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How To Say 'no' Politely?

Discussion in 'Friends & Neighbours' started by anivijay, Jun 12, 2017.

  1. anivijay

    anivijay Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks BhumiBabe. I have followed ur suggestion and gave the hint.. lets see..
    BhumiBabe likes this.
  2. anivijay

    anivijay Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks Silento for the ideas. I've started with 2 days and he knew already they have class on Fridays. I could not say lies in front of the kids. That's the issue. For that reason, I have enrolled them for swimming today. Ofcourse, it's long time plan. so that's fine. I pray to god that he understands the hint.
  3. anivijay

    anivijay Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks for the concern yelllowmango. My fault, I didn't consult with my husband and said ok. Infact we had a terrible experience like this before. Happend 2 years ago, one of husband's colleague came for onsite with family with a disabled child. He asked whether he could stay in our house for 3 days as he could not stay in hotel with disabled child. He said ok. We are living in 2bhk and we gave 1 bedroom for them and we 4 squeezed in our bedroom. It's been 7 days and those family didnt show any sign of moving out. they were very comfortable cooking , eating and enjoying like they are in their own home. But they wont buy anything not even milk. When they came from India, they came with 1/4kg of sweet from India. That's it. Our landlord is living next door. He would feel like we have sublet the property. And we were not able to sleep properly 4 in a bed. So my husband asked them to do some other arrangements and vacate that week end. they stayed in our house for 10days. They moved and he asked how much he had to pay? We said we don't need anything. They moved out and stayed with another family for 2 months (ofcourse they paid part of the rent and bought their own grocery) and moved to a house in 3rd month. But never invited us for their house not even once. They went back to India after a year and didn't even tell us good bye. Now I heard she gave birth to 2nd child and come here again. Not even a phone call. This is what we got for helping people.

    But I felt bad, that we hurted them. They got hurted so much that they couldnt even see us :( . Even after we suffered for 10 days, they left our home being hurted. Somehow I forgot this incident and went into trouble. But trying to be careful not to hurt them. I would have taken care of this child atleast till this term, if he comes and picks her up at decent time. But I feel, he crossed the limits. sometimes that girl talked to her mother from her dad's mobile when she is at our home. That lady didn't even care to talk to me atleast once and said thanks. This guy never asked me whether it is ok for me or I have any other plans, before leaving her at our house for the entire day. Anyhow husband is planning to say to him to make alternate arrangements.
  4. anivijay

    anivijay Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks for your concern. Infact, I didn't even think about that situation. Thanks for reminding me. Ofcourse I would be in trouble.. no doubt in that..Let me stay out of this.
  5. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    OP, you are missing the point made in some responses. It is not about how to say no politely but how to stop this service ASAP. It is a huge risk taking care of a child for such a long duration without proper paperwork. A huge risk. A simple, small mistake on your part or that child simply being a child can cost you and your family dearly.

    : ) I can imagine the scene where he comes to pick up .. why you tell him you are feeling bad at no advance notice when you are actually, well, posting a thread to find ways to say no. : ) BTDT many times.. unable to say No. Anyway, that was the first mistake. You sort of apologize (!), give a "reason", he offers alternates/solutions, you hastily find loopholes in those alternates... : )


    Again, you are trying to solve his "problem". In such situations, there is no way out but to give a plain no, accompanied with a non-negotiable reason. The wording suggested by Soka is good.

    Given that you have dealt with him directly all these weeks, it will be odd for your husband to talk to him. And, your husband might not be able to say a plain No.

    Ideal would be if you and your husband can talk to him without any children around, and tell him that once in a while is fine, but providing care on a continued basis without paperwork is not something you are willing to do. And if he agrees to paperwork (and payment), ask him to find out what paperwork is needed. : ) Once, the topic of paperwork has come up, also tell clearly that you will be able to restart the service only after paperwork is final.
    MNR, Mistt, vaidehi71 and 2 others like this.
  6. anivijay

    anivijay Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks Lithika. I should learn the art of saying 'NO'. Never thought people would take us for granted for such an extent. They dont even realise that..They think like , they have given me previledge of taking care of their daughter.
    sindmani likes this.
  7. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    It is the age old thinking that people have - anyway she is a SAHM, taking care of her kids. What's one more.

    I am more surprised that the girl's mother is fine with the girl being in your house for so many hours each day without having detailed questions and directions (and hopefully profuse thanks) for you.
    sindmani, vaidehi71 and sokanasanah like this.
  8. Elsa

    Elsa Gold IL'ite

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    It is very risky to take responsibility of young children in the United States. You might end up in trouble or his kids could be taken away and sent to foster homes. I am not sure if the kids father is aware of the rules here, you might want to help him understand the rules here.

    Also, am I the only one or can someone sense that all is not well between the couple (the kids father and mother)? OP, if you have any such doubts, stay away from them. I mean, be on good terms, but do not offer to watch the kids.
    MNR and sindmani like this.
  9. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    OP, the time for dropping hints has long passed. You have to bluntly tell this man that he needs to make other arrangements for his child. You are not available to babysit any more. You are also leaving yourself open to a huge liability, if anything happens to the child on your watch. Just say no.
    anivijay and sindmani like this.
  10. momsky

    momsky Gold IL'ite

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    OP, just tell him you can't look after his child anymore. No need to explain him in details. He is obviously using you to his own advantage, so don't feel bad. If he keeps insisting, remind him that it is past the original agreement and that you only want to look after your own children. This will not sound rude or bad if said in an apologetic/sympathetic tone.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2017

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