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Hysteria- Uncontrolled Emotions- Impacting Married Life

Discussion in 'Intimacy' started by amnilakshmi, Jan 30, 2021.

  1. amnilakshmi

    amnilakshmi Gold IL'ite

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    Hi All,

    I am short tempered. In fact i should say i feel i do not know to control my emotions. Both happiness and sadness are excessive. I get irritated very quickly and this has been impacting my married life to a great extent. My husband says that i do not allow him or anyone to be close. He is unable to share anything with me. I am scared to go to a doctor. Can someone help me some with tips, home remedies. I tried meditation but dont find it to be effective. Kindly help

  2. Mistt

    Mistt IL Hall of Fame

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    deleted.... not necessary
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2021
  3. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Usually anger and other emotions go out of control when there are insecurities and one feels nothing is going the way they wanted.

    I understand and been through that.

    You need to identify what triggers you first.note it down.

    Secondly,check your diet.Caffiene,diary,processed foods ,sugar aggravates emotions.Avoid that.

    Drink lots of water.

    Go for a walk and do yoga.

    Try breathing exercises like pranayama.

    sleep well.

    Avoid watching junk media.Try to watch what is likable.

    Try doing more of what you love.

    Avoid people who are toxic to you.


    Write a Journal.


    All these will considerably call you down.

    Most importantly,make an effort to do the above things.

    Good luck.
    pocahontas and Anusha2917 like this.
  4. amnilakshmi

    amnilakshmi Gold IL'ite

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    Thank you for the tips..
    Could you please share tips of how to identify the triggers as well ?
    anika987 likes this.
  5. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    You need to relax in a quiet space and ask yourself why you are getting angry.
    What for is the anger.Is it really your husband that is triggering the anger or someone else and you are showing it on people you love?What are your insecurities etc.Also,how would you like to handle the situation better..
  6. DDream

    DDream Finest Post Winner

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    For every action there is an opposite reaction. No one wants to be around a negative person. So its not surprising to have that response from your husband. Positive aspect in this case is that you realise that problem is with you.

    Physical Health- have a blood check and check up to make sure you are ok. Sometimes, issues like hypothyroidism or other issues can create anger/ irritation. Is it due to any hormonal issues. Only a doctor can comment on that.

    Mental health - if you suspect anxiety or depression seek help. Dont hide it. You have to love yourself and take care of you before its too late. There are medicines for it. I read here that ashwagandha ( available in Amazon) is good natural medicine to take care of it.

    Emotional/ relationship issues- is there any other personal issues in your family or married life that causes it? If so, consider talking to a counselor or close relative or friend you can trust. Try to hug your husband or kids often. Touch has a healing effect through the release of happiness hormones. If you have good relationship with husband, try to spend time and increase physical intimacy. That can have soothing effect.

    Self care- as you are aware of this issue keep an eye on yourself. When you feel it, take a break, try to do deep inhale/ exhale multiple times. Try not to talk or react to anyone that time. Calm down or go to another room till you feel ok. Do this every time. Also watch, your reaction. Make sure you are not yelling or crying or anything negative with others. Only you can change it. Are you stressed too much? If so try to relax by meditation/ yoga/music/excercise etc.. Every day spend at least 30 minutes as 'me time'. There are so many self help articles in web and videos on YouTube. Try to explore. Also try to talk to your friends every day. Surround yourself with positive people. Try to divert your negative energy to something fruitful.. Relax .

    Food- eat a healthy balanced diet and make sure you do some excercise.

    Environment- make sure you have a clean home or seek help. That will bring a positive energy to you.

    Only you can help you, so take charge of your life in to your hands. Dont hesitate to seek specialist help if thats what you need. Take small steps, you will be back to normal soon. So try to identify your problem and address it soon before its too late. Take care.
    SCA, BhumiBabe, shravs3 and 2 others like this.
  7. Hopikrishnan

    Hopikrishnan Platinum IL'ite

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    As has been pointed out already, it is very positive that you acknowledge your own problem.
    Omron HEM-7124 Blood Pressure Monitor
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    Buy a home BP measuring thing. You can get it delivered. The above unit is an example, works on batteries.
    Have a ruled note book to write a BP diary. Date-time, Mood (4 choices: Agitated, Anxious, Neutral, Calm), BP value, heart-rate value. 3 Times a day, at specific times of the day.

    After one week, look at the readings. Are BP values high at specific time of day than others? [this is almost always the case]. If you find that time, try to sit quietly, and drink a cup of warm ginger-spiced tea (no milk) about 1 hour prior to the BP reading time. If you have tiny aspirin tablets at home (these are called microdose aspirins, usually taken one a day) take one with the tea. Do this for a week. And see if the BP readings change.

    You must go to doctor for an occasional welness check, no matter how young you are, or scared you are. Take along the BP book. And show it to her. She will appreciate you for it. Ask you questions, and give you some help.
  8. lavani

    lavani Platinum IL'ite

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    Can you be more specific about what is that makes you so angry or so happy or so sad. are you looking or expecting things or actions from others in the same order that you have staged in your mind.

    more details on self retrospection will help before you try anything
  9. amnilakshmi

    amnilakshmi Gold IL'ite

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    Thank you so much for the tips..
    Do you think this is a serious issue that cannot be solved.. I am really scared as things have gone out of my control with respect to my relationship and official aspect.
  10. DDream

    DDream Finest Post Winner

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    Don't worry much. Seek help, consult doctors, and try to fix one by one. Calm down. Take a deep breadth.

    Everything will be back to normal. Take steps and improve yourself. People around you will notice the changes in you and come back to you. Treat them with love and respect. Talk to your husband, express your concern and helpless state. I hope he will understand. Observe yourself and walk away from people to calm down. Hugs to you. You will be OK soon. Positivity attract people to you . Be positive

    "God helps those who help themselves"
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2021

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