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How to move dry food items while relocating?

Discussion in 'General Discussions - USA & Canada' started by sunitha, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. sunitha

    sunitha Gold IL'ite

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    We will be relocating within a month to Columbus.We are engaging movers for the relocation.They say they will not move any food items inclusive of dry food items like rice,dals etc. Have any of u gone thru' this type of an experience? How did you move your dry food items like rice,dals,flours,spices etc.?

  2. Vidya24

    Vidya24 Gold IL'ite

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    I shifted twice ,both times movers refused to pack dal, rice,atta, spices etc. I wrapped them tightly in plastic bags and kept them with kitchen stuff. They packed it along with the vessels etc and it got transported. I suppose what they did not know did not harm them.

    A couple of points: since you are moving within the US, I guess this will not be illegal import.

    Also, I guess your stuff will arrive, be unpacked and be in circulation within a month. In my case, my stuff came after two months- the atta spoilt. The dals got weevils in them. Also, if you are taking things from the deep freezer and packing them,it is not a good idea. They spoil faster.

    The main reason why packers refuse to move stuff, I guess is cos of this weevils problem. They may even move to other cargo.

    If possible, try to carry all the dry stuff with you. I also gave off a lot of stuff to friends, esp if you have unopened packs of sugar,dry fruit,jaggery etc- the local temples will happily accept them.

    Goodluck with your move.
  3. sunitha

    sunitha Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks a lot,Vidya.

    The movers say they will accept unopened sealed packets and at the same time they say they will not accept any food items..I am quite confused.

    I am not planning to take any deep freezed items ,for that matter any items from the fridge,well, everything will get over by then,thank God!

    The movers have two options-one set of stuff they will deliver within 6-7 days and the rest will go into storage for about 1 1/2 months until we find a place to reside permanently. Even in the 6-7 days delivery,they are not willing to accept things like rice and dal which is what amazes me.We are still discussing with the co-ordinator there,lets hope we get an amicable solution.
    If nothing else works,we might end up couriering these ourselves or distributing it here.

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