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How to overcome negative thoughts

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Sriniketan, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. Sriniketan

    Sriniketan IL Hall of Fame

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    <TABLE width="100%"><TD vAlign=top>[FONT=verdana, helvetica, arial]Promoting The Positive
    Negative Pull Sometimes we start out with the best intentions to think and speak only positive thoughts, but the people around us throw us off course. Not everyone fully understands the power our thoughts and words have, or even if they do, they may be stuck in old patterns of negativity. Much of our habitual communication takes the form of complaining and criticizing, and it can be hard to find a way into certain conversations without lapsing into those old habits. However, we always have the option not to participate in negativity or to find a way to influence the situation in a positive direction. In the right company, you may even be able to directly acknowledge the fact that things have taken a negative turn, thus freeing yourself and others from the negative pull.

    Not everyone will respond to your cues, and there’s no need to become overly attached to the idea of changing other people, because people have to choose for themselves how they will be in the world. Many people choose negativity because it is familiar to them and feels safe. It is important to give people the space to find their own way, but you can always set an example, subtly representing the power of being positive. At times you may interject an affirmative statement into the conversation, and at others you may simply change the subject. You may also simply withdraw your energy and presence, which also makes a subtle statement. If you feel comfortable enough with somebody that is always negative, perhaps you can have an honest conversation with them; after all, awareness is the first step to change.

    A powerful way to free yourself from the negative pull is to enlist allies who are similarly minded. You and a friend, coworker, or family member may agree to work together to continually shift the energy in a situation in a positive direction. The power of two people working to promote the positive is exponentially greater than one person working on their own. As you and your allies work together to lift the energy around you, you will be amazed to see how quickly the positive pull begins to draw people into its orbit, freeing one mind after another from negativity into light.

    <TD width=15> <TD vAlign=top align=left width=150>[FONT=verdana, helvetica, arial][​IMG]

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  2. Padmash

    Padmash Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi Sriniketan,

    thanks for posting this invaluable guide to life. we all know we should think positive but this negative thought is grasping our minds. in todays competetive world we want everything immediate in the hand and ready to do anything for that whether its correct or not. we can see now a days so many people are going to psychiatrist for some treatment its not only with working people its for housewives too. negative thought is killing younger ones specially, like hell. same for me too when anything goes wrong first thought comes to mind is negative, i know my weakpoint then i give a second thought. I am waiting for the day when my first reaction will be positive one for all the issues.
  3. sunkan

    sunkan Gold IL'ite

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    dear sri,
    nice to see this post, i have posted a relevant one with this a title is praise dont curse for ur own good, regards sunkan
  4. Sriniketan

    Sriniketan IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Padma,
    Thank you for the quick FB. Everybody are in the same boat. So don't feel sad. Keep in mind that God will test our strengh of mind if we make any decision to quit for good.(For e.g. if we decide not to get angry that day immediately something happens so that we had to go off the decision to get angry). This is because He wants us to shine more than ever, as gold goes through various stages and becomes an ornament or whatever in our hands. Don't give up and chant His name always and also when the negative thought arises. Due to practice you will feel that you are chanting God's name at the onset of negative thoughts. I am also trying the same. You can subscribe to the e-mail newsletter of DAILY OM. It is free. They post such articles daily (mon-fri) every week.
    Best of luck.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2007
  5. cheer

    cheer Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Sriniketan,

    Good post, thanx for sharing with us. That's true we have the choice either be positive or to avoid negative by staying away frm them includes ur friends, co-workers etc.

  6. Sriniketan

    Sriniketan IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Sunkan,
    Sorry for repeating the same matter under a different heading. After reading this article in the mail immediately i thought that i had read this under your post. Moreover I made up mind to post it because I thought ,good articles can be read any number of times to get into our mind, eventhough it is under different headings.

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  7. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sriniketan,

    What a great thread to start the new year! First of all, I wish you a wonderful new year 2014.

    In my opinion, negative thoughts are originated from our feeling that we are this body and mind. When our thoughts are questioned or our ideas are considered ridiculous, our ego gets hurt significantly. Similarly, fear, hate, jealousy, anger and all negative qualities also contribute to the negative thoughts. When we suppress negative thoughts, it resurfaces every now and then. Best thing is to take it head on and analyze the root cause of such negative thoughts. Once we understand where it stems from, it is easier to address the root cause than peripherally removing the negative thoughts.

    Learning to accept criticism of our thoughts gently with respect and communicating our differences in views respectfully to others when we are not in agreement with them, are some of the habits we need to inculcate. Our job is to refine ourselves through continuous learning process and not to work on the qualities of others.

    Negative thoughts when put into action, actually impacts us more than the person to whom it is addressed. The negative thoughts are originated at our lower mind that projects itself as unconquered hero whereas Self belief and confidence stems from higher consciousness. We often confuse between the two.

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  8. orchidgb

    orchidgb Silver IL'ite

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    one of my sil is a very positive person and always think positively. it is only for her. but when it comes to my and my sister she will talk all the negative and make us cry. i do not know how to tackle her. if people surrounding us make us to feel negative then how can we get positive thoughts. i am just wondering....
  9. orchidgb

    orchidgb Silver IL'ite

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    viswa sir thank you very much for the post. i got enlightened.
  10. RADIODOC679

    RADIODOC679 Gold IL'ite

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    Like they say like attracts like-the more negative we are-the more we attract it-Newspaper,TV everthing has only negativity because they show crime,offenses,torture etc...The more we see such things more negative we become.Less tv/less paper.More meditation/exercise/more family time with ones who cheer you up-something i am working on-since i have only negative ions from both sides -parents & inlaws--also eating right food-less prepared-more rawfood helps.Mediattion & exercise will solve 70-80% problems-more endorphins-difficult to be negative!!

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