I hear legal recordings of myself when I am on the opine running errands, my voice sounds immature and almost infantile. Maybe that’s why I struggle to get things fine, whereas people with more authoritative voice (without being forceful), are able to get things done in one phone call. I am unable to find credible resources fir marking ines voice aithiritative, yet feminine. I’m thinking more of Western actresses of yesteryears. @Gauri03 Did you notice improvements in your voice, or how people responded to you once you started mastering Hindustani vocals? After all, aren’t you engaging your diaphragm to give more force, yet less air pressure when singing? Sinilwr case for practicing Bansuri , or any wind instrument I am interested in what you all advise.
I haven't noticed any changes in my speaking voice. I'm not sure musical training can change your speaking voice noticeably. Movie stars work with voice coaches to achieve perfect tone and diction. If your voice bothers you there is no harm in getting a consultation with a voice coach. A cursory Google search brought up a bunch of YouTube videos and online courses.
After enrolling to the coaching courses on Public speaking, I've changed my voice & tone a lot, especially when I am communicating with outsiders. This has helped me so much to maintain this firm tone with a calm voice now a days. Earlier, my tone was the culprit. Even though, I was peaceful inside, my tone would project something else