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How To Keep Appropriate Distance?

Discussion in 'Relationship With In-Laws' started by MindVoice, Apr 30, 2019.

  1. MindVoice

    MindVoice Silver IL'ite

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    I feel caught in an awkward situation.
    H. has no contact or connections with my family. For any birthdays or festivals, I call them up and wish them and show him too and he will wish in one line and give a 2-sec smile before pushing the phone towards me.
    This is his maximum contact, when he is feeling generous.
    We have gone to India twice and he would just say hello and keep to himself thereafter.

    Being a Son-in-law, it is easy for him to ignore his in-laws. He comes face-to-face with my parents once every 2-3 years for 2-3 days max - that too for short pockets of time.
    Whereas I no longer feel like mingling with his family when they all ignore me and mine like this. But my in-laws stay with us for half the year (we live abroad).
    I went from close (for years) to nice (for years) to cordial to currently wishing on occasion, just like him.
    My problem though is that my in-laws are constantly involved online and offline in my husband and daughter's life, and they treat my aloofness as disrespect (not insight to his own behaviour).
    If I continue this when my in-laws are here, they will happily blame me for exclude me (they already do this everytime they come here). They will say that I only don't want to be involved. Whereas, I do, but am hurt at how they exclude me and my family, and so want to just keep off. And even when I stay away, it is punishing to me as I have to move out of my own child's life (her bday, and most festivals happen when they are here). Catch-22.

    It is also practically pretty complicated to live aloof with in laws... I am confused where to draw the line..

    Please advise me on how to deal with this?
    nakshatra1 likes this.

  2. Moochi

    Moochi Bronze IL'ite

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    I've read your previous posts too. Hopefully things are good between your H and you... Because that is what should matter to you. But from your previous posts it did not feel like he was supportive. If things have changed and he's now supportive... You should do everything in y our power to maintain the status quo. The ILmembers will come in with lot of advice I'm sure. You can even read up advices to your past posts.

    But that's not what I want to tell you. My advice is you should have self respect. You should not let them take it for granted.Are you working now? If not I don't know what is stopping you from taking up job. That is what most women will advice you here I'm sure. So you should think of this.

    Just don't give them the satisfaction of hurting you. Show them you don't care what they think of you. Then they will stop with this nonsense.
  3. Anusha2917

    Anusha2917 IL Hall of Fame

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    Once my husband asked me(during early marriage days) " did you talk you my mom ? Did u call my sisters ?"
    I asked him "did u call my mom? Did you call my sister ? forget calling have you ever asked me how they are doing in this one year . ? " he didn't answer nor expected an answer from me.
    Initially he was like that. Plan only for his family. Talk only about his family . When it came to my family there was no discussion.
    To change that attitude and bring that equality I have put a lot of effort from my side.
    Some suggestions .
    1) to start with can you ask your parents to come n stay with you in the foreign country you stay? If not for long duration like 6 months ask them to come for 1 or 2 months.
    2) When your parents are around pull your husband into any small conversation with them. Like ask his suggestion. "can we do this, do that ,do u have a different idea etc" in front of your parents.
    3) involve him in your weekly video calls with them. Teach him to ask basic courtesy questions about their health , well-being etc. Let the conversation be small for 2 mins only but let him talk everytime u r on a call.
    4) start sharing some childhood stories with him. Like your dad/ mum did this. Let it conclude like "how much of an important role your parents have played in your life ".
    Share some funny incidents with him about your mom and dad and what u did as a child.
    5) get your in laws to talk to your parents on occasions. If they stay in same cities ask your parents to invite them to small functions and festivals. This way they will bond and your hubby will at least notice that.
    6) your other problem I see is you feel left out because you try to do the same as he's doing to you. This will not work and backfire as they will take advantage of this and they will use you to their advantage .

    Work on tactfully changing his attitude towards your family.
  4. senorita2019

    senorita2019 Gold IL'ite

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    @Anusha2917 has given great ideas.

    The key here is equality. You Dh is not going to bring the equality, you have to. Your DH and inlaws are not going to give equality on a platter, you have to shove it down their throat and make them digest it. Indian parents dont teach all this and expect son to ignore his inlaws. But as a wife you have to teach.

    Include him in weekly phone calls, set a rule that his parents can come for 3 months and your parents will come for 3 months each year, when are you visiting 50% of the time be with your parents. Show old albums and educate him about your parents and upbringing. Its a huge undertaking and you DH will sulk a lot but end of the day he will know that you are determined and budge.

    Or easy route is to ignore his parents and treat them just like how your DH is treating his parents. But since they are in US for 6 months, you will be the one who is going to be lonely and suffer. So better take the tough route and educate your DH as to how to mingle with inlaws and have a balanced relationship with parents and inlaws.
  5. Anusha2917

    Anusha2917 IL Hall of Fame

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    This is 100 % true.
    No matter how modern/forward thinking these men boast of at the end of the it's our efforts which matters in situation like this.
    Doesn't happen with one or two attempts. Everytime there's a chance you have to put that effort in making that point clear "my family is also important for US".
    Can't expect men will be born which such qualities. We have to change them step by step.
  6. MindVoice

    MindVoice Silver IL'ite

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    Hmmm... H. easily evades conversation with my family - I usually have major time crunch and barely manage to call my parents and spend a few minutes with them on phone, especially when in-laws come. More chores. So he easily disappears when I pick up the phone.

    It makes me very agitated/upset when I try to involve H. and he either evades or refuses or finally does it as if he is doing me a great favour. It ruins my mood for the day, that I actually have started preferring not involving him at all. But that won't work when his parents are around - unless I am to feel that I have no family at all... I don't want to be close with them either. Yet, staying aloof will not affect them, only me. I have actually emotionally given up on all festivals in the second half of the year now. It's not what I want either but ...

    I like the concept of educating the husband, and shoving down equality down their throats.
    However, handing the phone to people who don't want to talk to your parents seems like begging them... and when they do it with such attitude, you feel you are doing your parents a disservice.

    I am also wondering if I should just let them leave be, and not try to nurture any relationship between them and my FOO. How practical is that, how will that work out? I don't know.

    Should I just shrug off/accept the disrespectful tag?
    H is oversensitive about his parents - this will probably lead to major mistreatment (ie silent treatment and exclusion again); if that happens, just throw in the towel and walk away is all I can think of..

    Lots of thoughts.
  7. SinghManisha

    SinghManisha Platinum IL'ite

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    If I were you I would make sure that the connection / conversations with my parents continue when the in laws are here. Once a week of “ I have to talk to my parents, so please eat out or please put munni to sleep “ should convey the message that your parents are important. So chores can wait. There is no need to beg or plead for the husband to talk to your parents. Meanwhile, don’t feel pressured to cater to his parents all the time either .
    Your husbands silent treatment is a whole another issue. It is not tied to his love for his parents but more to him having his way in everything. The extra attention to his parents and subsequent ignoring of you is purely emotional manipulation .

    MindVoice likes this.
  8. DDream

    DDream Finest Post Winner

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    Unless the man stays with PILS its not easy to form a friendship, especially if he is staying away from wife's parents. So its not so easy. But women after marriage stay with PILs so they form an acquaintance. Even if not they are expected to form one. Unfortunately this setup makes all these issues.

    What you can do.. Dont change who you are and what you normally do during in laws visit. Showing lack of confidence or aloof wont help. You can be happy as usual but maintain distance. But participate in everything as usual. Talk as usual to your parents when pils are there. If you stop its your problem. No need to blame others for it. Once in a while keep speaker phone on and involve everyone in phone call. Let PILs talk to your parents and h like that. You can ask dh in their presence to talk to parents. Its up to him to talk or not. But dont expect it. No need to leave what you like to do. He can decide what to do. Always keep phone in speaker mode in this case. Talking and discussing about why he dont end up in more cold fronts. Better avoid. Do it in smart way. If you want to talk to your parents not in their presence, then lock door and talk whenever you want.

    Take care of your parents like the way you want. You can control only what you do. If you do video call every week do that as usual even when they are here.

    Learn to talk and behave normal when they are there. Do minimum as usual. As they are here every six months try to be a friend of them than a servant. Participate in their discussions instead of running way. Sit with all of them. Ask help when ever needed. Maintain that confidence in your attitude and body language. Always remember they are your PILs not parents, maintain that respectable distance.

    Running away from the problem is not a solution in your case.
    MindVoice likes this.
  9. MindVoice

    MindVoice Silver IL'ite

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    Wow so simple.. And I'd have never thought of saying this!!!!:smash2: Thanx!

    Very valuable advice, @DDream.. reading it again and again.

    H. wanted me to wish his parents for an occasion, and I coolly mentioned are we calling my parents too? And he calmly said yes, and followed through. I was so surprised myself and felt like an idiot. But once he got his way, its back to home base. He has conveniently ignored two events in my family - actually had an argument with me on both occasions so I won't ask him when we are fighting!!!! I am sooo mad.

    The problem with me talking to parents is they are still working and busy and it's really tough to match our schedules and time-zones. I struggle even now. I am really clueless how to make it happen once the chore-load increases and H. happily absconds into his parents' company...@DDream is right that it is my problem...must figure out a way. Hmmm.

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