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Huge Dilemma!?

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by Kukudukuu, Mar 3, 2017.

  1. Kukudukuu

    Kukudukuu Silver IL'ite

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    It is not about responsibility, which he certainly doesn't have the option to choose. His mother and sister are controlling him and his finances. And nobody is interfering in their lives. It is after more than 2 years of no progress, when we enquired, we get to know the whole thing. Which was not known to us otherwise. And about sharing, it can be done with people whom we can bank on. BIL will never get a chance to stand up for himself unless he chooses to do so.. no opportunity will keep coming every now and then, we have to make one for ourselves. And he shares every single conversation that happens with him and my sister and family.
  2. joylokhi

    joylokhi Platinum IL'ite

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    I feel it is too early in the marriage for your family to try to do anything for your sister. She needs to talk out her future course of action with him and decide how they will manage. You say she has been married for only 10 months, but at the same time there has been no progress for more than 2 years - progress on what ?
    She can be firm and see to it that she does not leave her job or her financial independence until her husband lands himself a proper job and settles down.
    Your parents also need not at this stage help him out financially . Your sister can on the other hand discuss with him and see to what extent she can help him out to ease the situation. As Yogirl rightly says, it is better both the families do not interfere and allow the couple some time and space to decide things within themselves.
    Cantdecide likes this.
  3. Kukudukuu

    Kukudukuu Silver IL'ite

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    Aunty, none of us have spoken about this to BIL or his family. It is just a dilemma that we are facing, infact we have not discussed this in detail with my parents either. My mother is suffering from ulcerative colitis and any kind of stress can flare up the ulcers and her health will deteriorate. I have posted here so that we get an insight on how to go about handling the situation without disturbing my mom's health. It has been 2 years that they decided to get married and BIL at that point in time told that he wanted to relocate to a different location which would be done before the wedding,which has not happened yet. It is a different story if a serious effort is being put in. He will only talk loads of unnecessary stuff, most of which does not make sense , my sister says. She says she is fed up of hearing his baseless stories. She doesn't plan to quit working though, that will support her finances in the long term.
    joylokhi likes this.
  4. Sunshine04

    Sunshine04 Platinum IL'ite

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    of course.his parents are his responsibility
  5. armummy

    armummy Platinum IL'ite

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    If the husband is not in interested in working , is your sister willing to take on a househusband and take are of him lifelong ... He can be assigned domestic duties if he is ready to take on house husband role ?

    If she needs a working spouse , I think she needs to have hard discussion with the man and decide if she really want to continue this marriage .

    In these days of change man can also have a choice of staying at home provided wife is in full agreement and is taking on primary breadwinner role .
    momsky likes this.
  6. Cantdecide

    Cantdecide Silver IL'ite

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    Your parents are too involved and it probably pushes him away from trying to do anything for himself. Let him figure out what to do with your sister, they need to discuss this as a couple. If he does not want to work - then your sister will need to decide if she wants to work while her husband is a stay-at-home husband / dad and they can discuss if he will take care of the housework, etc. If he is irresponsible with money that is a huge problem however, and he needs to maybe take a financial literacy class or sign up online for a budgeting tool. Your sister needs to make sure he isn't using her name for any applications for credit cards
    Kukudukuu likes this.
  7. chocolate

    chocolate Platinum IL'ite

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    OP, Your sister needs to put her foot down and tell him to do something about present state. I don't think your BIL is responsible enuf for marriage. He is using the guise of his parents to hide from marital responsibilities. Is he making any effort to find a job or to better his prospects. Your parents shud never offer to sponsor his education. Bangalore is not cheap and neither is day to day living. Where are your BIL's parents in all this. Shudnt they be a part of their son's future. Your parents are only opening a bottomless pit by telling they can sponsor. Never do that mistake. For money hungry in laws and irresponsible husbands this is one step close to lap of luxury. A responsible man will never take leave for months together to look for jobs.He is just testing waters to become a ghar jamai with all luxuries and no work.

    Your sister shud safeguard her income in all possible ways. I apologize but this maybe the right time to set your sister's marriage on right path by intervention of parents and family rather than think its too early to do it. By not intervening , the present state will continue and your sister wud be yrs into marriage with no way out nor suddenly reformed husband.Your parents shud have a frank talk with your BIL and tell him he has to become a responsible husband rather then a holiday husband. He has to start looking for jobs in your sister's city and join her soon. Your parents may help looking for accommodation but that shud be it.If he dilly dally's your parents shud insist that your sister separate for some time. That shud drive some sense into your BIL. The bigger picture is your sister can cut her losses now rather than wait 5 yrs to a similar state of mind husband.Good Luck.
    rashdes02, NeetaR and Kukudukuu like this.
  8. Kukudukuu

    Kukudukuu Silver IL'ite

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    Thank you for your response.. for now there's nothing much happening about this. My mother is not keeping well and all our efforts are on to help her recover quickly. This is our current 1st priority. But sponsoring for studies has been put on hold. Even if they happen to stay at parents place, they have decided to take care of the household expenses like grocery and all..
  9. Kukudukuu

    Kukudukuu Silver IL'ite

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    This is a very valid point. No just in this case, but with anyone.. thanks for sharing this..
  10. chocolate

    chocolate Platinum IL'ite

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    Op,I think letting them stay with your parents maybe a very bad idea. Your sister will end up being in middle and fending for husband to you and taking backlash from husband. Moral of the story , your sister will end up being a punching bag.Not to mention, slowly boundaries will fade and she will end up taking entire responsibility of her household with her hubby taking it easy,I still think your parents shud refrain from inviting them to move in with them. Either your parents or your sister will slowly be saddled with all responsibilities. Your mom recovery period is a good opportunity to think about all this.Logical step wud be to tell your BIL to move to your sister's city after getting a job and your parents helping to find rentals. Good Luck.

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