA




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