Hysterescopy, Ivf And Birth Control Pills

Discussion in 'Fertility & Trying to Conceive' started by gouricocktail, Oct 9, 2017.

  1. gouricocktail

    gouricocktail Silver IL'ite

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    My doctor wanted suggested us IVF and we decided to go on that route. However, they found that I have 2 polyps in my uterus. Doc said we need to remove it or embryos may not stick. So, we did that surgery.

    1. However, I need to know is there any chance of conceiving naturally after this surgery?
    2. Could polyps be a reason preventing me from getting pregnant?
    I want to try conceiving naturally post hysteroscopy. However, doctor wants me to be on birth control pills and suggests not going through naturally conceiving cycle.

    Does birth control pills help not develop polyps?

    I don't know what to do ...

  2. wish4miracle

    wish4miracle Gold IL'ite

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    I don't have knowledge of polyps, but my answers would be

    1. I feel there is always chance of conceiving naturally as far as all other mandatory parameters are clear.
    2. Could be. Even if all parameters are almost good, people like me find delay in conceiving. Thus we cannot come up with any conclusion right away.

    I came here to let you know that taking birth control pills will be the first step for ivf. I am wondering if your doctor had prescribed the pills as part of ivf process or to avoid conceiving naturally for some reason (may be your uterus Need to be at rest after your surgery).
    please talk to your doctor to know his intention for prescribing bc pills. If he is about to start for ivf, u can tell him u need a break for a cycle and ask him if u can try naturally. If it is intended for your uterus or for something else, take break until he says its okay to try naturally. And then if still didn't work u can ask for initiating ivf.

    I have heard polyps may or may not return and this could be reason he wants u to start ivf asap. Don't rush into any conclusions. Talk to your doctor and sort out a suitable solution. Hope everything turns out good for you.
  3. wish4miracle

    wish4miracle Gold IL'ite

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    I don't have knowledge of polyps, but my answers would be

    1. I feel there is always chance of conceiving naturally as far as all other mandatory parameters are clear.
    2. Could be. Even if all parameters are almost good, people like me find delay in conceiving. Thus we cannot come up with any conclusion right away.

    I came here to let you know that taking birth control pills will be the first step for ivf. I am wondering if your doctor had prescribed the pills as part of ivf process or to avoid conceiving naturally for some reason (may be your uterus Need to be at rest after your surgery).
    please talk to your doctor to know his intention for prescribing bc pills. If he is about to start for ivf, u can tell him u need a break for a cycle and ask him if u can try naturally. If it is intended for your uterus or for something else, take break until he says its okay to try naturally. And then if still didn't work u can ask for initiating ivf.

    I have heard polyps may or may not return and this could be reason he wants u to start ivf asap. Don't rush into any conclusions. Talk to your doctor and sort out a suitable solution. Hope everything turns out good for you.

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