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How to Remove Chin Hair

Discussion in 'Body Care' started by cheer, Aug 23, 2007.

  1. ashukrishna

    ashukrishna Bronze IL'ite

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    hello friends...
    one of my friend crossed this problem ...
    she use to plug the hair over her chin n upper lip....the result is dark marks, thick hair growth... as plugging stimulates hair growth...

    no remedies can do wonders overnight... if so it's creating harm to ur skin...

    like to share few tips i collected for you people.. but need to follow regularly for 45 days... after gradually decrease n make it as once in 3days...

    1. jus haldhi n neem wont work... u need to mix karisalangani... (if u got any friends, relatives, family in india... ask thm 2 prepare in powder form... so tht u can use it )
    2. use sugar n honey ... or sugar n lime juice.. make it a precipitate..(keep some resudue )..apply in the same direction of ur hair growth... allow it to dry thn while whashing use normal tapwater, splash on ur face.. thn rub in mild circular movements using ur fore finger n middle finger with the help of the left out resude...
    this helps in bleeching as well as making the hair soft... n plugs naturaly....

    now she is free from her problem.. but still folows it regularly...
  2. maliniglow

    maliniglow Gold IL'ite

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    hi friend,
    If you apply turmeric or some flour for months it would not go..
    Best remedy is threading ...if your have long hair you could try sugar waxing as it is natural and no chemicals .100% safe.
    Thread you facial hair and apply this mixture daily..Kuppameni and koraikiranghu and turmeric...Turmeric is soften your hair and kuppameni reduces from growing longer...by next time you notice hair smaller or fallen off.My mom have chin hair ,she has longer hair and now i threaded it now her hair reduced and i have also noticed some hair fallen by this mixture..you too could try it...:cheers
  3. LiseCharmel

    LiseCharmel New IL'ite

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    Chin hair can be an embarrassing and annoying problem for many women. However, there are a number of removal options that you can try. If you need to learn how to remove chin hair, simply read the information listed below.

    1. Step 1
      Consider shaving your chin hair. You can use a disposable razor with shaving cream or an electric razor. Shaving is cheap and effective, however it only lasts a few days and you risk cutting your face.
    2. Step 2
      Try plucking your chin hairs with tweezers. Simply pull your skin so it's taut, then grab a single piece of hair close to the root with the tweezers. Then, pull the hair out. Plucking chin hairs with tweezers is inexpensive, however it's also time-consuming and painful.
    3. Step 3
      Purchase a depilatory or hair removal cream. These products will dissolve the hair, leaving your skin smooth for up to a few weeks. Although they work quickly, depilatories are usually messy and have a strong odor. They can also cause negative skin reactions. You may need to purchase a special type of depilatory designed for your face.
    4. Step 4
      Visit a salon and ask to have your chin waxed. Or, purchase an at-home waxing kit and do it yourself. The great thing about waxing is that it usually lasts for about a month. Plus, the hair often grows back lighter so it isn't as noticeable. On the downside, waxing is very painful.
    5. Step 5
      Consider electrolysis. This process involves a professional technician who inserts a needle into the follicle of your chin hair, sending an electric current through it. The current permanently kills the hair. The best thing about electrolysis is that you'll never need to have the hair removed again. However, it's usually quite expensive and time-consuming.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2009

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