Query raised by one of our new member: I have registered with your site. I am able to log in but I am not able to post reply. When I try to post any reply, the site shows that I do not have access. Why is that? Reply Thank you for registering with IndusLadies.com. During registration you would have received an email with a link for activating your registration. Please check for the email(check in your bulk mail folder if you use Yahoo email, spam mail folder if you use Hotmail / Gmail). Click on the link in the email to activate your registration. Only then you will be able to post and use other features in the site completely. Contact induslady@indusladies.com - if you don't have the email and we can resend the activation link to you. NOTE: If you have completed both registration and activation of your username, but still not able to post, you may want to refer to these FAQs too. My message with an external site link did not get posted. Why? Tried starting a new thread and got the error - "Invalid thread specified and if you have followed a valid link..."?
Re:how can i check for a reply for a queryI posted? Dear Madam, I posted a query couple of days ago. But I am not sure where to check for an answer. Kindly advise. Thanks, mese
Mese, You have to check for response in the same thread that you posted the query. If you didn't know where you posted, on the purple bar above, click on "Quick Links"->"My Posts" and look for your query. Please post here (by clicking on "Post Reply" at the bottom left) if you have further queries. Thanks Mese.
I am getting message that i need to type atleat 10 characters Dear madam i want to participate in mango contest i am new to this site i typed all the information but it is showing that..characters are less type atleast 10 please help me thanks tanuja
Re: I am getting message that i need to type atleat 10 characters Hi Anukolli I think your post is already got posted in mongo contest. Are you trying to post another one???
thanks for the reply arunaji.. i am looking for best dishwasher agents that are used in dishwasher..in india please help me with that regards tanuja
Hi Tanuja Please go though this Ideal Indian Home - IndusLadies Anyway you have already put your query in the right place.
Dear Madam, Kindly send me the details of embroidery design works why because i couldn't understand your simple design Thanks & Regards ven